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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Easier to spot, same with seat belts. Best was is at a stop light people will recognize a marked police car before a officer on foot
  2. Those are some awesome pics! Nice fish too!
  3. I think you need to realize that the cops in those pictures are Traffic Enforcement Officers...not drugs and vice or sexual assault detectives or even front line uniform officers. Each unit does their thing. Those who were pictured were doing a project rather than being out there sitting at a stop sign or running radar. I've been involved in those projects too. Rather than dressing up as a panhandler I dressed up as a construction worker.... And to answer the question, you do have a reasonable about of privacy to your car, however, there is case law that states an officer can look in your windows (plain view doctrine) without a warrant. Your vehicle can be searched if there are grounds to search it. If you refuse to roll down your window to speak to an officer identifying himself as such then you're refusing to identify yourself and under the HTA you can be arrested which gives the officer grounds to search.
  4. Because it takes a bit for a change in the legislation. The case law just came out of a decision from early April
  5. Man, this moon is making people crazy
  6. It's not entrapment. Entrapment means they are being forced to do something that the person wouldn't normally do. No one is forcing the driver to use his cell phone. It's the same thing for a speed trap. If a person is normally speeding its not entrapment. That's like saying going under cover and wire taps are entrapment too. Either way, that photo is from BC. Cell phone tickets don't fly in provincial court here because the government worded the law wrong. It is impossible to convict people on the cell phone law and 99% of the cell phone tickets are thrown out in court. The BC law is worded much better and enforceable
  7. Dad is starting to feel better, his speech is still slow and so is his thought process and he's still very weak. The good news is that he raring to go home and several times the nurse found him out of his bed trying to get home!
  8. TJ my dad is turning 64 and over the last year he has aged 20yrs...over the last few weeks he's been bad. Thanks for the kind works guys, it means alot
  9. Thanks guys, it was heart breaking to watch him work with the occupational therapist....he's a shell of what he once was
  10. Hey All, Well I guess it's true what they say, life kicks you when your down. I blew out my shoulder 3 weeks ago and things were looking bad for me, lost my chance to play in a baseball tournament against many great teams from across north america. So I got a text message from my dad last week. He had finally heard from the heart surgeon in London and after waiting over a year for much needed/life saving surgery he was scheduled to have it in September. A huge relief to him and my mom. Things were looking up. The yesterday at about 2pm I get a frantic call from my mom saying that dad wasn't feeling well and he went to the family doctor. Dad's heart has been out of whack for 15 yrs, but its recently gotten really bad. So I picked him up and brought him home. He flat out refused to go to the hospital because he was tired of waiting 4-8 hrs to see the doctor who would just send him home. So, after much coaxing I got him to the hospital. Thank god. He was so stubborn he refused to sit down. So he got himself a bottle of water because he was thirsty. Then it started, his mind left him, he had the 1000 mile start, mouth gaped open and he collapsed. I was lucky I was there to grab him. I was even luckier that my best friends fiancee in a nurse at the hospital and she was right there when he fell. So he was brought in right away. It was tough to watch and tough to deal with. His mind was gone and all of his strength was gone. It still is. He was transferred to another hospital, but right now he's talking and can walk. Slowly. He's still confused and unable to remember most things. He's tough as nails and is worried about getting home because he has work to do. The emergency room docs think he had a stroke but the doctor up here at the stroke centre isn't sure because his weakness is on both sides. I wanted to bang out a thread last night as I paced my living room from 10-2am but I figured I'd let my brain settle. Its hard not to think of the worst and what's gonna happen. Thanks for listening.
  11. you should check out Jason Werth! Beardpower!
  12. its a great way to follow sports and athletes....just watching the jays chirp each other is great entertainment!
  13. I was in Georgina today, conditions up there were brutal.
  14. The card is a reprint. The era of the original card would never have edges as sharp as the card. Technology of the '50s couldn't produce cards that were in mint condition. The card itself was a part of a set produced in 1991
  15. Its funny how the feds want to help law enforcement, yet, any improvements they make end up making our jobs harder and bogs down the court system....
  16. not a good choice when the company CEO has publically come out and said setting up shop in Canada was a big mistake.
  17. Yeah its called mischief under and mischief over.... Its never called "willfull damage" anymore
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