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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Nice! You're gonna be eatin right for a while!
  2. I thought lynx and bobcat were synonomous? Kinda like cougar and mountain lion
  3. Great capture! I've never seen one outside of the zoo! How far north was it?
  4. its not just about that. if you listen to the organizers that can't even convey a message. there are also other groups protesting for the sake of protesting. i was listening to charles adler on am640 and he was interviewing a ottawa sun journalist who was at the occupy ottawa protest. one loogan confronted him about not giving them proper attention and respect. the reported then asked the "protester" about his cause and what group he represents. the "protester" identified the group and the journalist who writes the social commentary had never heard of it....he then googled the group and found out that the "protester's" group was a KKK group who's sole mission is to linch everyone who has aids/hiv....those are your protesters....
  5. awesome shot lew....i think i saw the same rainbow my morning was awesome...up all night with a crying almost 2 year old....get 3 hrs sleep, wake up, timmies screws up my coffee, driver to work....highlight of the day was the 6 hour walk in the bush for my search and rescue requalification, hit timmies and they mess up my order again this time large with milk means large double double (cream and sugar) yuck...then drive home to find that I had forgotten to take the garbage out now my house smells funky... i blame the government lol
  6. there are a ton of jobs out there. you just have to look, change what you're looking for, keep an open mind etc....
  7. People live beyond their means...amd companies and other industries operate well out of their means.
  8. not me...i have no time, i'm too busy working and taking care of my family. I may not be a CEO or any top earning financial guru, but I am comfortable and i work hard for what i have.
  9. a recent gallop (sic) pole was conducted and the results were staggering, about just under 2 billion people want to come to Canada....i thought to myself 2 billion, that has to be way off.... and they want to come to Canada because we are the 1% lol....granted we have our problems, but we are in much better shape than the majority of developed nations in the world
  10. Corporate greed yes, but I think a lot of the protesters are like my generation and the generation after, they want everything handed to them rather than doing any work....
  11. What's better is that the edge went down to st james park at 9am and everyone was still in their tents sleeping
  12. Its funny how they're protesting when thhe ratio of those who live above the poverty line and those who live below in canada is 1 in 20 and in the US its 1 in 376. Their supporters in media and finance have said that the "occupy" protests don't really apply in canada
  13. A good show like it would be Les Strouds first project where he and his new bride lived in the bush and everything was done to 19th century standards...it was prretty cool
  14. Thanks everyone for your positive thoughts, my mom is doing well, but feeling a lot of pain and discomfort...
  15. Are we talkin about st jacobs boobies??????
  16. Well, I got a call yesterday and I found out that my mother has breast cancer. The doctor found a small mass and a biopsy confirmed that it was cancerous. She and the doctors have no idea how far along the cancer is or if it has spread. She is scheduled for surgery in November. I haven't seen my mother cry so much since my grandmother died almost 20 yrs ago. She's a strong woman, but I don't know if she can handle this. My father is also a wreck and with his heart I'm worried he'll have a heart attack. Anyways, I'm wondering if everyone could say a prayer or send positve thoughts her way. Thanks all Dave
  17. Lew, didn't you help Noah launch the first one? Lol
  18. Hahaha I have both the ipad and the playbook....wait till the kids start fighting over it!
  19. The system is rediculous regardless of what side you're on, if you guys would see how things work and how many judgements are passed you'd freak. The best is seeing the reactions of americans when they find out our hardened criminals very rarely get jail time....
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