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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. true, but to cya and make sure you're vehicle is fixed thats what you do. fail to remain accidents are an epidemic, people try to get away with hitting other vehicles all the time this was not an accident, an accident means no one was at fault. clearly his neighbour backed into him which is not only fail to remain but the registered owner is also on the hook for failing to report an accident. i would hate for the op'r to get screwed over because it does happen even by the nicest neughbours. regardless of whether or not it was a beater truck, its still his property that got damaged.
  2. Call the police, let them do an investigation.
  3. Go really early, I normally cross between 4 and 6 am and wait less than 10 minutes, that being said, I normally wait between 1 and 2 hours crossing back over. Longest wait was well over 3 hrs but that was my stupid fault for travelling during the march break lol
  4. Never had a problem crossing at the peace, queenston or ft erie. Only time I've ever been grilled and searched was in cornwall...I understand why and I don't fault the boarder guard now, but at the time I was pissed
  5. He's in Schomberg.... Areas in York Region have the strangest hunting laws. In some places you can hunt, than 200 m across the field you can't. The hunting maps in Whitchurch-Stouffville looks like a checker board! King Twp isn't as bad
  6. Hey Everyone, I was given permission to shoot my first concert. Sam Roberts played a show in Kitchener last week. Photobucket doesn't do my photos justice, here is a set:
  7. Mcrae was a local boy. He was born and raised in Guelph
  8. Pvt Harry Strome Royal Canadian Field Ambulance Grandpa served in the entire Italy Campaign, was shot through the calf and had his appendix rupture at the same time. Ralph Wettlauffer Royal Canadian air force - dispatcher. He served 5 years with the rcaf in India. He was 100km from the Japanese and didn't see any action. I have also looked into my family tree. I had 10 cousins who served in WW1. On was killed in France by artillery fire.
  9. It didn't land on the brakes it was resting on the bottom of the suspension - I think lol
  10. Ok, so my wife drove my kids down the street to her moms on a flat tire. She discovered that there were two screws in her rear passenger side tire. I went over there and being the way I am I wasn't gonna call CAA and wait two hours for them to show. So I got the jack out, lifted the car and took the tire off. I realized I needed to lift the van a little more to get the spare on. So I did and the jack slipped out and the van dropped tireless about 4 inches at most and was there for about 3-4 minutes while I got the jack back in place. Nothing really looked damaged but I'm not sure if I damaged the suspension at all. I know stupid rookie move but what do you think? Could I have damaged my van?
  11. I forgot to add that the home care nurse came this morning. After changing the bandages she said mom wasn't drain much and that she is healing well. Surprisingly, she had no stitches, they used some sort of glue!
  12. Yes, her surgery went well. We brought her home yesterday afternoon and she was in rough shape. She was very nautious from the anesthetic and morphine. I stayed with them until late last night. So needless to say I didn't get much sleep because my dad being an old fashion dad, can't really take care of himself. This morning I woke up and helped get my kids ready for school and headed over there. When I showed up my mom was a different person. She was up and about feeling better but still in pain. So I helped out at their place, but man, I forgot how boring it was there lol. Thanks for the support guys! She has to wait a week for the results from her lymph nodes to see if the cancer has spread.
  13. what format are the ebooks in her library. You may have to convert them to .epub
  14. Well, as far as I know the surgery went well. We don't know the outcome yet because the doctor never talked to us and even if he did he wouldn't be able to tell us if he got everything without further testing. Mom is doing well, she is in a lot of pain and is very nautious. We're not sure if it is from the anesthetics or from the morphine she was given after the surgery. Either way she wasn't feeling well when we brought her home yesterday. As for my dad,well, god help him lol. I love my dad to death but the man is kind of useless when it comes to taking care of himself or my mom. So, I've taken the next few days of work off to take care of my mom and babysit my dad lol. Hopefully she slept well last night because I know I didn't lol$
  15. I figured that's why my parents had me shortly after they moved into their house...corner lot and hours of shovelling
  16. Waiting is hard...I'm pacing the hospital with my old man. He's not doing well, but being in the hospital where he worked for 25 yrs is keeping him busy. It seems like he knows everyone who walks by!
  17. That song never gets old! Always have to watch it a few times
  18. Well, today is my moms surgery. I'm writing this in the day surgery waiting room. My mom seems to be in good spirits but my dad is a nervous wreck. I'm holding on, but I'm confident everything will go alright. Fingers crossed!
  19. i was referring to "tight lines and blunts."
  20. yeah...clever...i thought this was a family site?
  21. prepare for a days hike to the river and a day to hike out
  22. Nice buck, looks like the one that I followed down my street the other day!
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