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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Yeah...i know what that place is like. I'm stuck there EVERY day that I work.....there are more drugs run through that place than anyone wants to admit....it's a hole in the ground.
  2. o rings.....hmmm.....wait you're talkin' about fishin right???
  3. wow.....where do you guys do this....i need some tickets lol...... Be careful......i've seen what 200kph looks like when it rear ends a car going 60......no cool
  4. congrats buddy!
  5. really???? no wonder people were so squirly today....it was nuts, nothing happened then 3pm hits and all poop hit the fan....
  6. i've played.....but simunition is better lol.....it's the closest thing to being shot with a real bullet....
  7. 15 over means he got a break......definitely going faster than that!
  8. 1) the initial on the ticket doesn't matter, he'll get convicted anyway. 2) It's not the year of the vehicle on the ticket, it's the year of his licence plate validation. My advice to him, depending of the size of the ticket....if he got dinged for less than 15 over, just pay it, there's no points....if it's greater than 15, request a first attendance meeting with the crown and he'll get the fine reduced. Don't let him fight the ticket by himself lol.....everyone i've seen get a ticket and fight it by themselves they lose and will get full whacked by the JP..... going to POINTTS or Ex Copper or any other ticket defender is not worth it...they get the same results that you would if you go speak with the crown prosecutor. Any questions, just ask Dave
  9. Ummm.....like I said before....it's not a big deal...move on I think people get too wrapped up in everything. Let it go...it didn't violate any of his charter rights, he wasn't given a ticket, and he went home after a day of fishing..... geez.....can't we all just drink in peace...err...i mean get along????
  10. i'd say fly lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have fun man!
  11. yup. that's exactly why he asked.....i forget the term that they use (course i took was a while ago) anyway....if someone is intoxicated, he or she cannot do more than one thing at once. So, perhaps asking for his licence to see how he fumbles through his wallet could be a clue........besides.....if you're drunk you always tell the police that you're hammered right?????????????? c'mon....all i gotta say is WHO CARES lol.......
  12. ALL Police Officers in Ontario can enforce a PROVINCIAL offence ANYWHERE in ONTARIO.....not only are we law enforcement....we are also PROVICIAL OFFENCE OFFICERS.....
  13. A jammed finger is no problem. I doubt it's broken because you can actually move it.....if it's that bad, tape your fingers together, otherwise don't worry about it. It'll be better in a few days. Just ice it 15min on and 15 min off 7x for the next few days and it'll be better.
  14. How incredible would he have been if he'd been clean.....drafted in '99 would have been called up in '00 or '01 and would have dominated since..... good for him
  15. nope....unless it's impaired...at least that's my understanding. as for insurance companies...they don't find out about your driving record unless you change your insurance and they really don't care unless you lose points.
  16. since when? traffic court is scheduled on your day shifts....i don't get paid extra, in fact if I don't have a reason to miss court i can get fined........as for the OPP they have to go to court on their day shifts... as for bogus tickets...how is it bogus if a driver does something wrong and gets caught????
  17. definitely.....but right now i'm too burnt to move lol
  18. Want, not sure how bad the wait time is in Durham Region, but in York Region you're looking at 9 months until you can do that......which is good and bad...good in a sense that you won't have to pay a cent until then...bad because you have to wait. Usually the crown is pretty good, if you're honest and don't argue with them. They'll help you out.
  19. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA of course they're gonna say that. They want you to go straight to trial so they take your money....you'll get the same result with the crown that you would with a paralegal....and what's worse, he takes your money because they guarantee that you'll win....well they don't tell you that they'll get your fine reduce lol....and most likely the copper shows up unless something happens and they can't get there. We HAVE to go to traffic court and i wouldn't take the chance............lol....good luck Oh and BTW, if you fight the ticket yourself, i can GUARANTEE you're paying the full whack.....
  20. yeah pretty much.....you're gonna get it dropped anyway....either they'll reduce the fine or they may drop one tag and have you plead guilty to the other. Your best option is set up a meeting with the crown prosecutor....it's one of your option on the back of the provincial offence notice.
  21. Hey all, Pikehunter (Harry) and I decided to get out and do some fishing in Dunnville this morning. Weather was great, water was calm and it shaped up to be a great day. We launched at Fishmasters at about 7:30 and trolled the river for a while with limited luck....i grabbed a sheapshead while Pikehunter landed at big channel cat....I laughed but karma works in mysterious ways. We then decided to head out past the pier for a few perch....i think we grabbed 6 perch, a sheepy and a couple of white perch..... Then we headed for some bass but got skunked both fishing and smell wise...the smell of bird turds wasn't too pleasant off the island that we were fishing...sorry don't really remember what it was called.... anyway, we headed back into the river where i FINALLY caught my first walleye...a beauty 18"er....well it wasn't that big but it was my first lol.....Karma came back and i landed a channel and Harry had a great laugh watching me struggle to unhook it.... All in all it was a great day....minus the BRUTAL sun burn i have.....i think next time i'll listen and put sunscreen on! Some pics.....keep in mind neither of us had cameras on the water! My first 'eye! The haul that Harry so generously gave me...since he didn't wanna clean them anyway! the before the middle the after Thanks for a great day Harry, look forward to the next one! Dave
  22. hate to break it to you....that means nothing....absolutely nothing because your papers have to be produced on demand...not 24 hours or 6 months later, same with the flash light.
  23. Just to clarify for cars: 1) the original or a photocopy of both sides of the document is okay. If you can't show me it it's a $85 fine(i do believe, or $65) for failing to produce the permit. No, your car won't be impounded if you don't have your ownership in it. The copper runs your plate and it would most likely come back to your name...besides, most people are terrible liars when you start talking to them.....anyway, as for the tickets, if you haven't noticed 3 people died on Ontario waters in the last week...perhaps the fact that they are being tough on people isn't anything to do with a power trip. I myself have double, triple, quadrupal and qintuple tapped drivers before......each situation is different. On a traffic or safety check you're getting a full wack for everything. As for a quota....the OPP have a quota....2 tickets for 4 shifts (so i have been informed)....if I tried hard enough i could get 2 tickets off of one driver for the amount of stuff that most drivers don't know. A
  24. Or else I'll be lost tomorrow!
  25. how's about we all relax....it happens, move on...perhaps not everyone has fished simcoe or georgian bay, but everyone's driven a car. Peace out...don't drink and drive
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