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Everything posted by richyb

  1. The turkey season is sneaking up on us so I busted out my shotgun and tried a few different shells. Here is a pattern that I shot today. It was shot at 40 yards and it is a 10" circle. Anyone else been doing any shooting getting ready for the opener?
  2. Canal is only down maybe 2 feet at the most from its normal level. My grandparents live on the lake and i was sitting on grandpas dock having a beer and its only a foot or so from being at the normal depth.
  3. GSP- MIR ( if he can dodge the keg sized fists and get in close) ... Too bad Alves is out. I was thinking Alves vs Fitch would be the fight of the night.
  4. Nice report. I was shocked this winter to see so many natural whities.
  5. what the hell are bush beans ?
  6. Bass pro sucks.. Anything i have ever tried to get on sale is always sold out 20 minutes after opening the first day of the sale. Also I make the 1 hour drive to get shotgun and rifle ammo and , nope we dont carry what you want ... blah blah .. I just like going to see the mounts and the fish tank and the chicks walking around that wander in from the mall.
  7. Yep, if theres no hunting signs even the land owner cant hunt his own property.
  8. My dad asked a lady for permission to trap coyotes on her property and she said " No I love animals and would never give permission for someone to kill them on my land" 2 weeks later she called my dad and said that the coyotes ate her dog so she wanted him to come trap them. He just laughed and hung up the phone.
  9. I think if we lose were out ?
  10. I still cant believe that we had 2 skaters out of 5 in the mens final speed skating and couldnt pull out a medal.
  11. its not about the size of the stick, its how its balanced. My tip up in my hut is bigger than most but i have it balanced so soft that I can blow on it and it comes up nice. I have a good feeling about your rigs that they will catch fish.
  12. hey mike , what set up are you using for the pike ? how far off bottom ? thanks
  13. Nice pike ! do you put the smelt down near the bottom or do you have it up towards the ice ?
  14. gotta love those dirty lookin ones
  15. roughly what temp for the smoker and how long of smoking time ?
  16. I took a hammer to it earlier tonight and got it looking decent. Blew the tire up and its holding air for now. I put a couple extra psi in all the tires so I dont squish the tire down to the rim anymore ( I hope).
  17. Nope it was definitly the cracks fault. haha just kidding. It was actually about the smoothest crossing I have made this year, hardly even a bump. Im going to go out and try pounding it back ( gently).
  18. So a simcoe pressure crack dented the rear rim on my quad. Only dented on the one side but it was enough to flatten the tire. Should I be able to just gently hammer it back into place?
  19. did you get perch fishing on couch ?
  20. Hey , congrats on the laker its a beauty. where are you goin on couch ?
  21. Run and gun is a good way to find fish for sure. I get bored in my hut waiting for hours for the fish to swim past. Im pretty sure the whole lake is good and solid now. I was right across to georgina island from the oro side and found no less than 9". Actually in the middle of the lake there was about a foot.
  22. I was out on simcoe today also. Had about 30 mins of decent action and then it went dead. Didnt see many fish landed and people were moving alot.
  23. Nice fish ! What did you figure the weight on the big one was ? its a very good lookin laker.
  24. Find 80-100ft and jig your williams about 1 foot off bottom. Size w50 are the ones I use
  25. Also dont forget to open the air valve on the gas cap. My buddies would cut a hole or 2 then stall and he was forgetting to open it and it wouldnt suck gas.
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