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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. I would......if it was the 70's and that charged still existed lol
  2. I received an "email" from CP saying that the ticket has been resolved. Other than that I have no idea what was done, or what is going to change
  3. Ok...so it takes a lot to get me angry......but this takes the cake. Many of the members on the board know that I'm an autograph collector. I use the postal service all the time and have seen a steady decline in decent service. Before I moved in to my current pkace I had several great letter carriers who I could talk to and who took care of the stuff that was delivered to me. Since I moved to where I have a communal mail box, I have had letters containing protected photos forced into the small pigeon hole where they become bent and destroyed. Lately I've noticed things not arriving. Today I found out why. An hour ago (I'm at work) a heavy set man rang my door bell and my wife checked the door but didn't answer. The guy was delivering my mail that was delivered to his house. I could have lost 8 valuable photos. Not only that, I've been receiving other peoples mail for more than a year. I don't know who is dropping the ball, but I've placed a ticket to CP, but I doubt that will solve anything.... Ok. I'm done....
  4. Hey All, I shot another Waterloo Siskins game a while back, here are a few shots
  5. I can assure you the sane ones are few and far between....i should know
  6. Nope, they would tell him that his options are on the back of the ticket and to take it to court
  7. It does seem silly, however, to play devils advocate, if the officer was a traffic enforcement officer she could have been on an equipment blitz and was writing equipment charges all day. Who knows really. We do blitzes all the time - cell phones, seat belts, stop signs, commercial motor vehicle etc... Obviously it seems to be a chincy ticket, but you never know
  8. Spoke with the guys in my office, we all agreed (even the guy that would give a ticket to his grandma) that that was a dumb ass move....
  9. That's what I meant as well, losing a ticket isn't put on your work record.... Believe me lol
  10. No, losing a ticket doesn't go on your record....
  11. white/off white etc are fine...i'm talking about the dummies who put red, purple, dark green lights that make their rice rocket look cool
  12. Only thing he can do is show up to court/request a first attendence meeting with the crown and show proof that he fixed it. I know thats how our court works, i'm not 100% sure about Toronto. Like I said, I've never given a ticket for a burnt out headlight. Its a reason to stop and talk to you, and let you know you have a light out for your safety, but I wouldn't tag you for. That being said, if you have illegal headlights (different colours) then you might get a ticket.
  13. wow, i don't even give those tickets....and i'm a traffic cop
  14. how the hell would that thing swim geez it's huge!
  15. actually drinking in a golf cart is illegal too lol it's considered a motor vehicle under the criminal code
  16. Not if it doesn't have the proper facilities
  17. Its a vessel, no different than drinking in your car so there is still a chance to be charged with care and control or over 80
  18. To answer your question, if you're the operator of the vessel and haven't been drinking you're fine under the criminal code. However, under thr LLA you're looking at about 4 or 5 tickets totalling about $600..... And to clarify, if you are driving in Ontario and you get a ticket here it will affect your drivers license if you're from another province and the majority of the Northern states and vice versa for us Ontarians....
  19. That's like saying its okay to sit in your car, in your driveway drinking in the drivers seat....
  20. Go to the national archives in canada and do a search on his name. You'll find his enlistment papers and where he was killed in action. I have discovered 16 distant relatives that enlisted in ww1 that I didn't know about. 1 was KIA in France and I have his burial plot and cemetary info. As well, the government sent me some info as well along with a certified copy of the page of the book of rememberance where his name appears
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