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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Environment Canada has issued severe storm warnings and tornado warnings from Windsor to Barrie and up through the Nickle belt. Be careful everyone, lets hope what happened in Goderich doesn't repeat itself! This release covers Waterloo Region and the GTA but on the weathernetwork channel it's saying pretty much all of southern Ontario West of the GTA and north of it. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/alerts/wwcaon0063c/caon0356/weather?ref=warnings_citypage
  2. It happens a lot in court. Usually what happens is that the charge is correct when the ticket is submitted to records and the bumbling dummy in records screws up the crown folder. The prosecution wouldn't change the charge, they would simply withdraw it
  3. lots of jobs out there just keep your head up.....
  4. Yup happened to us when we first got our house....not a pretty picture
  5. No thanks.....not interested in that..if I wanted danger I'd eat my brother's bbq!
  6. i'd hate to see what you'd say about the more in depth courses for drugs and vice and forensic ident lol what do you think about the body farm in virginia where they purposely bury bodies to study decomposition
  7. uhh there were 4 scientists there and it was hands on training for the use of the intoxilyzer 8000c and it wasn't sanctioned by my employer it was through the centre of forensic sciences ....thanks, what else do you have? and i wasn't onthe job, i was on a course far away from my place of employment
  8. actually according to the science geeks impairment physiologically starts at .05 lol therefore any accidents would be caused by me being the klutz that i am lol
  9. really? because it was a controlled experiment operated by the centre of forensic sciences and i couldn't leave the room or building until i was at 0 and the i was cabbed to my hotel
  10. Cops have discretion but people also have to follow the rules
  11. No he'll lose his drivers license for 90 days for the over .08mgs
  12. The dummy blew over .080mgs....he was hammered it actually takes a lot of drinkin to get you bac over 80. When I took the breath technition course I was a got the chance to be a test subject and had 5 rye and cokes in 45 minutes and the highest reading I registered was a .04 and there was no way I was going to drive afterwards. Regardless of the fact that he was in a paddleboat it is considered the same as a canoe or a car or airplane...under the criminal code of canada a paddleboat is considered a vessel And dr sal, a bike is not a motor vehicle and a person cannot be arrested for impaired biking lol he got a public intox ticket which is a wopping $65
  13. Don't worry there are a lot of misconceptions and confusion out there, I don't mind answering questions
  14. Contrary to darwins law, the dumbass in the paddleboat put his life at risk
  15. Same reason they put coolers in cars...to hide the weed!
  16. Example: if youre driving drunk and someone calls it in and you're found in you're drive way you still can be arrested for impaired operation
  17. If its a criminal offence taking place or a person is found committing an offence on your property then no permission is needed
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