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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. actually the stripes are bright green and blue lol,i didn't think that that was what they looked like
  2. A polite wink and the gun goes a long way lol all i'm saying is slow down and watch the signs...
  3. Hey guys and gals, I just wanted to give people a bit of a heads up so that you don't get a ticket. There has been a lot of development on Highway 27 north of Major Mackenzie which has caused a recent speed limit change. From Steeles Avenue to just north of Rutherford Rd, Hwy 27 is a 70kmph zone. It then changes to a 60kmph. It used to be 80 from Rutherford to just south of Nobleton, it's now a 60 zone through kleinburg. So be careful!
  4. thats not from coffee....thems be saucer eyes, Randy is high!
  5. you would hate the barrie commute on long weekends lol.... oh and kitchener to newmarket it 1:15 at best!
  6. yeah, Weston, Jane and Keele all are nice in the fall....winter is another story lol
  7. i got ya beat...my commute....Kitchener to Newmarket! Your best bet would be hwy 50 to highway 7 then go south on the 427 perhaps?
  8. Some more shots from UW men's soccer........terrible game, but my brother was the coach lol
  9. Hey All, Shot the Waterloo vs. York football game on Saturday, enjoy!
  10. Hahaha I know, just poking fun at myself lol
  11. Well, I was fortunate to be offered a photographer job with the University of Waterloo Athletic Department. I'll be shooting the various Varsity teams when I get a chance. Here are some shots from my first outing U of Waterloo vs Brock - September 11 at Larry Pearson Park, Guelph
  12. I woke up at 8:30 and got ready for school. I was in my second year of university. When i got out of the shower my mother was watching the news and told me a plane had struck one of the world trade towers. That was the time when no one really knew what happened. So i left for school. When I got home three hours later my mother told me a second plane had struck the towers and they both came down. That night I had a class and my prof was from NYC and was in tears the whole lecture
  13. I'd advise not to go, I wasn't impressed the last timee I went.. The animals looked lathargic sick and mangy...and it was over priced, but that's just my opinion
  14. Storm is now in hamilton area....I have been told a tornado was seen near brantford heading towards hamilton
  15. All hell just broke here, I haven't seen lightning like this in years
  16. A nice light show going right now, low thunder and light rain, its not coming down heavy
  17. Wind has picked up annd you can smell the change in the weather, the air is heavier here in kw.....and the wife just has to go shopping lol
  18. i thought they were testicumilus! thats awesome!
  19. clear and sunny here in KW...but the wind has really picked up
  20. Better safe than sorry I guess. I don't think its a bad thing to be too prepared especially for the worst
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