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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. So I guess you just need to leave Monique at home TJ so you can get some fish for your self Looks like a nice weekend away
  2. SHHHHH don't tell about my special perch and it was a new one not the one that is all chewed up I thought I would start new teeth marks.
  3. DANG that is dang AMAZING Thanks to all that donated and came out this was a great event A HUGE kudos to Ryan and Dan again. I am already looking forward to next summer.
  4. Monday morning bump for all the weekend warriors to see
  5. Dan and Frank it was great to fianaly meet you guys good luck out there chasing them toothy critters. Ryan it was great to see you again congrats again on a great event you sure do have a lot of family support behind you that is awesome not to mention the support from your Friends and family here at OFC. Spiel I used the planer board mast holder for my Big Jon it fits right into the seat base it will work great for the dog. I had both sections of the umbrella attached but thought if the kids wanted to have a sleep I was going to take one out so the umbrella would be just 4' high and cover the bow totally. Tj your right it was a great day with only a few family fights (kids crossing lines and dad cutting them for the 15th time I have the cut line to prove it LOL) the heat was bad but we missed alot of the sun that helped out.
  6. I don't know if this will work but here is a video that I took sorry I did not get the thanks to everyone on it but the best part is there. http://s157.photobucket.com/albums/t73/bellerivermci/?action=view&current=86c03e49.mp4 Here are a couple pics also. Before everyone packed in. Juli doing what she does best herding the crowd of 80+ before the two great shots above And the long drive home the boy passed out chewing on some Dixie Tackle for the ride home
  7. After taking to Frank and Juli yesterday I think the wife will be caught heading to the boat to fill the live well
  8. Well go figure I can not sleep and Mikey is up already so were watching GI Joe I thought I would just give a quick report from our view of the Fish-A-thon. It was great to meet so many new people and talk to some old friends. I dont want to report anything much on how the day went for the Fish-A-Thon as Julie will have a great report later but here are some pics from fishing with the family. I just want to Thank Ryan and Dan for all the work they did on this event. My family had a blast what a great place Deer Creek is. Daughter taking one of her fish off The pose LOL The boy had more fun catching HUGE weeds Daughter with a old school landing after her and her brother got tangled up she was happy that she caught her fish by hand She was not so happy when she found out that her hand landed fish was on her brothers line Thanks again to everyone who supported this event what a BLAST we had. Oh yes we did have a patio umbrella up on the back of the boat I had another for the front if needed and the box fan in case there was no breeze we were ready for the sun and heat.
  9. Just got home a short bit ago it was a great day before we knew it 8:30 was on us and we were still talking LOL Well I was. It was great to meet so many new faces of Old OFC friends. Will post some of our pics tomorrow and am looking forward to Julies report I know that camera was working over time.
  10. AWESOME congrats Paul and Mike for a great day out there
  11. Congrats Paul nice looking first of many skies for ya. Good on ya Mike for getting Paul his first I have heard them Handlebarz work OK also. We just got home from the Fish-A-thon what a great day looks like everyone had a great Saturday
  12. Just got the lights working on the boat and were off Well once the kids get ready LOL
  13. Dang Vince I hope its not because I am coming this time I hope the turn out is good with the latest weather report it looks like a wet day or at least lots of weather around either way we will be there. We are ready for rain or sun bring it on.
  14. Dang now that is awesome looking great work and such a talent
  15. Welcome aboard great release vid looking forward to your reports
  16. Thanks everyone Jade and I try and put a lot of time in together these are days we will not get back and my son does not really care if he is out fishing he just wants to go fast so its mostly Jade and I and I sure do love it. Here is Mikey with his monster catch he was very excited for it LOL.
  17. Frank I here ya on that as my Grandfather lost his battle a short time after they found his cancer back in the 80's, but my father has been giving a great battle for 5 years now and is 2 years past his expiry date that they gave him.( he still sais he has 5 years left in him) I dont post alot of updates but he did get good news on Monday he gets to take the summer off and not start up until October so we plan to get a bunch of fishing in before October comes around.
  18. Dang that's a awesome amount for pledges I only had Dad give us a pledge it is hard down here to get help for just about anything with the workforce right now.
  19. Last Thursday I took the family out in the evening for 2 hours it was fun we went 2/4. The wife lost a nice one when a Gilligan (huge floating weed flat) took her fish off the Woodie she had it on. my son also lost one he was not happy about that but my daughter as always got both of her fish into the boat quick pic and they took off and left us soaked as they headed back down. 1 fish came off a pearl Handlebarz double 8 and the rest were off 6 1/4" Woodie special perch pattern. I made it out Friday with a Squid we hit 6 fish nothing huge 1 was on the new Egg Head all the rest were on the same special perch patterns it was just nice to actually have time to get out musky fishing it has been a short start to the season I hope to get more time in but this heat wave is not good for the musky hunting with the surface temps hitting 80+ I think I will try some midnight fishing next week if I can get my arse out of bed that early. Good luck to all the musky hunters here.
  20. one more sleep this time tomorrow I hope we will be up there sounds like a great time. I am also looking forward to meeting the many board members I have to see face to face yet.
  21. Happy Bday Roy hope its a cool one
  22. Is there a count for how many boats will be there? I think we might bring ours after all it will be to hot to have the kids sit on the dock all day or in a canoe. I think I might rig up some extra canopy for the back of the boat as our top covers the driver and passenger maybe a blanket from front to back of the boat right over my top that is on it I think a 14' canopy will do the trick.
  23. Well we have the thunder and lightning I am sure will get just enough rain to make the humidity raise about 10 degrees it sure is hot here nothing like Saskatchewan there is is so nice and dry.
  24. Here are the Handlebarz Musky lures I have ready for the FISH-A-THON FOR A CURE
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