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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Well another has gone by fast for the Belle River Kids fishing Derby that is Sponsored and run by the Belle River chapter of Muskies Canada its also sponsored by Kids Cops Canadian Tire. I don’t have the exact numbers but there were around 200 kids that came out and enjoyed the fishing. The day was hot for the get go but no one was bothered by it as the fishing was as hot as the weather. My wife and I were manning one of the measuring stations and had a blast the kids were so happy and proud of each catch that they were bringing to us to measure for them. Thank you to all our Chapter members and our wives for there dedication to helping run this event I must also thank some close friends from Ohio that come out each year to support us and lend a hand I know they would not want there names sent out as they are not in it for that so I will just say thanks. I must also thank the parents for taking there kids out to this event we love to watch your kids grow and see how proud they are of there fish. Looking forward to doing it all again next year. Mike Parker
  2. 4.35lbs but if ya have rely long arms you might get 6.7lbs out of a pic
  3. I know years ago Lucky strike sent us some cradles for our Belle River Classic they were the mesh only and gave instructions on making the cradle. Well we had to open one to display at the outing and then see all you needed was two broom sticks, just slide them in the sides and your done. I still have my frabil cradle I bought my first year musky fishing and use it when I am fishing alone and have a big girl I will use my big net to net the fish then wet my cradle and place it between my seat and back casting deck this way after I take a picture I can place the fish into the cradle if needed to help revive her if it looks like it is going to be a very long time it makes it easy so that I can hold it shut and leave her in the water up right. I have only used it two or three times in the 6 years I have been chasing musky. You might want to check out the stow master nets so that you have them in the boat and not taking up to much room in the boat.
  4. :asshat: :asshat: :asshat: :asshat: :asshat: Anything more said about it will not turn out good
  5. Well my Bro sent me a text today after they went fishing his wife actually caught herself a eye today but her father still has some work to get his first one LOL. I love her father he is funny as hell just set in his old school ways his wife is amazing also. he has been around the world working every where on ships and has a great story from every port he went to it was a blast spending time with him and I do look forward to getting out with him again. Before we left SK I went out and bought him and his wife a rod/Reel combo and spooled them with 6lbs stren but today it did not help him catch his first Walleye LOL.
  6. Dang Bill I need your $$$ At $150 its costly enough to expect to not have to do repairs before using it. I was looking at some other reels but I love the feel of my other 7000 BG so I had to take another to bad they dont make the same model. Mike I was just going to take it in but maybe I will call them or send a email that sounds like a good idea.
  7. Welcome aboard PS8 looking forward to the reports from ya cheers Mike
  8. I just noticed this pic is different I wonder if its a Sauger?
  9. Well we just got home from our family trip to Saskatchewan. First I must say DANG what a place the family and I have fallen in love with it even though its super cold in the winter it is AMAZING. We did not get much fishing in as we were having to much fun visiting my Brother and his family. We did get out to a lake that they love to go to but they don't catch many fish mainly because he had not fished much before moving out there so I head off to the local tackle store and get the low down on the place and we go off 5 am were on the water with his father in-law (old guy set in his way's and has not caught a fish there in 3 years) so we head to where the tackle store said to go but the old guy did not want to waist time looking for this spot so we set up in 6 FOW when we needed to be in 9 FOW. Well 20 min there he does not say a word just hops behind the wheel and takes off YES Jason and I are still fishing when he goes full throttle to the next spot We get to his second honey hole I thought it would be great as we were heading to a beaver house until he stops the boat in 30 FOW after 30 min there he said to Jason there are no fish here you pick a spot so we hit Jason's spot and he had a HUGE Saskatchewan pike on until it worked his 4" twister tail loose. He then gets a hammer handle. Well the old guy wants to leave so we drop him off at the dock its now just after 7am Jay asks where should we go I suggest finding the spot that the tackle store said so down the lake we head spending 20 min or so searching for the 9 FOW area and sure enough we find it and start our drift. I get a bump right away it hit three times and then the short fight was on WOOHOO we found them. the next 45 min or so was hot I boated 10 and lost 10-20 more I lost count of the lost fish. Jason boated 3 and lost some more this was only after he stopped using his rod (heavy thing with 30lbs big game and a 6" black steel leader) and started to use his wife's closed face I spooled with 6 lbs stren. We did not have a lot of time if not we would have boated huge numbers as they were not stopping but we had to leave. Here are some of the eyes. Jason as he lost his 25" eye when posing for a picture LOL I had two shots like this on bigger eyes. My fist Saskatchewan Walleye Trying to show the AMAZING colors of these Eye's If my arm was longer this one would be 35"s LOL I had to take this shot in tribute to the buys who only take the long arm shots. The wife had the kids out to the dock and this girl got her first Walleye on the first cast with one of our rods that was great and she was so happy. the night before we launched the boat and took some casts I got a hammer handle pike on my first cast boy was the Old guy shocked as he had not caught a fish in 3 years LOL we did nto know the wife took pics of us fishing as we were supposed to just launch and beach the boat for the night Sunset pic the wife took of me fishing from shore. Notice the trees in the water as it is 6' higher then normal and it looks like it may just stay that high as its been like that since spring These were the water conditions in some places. This house is for sale any takers??? Yes the sand bags dont work out there as his basement was full of water I thought I took a better picture of it full of water Oh well i guess I did not as I was stunned by the depth of water. There are alot of huge houses that are new on the lake under water or close to it.
