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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Actually a friend of mine is a police vehicle operations trainer and went on several courses in the us. He told me the speeds that they train at down there is rediculous......he was freaked and he trained.me lol
  2. At that speed and traffic conditions lights and sirens is a must. Had it been a deserted highway then no.
  3. Maybe I shoulda watched the video 120mph to the end of shift is a bonehead mood....hot call is different
  4. The pay in the northern states is good but the pay in the south is very poor. In new orleans at one pont the average wage for front line officer was $24,000. Cops are human, mistakes are made. No one, even on this board is perfect
  5. The Briars on Lake Simcoe in Keswick is nice
  6. In a lot of places its not halloween its black and orange day.... Yikes
  7. If you're the black sheep, who's the red headed step child?
  8. zing! well played Mauer! Sorry man, I haven't been fishing in ages....only went out three times and that was with my little one
  9. Just wait till a bus that's filled over capacity with high school kids gets in a collision....yeah, very hypocritical but to play devils advocate, how many mvcs involving buses are there compared to personal passenger vehicles, and how many bus drivers operate their buses recklessly like many of of drivers on the road do....
  10. Yup, because it would cost too much to put seat belts in and it would take away revenue.....
  11. In philadelphia? That would be merging...love the city hate the drive!
  12. A motor vehicle collision has so many variables that it is hard to answer that question. Size, vehicle speed, road conditions, road design,, design of the car etc etc can affect it. I've seen a few mvcs where a driver survived because the point of impact was an inch to the right of the b pillar, had it been the other way he would have been dead. You can't prevent collisions because 2 cars or more are involved. Your best bet would be to buy a car you feel comfortable driving and what you feel safe driving. Vehicles nowadays are safe as long as you operate it safe and according to road conditions. Not sure if that answers any questions and im sure other members can add to the discussion.
  13. Its a government conspiracy trying to hide the coming 2012 armageddon....where's the tin foil?
  14. I've seen several people ejected while wearing seat belts....last on was tossed when his truck flipped end over end 3 times. We found hime 50m from his truck
  15. Seat belts have two glaring flaws 1) they have to be used and used properly 2) the do nothing to protect you during a side impact. The auto industry goes on and on about vehicle safety, but during a side impact there's nothing protecting you....that's what I would change, side airbags aren't an option in many vehicles
  16. You obviously have never been near a fatal collision. Ask Lew who had years of experience on scenes where people didn't wear their seat belts.
  17. i'm wondering....does the pig thing apply to me???????
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