  10. Tilsonburg has a Wal-Mart Dang they have grown I only ever see the back side of town when picking up a load there. I will get things together and take a pic pf the Handlebarz Donation this weekend.
  11. So the family and I went out to Saskatchewan two weeks ago for a trip we had a blast on the way out I was looking at different reels to but for musky fishing. We were going to hit Kenora and Figure 8 Baits for me to get my new reel but plans changed and we came back through the USA again. I stop off in Fargo ND at Gander Mountain so I can get my NEW Abu 7000 I take a look at it at the store and think everything is fine. Well last night we get home I take it out of the box put it on my new 9' rod and get ready to spool it with me 100 lbs PP and this is when I notice that the handle is BENT WTH. I was not happy and with looking at the box and the reel there is no way it happened during shipping I wonder if it was on the floor and got bent there or what either way I am pissed for one reason I bought a broken reel two I did not notice it at the store my bad. I know Abu will be good for it or Gander will replace it but it just means I now have to head back states side to exchange it or I am hopping that Abu will jsut send a handle to my door. I was sp pissed at 10 pm last night I decided to not go fishing today well this morning maybe later. Sorry for the rant but thanks for listening and next time you buy a reel play with the drag and see if it will pass the reel handle if not then dont but it ask for another.
  12. Very sorry to here this news Nancy I hope he pulls through this our thoughts are heading Garys way.
  13. Congrats on putting a plan together and making it work out for you. Sounds like it was a great way to get started into musky fishing. Looking forward to reading and seeing the pics from your next trip out.
  14. congrats mike cant wait for teh pics tomorrow
  15. Dang you should send the pics to one resturant I went to out west here they ribs they ahd were dry burnt and poopy looking I was glad they were not mine. I think i know what i need to make when i get home.
  16. Mike is there alot of current in the river? I know the detroit river runs about 6mph and depending what way your going the lures will runn higher or deeper. good luck out there hope ya get into a fatty
  17. Terry unless I haave been not getting much sleep I would think that might just be a offer you better send Paul email with the GPS cords to the limits of lakers you and Brian got and thn see if Joey stays home, if so your in and better get there fast as you know Pual will be back soo since his guide stayed behind aand he could not find the fish.
  18. Dang Bunk yet another AMAZING adventure for you congrats that sure looks like it was a true trip of a lifetime. Thanks for sharing with us all.
  19. Ryan the family and I are looking forward to this weekend it sounds like such a great time. We will be donating some Egg Heads, Double 10's, Double 8's, for the ones who dont know what my Handlebarz look like here are some pics I dont have the colors done yet so these are just reference pictures. Egg Head Double 8 double 10
  20. Great report it sure looks like you guys had a great week up here in Canada and some solid hosts. Loved the pics thanks for sharing your week stay.
  21. Dang now that was a report thanks for sharing Boss it looks like you were in your own back yard.
  22. Dang that is the way to do it love teh smile I am sure you keep at it you will break this PB but the first 50"er is special. Congrats for sure.
  23. Great report Ryan congrats on a great Fathers day
  24. Paul was she as happy as my wife is when I tell her I have to check with OFC before I make some decisions that never goes well if its something she wants at the time and i want to wait and ask kinda like the Lap Top last week LOL.
  25. I still have some of the flying lures they did work well back then maybe its time to get them back out since there will not be many using them now.
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