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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Dang Lew that realy sucks I hope she recovers fast what the hell are some people thinking about I see that crap out there everyday and just dont understand why they are acting that way. Wish Sherry the best from me and the family Lew. Mike
  2. dang all we had here was very high winds the snow has already melted so no blowing for us. I still dont know why the there are not tree lines along the road ways I know here we get alot of blowing snow and it makes a mess for weeks after the snow comes are these people that stupid that we have in office that they can not see when you pass a small tree line along the same strech of road that it blocks all the snow and you have cleane safe roads? sorry dumb question I know the answer. Sorry Wayne I did not mean to change the thread glad to here they made it home safe.
  3. Dang Lew I did not know that hurt you so much for me to change our date in July JK I still want to get a make up date maybe for the first week if we get up there if not I will have to just bite the big one and take a day off from work to get out that would suck maybe I will be sick that day I hope what ever it was that hurt ya heals quick for ya Lew. I know I have met some great people from the internet and hope that I keep them as friends for life and others can just be released back into the internet fish pond. Big Cliff well said that about sums it up. I have one and only one BEST FRIEND he is my Bro From out in B.C. I know no matter what he will be there for me like ya said cliff we can go weeks or even a couple months and not talk but no matter what I will always be there its funny like that.
  4. Im in also musky maddness motorsports
  5. I will join as soon as I have enough time to do more then read 1 post man its hard to get time for my self these last couple weeks and when I do I really need the time o nthe hard water.
  6. Thats great news Rob keep up the fight you have one tough son there give him another hug from me an the family
  7. $40 untill the Oddisy then it's back to $50
  8. Hey Fins you heading out tomorrow? I tried at UG today in Chatham lots of ice easy 10" but no fish there I guess I will be trying another spot on the river in the am PM me if yer hitting the river and not the lake
  9. they Have minnows at Stlukes. but they are not shure if they will have the ice taxi running yet. I was on the thames today no a sniff I think I will be trying another spot in a hour or so. I also talked with a couple friends yesterday who did alright and one who had 75 or more but only had 10 to bring home alot of dinks out there they were all fishing from Stlukes. As for tomorrow I dont know where I will be but it will be on a river for pickeral man was that wind bad around 9 this mornin.
  10. No Balls how could ya change a meeting just to keep your wife happy JK Ken Well we thought the Belle River Chapter would just do one better and make ours on the 28th this way we are as far away as we can be from that date heck I dont know if I could go home after a meeting on the 14th and eat the big meal by my self the wife mae for me and had waiting on the table with no one around
  11. this is the best time of year the ice is here NASCAR is back (even though I have been watching speed alot to keep up) just a few more days till the 500 we cant wait here. I wil still be pulling for Harvick since Rusty has left us. One thing I found last season since Rusty left I do cheer for more drivers maybe that was a good thing for me having Rusty hang up the fire suit. Either way me and MrsEh are pummped up for tonight.
  12. I will be heading there on May 24 weekend I hope I bring back better reports then what I am hearing I have never been there before.
  13. CH you suck why could it not have been last weekend I would have been there now Im only 9 hours away and not gonna get there. it has been a long time since I saw them last. have a blast I know I would have.
  14. Hey Eddy I just replaced both battereis today here one in my van and one in the truck the truck one was so dead the booster pack or jump from another truck would not do a thing. I put the new battery in and she works like a charm
  15. nice haul Brian now we just have to get ya down here again and try them out.
  16. UGLY STICK For the price you want to pay you will get alot outta them they have life time guarntee and can handle almost anything.
  17. that was a nice vid to get the blood going to get out on the ice to bad he sounds like he is about to fall asleep when talking to the fisherman none the less I am pumped to get out
  18. dang brian that sucks but then its also good that it is coming back. I always have a look in my neigbourhood when heading to work in the early am and have helped the police in a few cases catch the bad guys I did kick my self in the donkey on night when I did nothing as I thought it was the neighbour kid on the bike turned out it was not and his house was broken into go figure the one night I dont stp in at the cop shop or pull a cop over you should see the look on there faces when I pull along side of them and wave them over or better yet follow them down a alley to stop them.
  19. I always wondered why anyone would use a small hole like some of the 4" guys down here I like the 8" you can get a big fish in a 8" hole. that sucks about the loss of your fish but you always have next time
  20. I like yer box Lew I have plans in the works to make a new one for myself also just need the time to get it done.
  21. Looks like a good time guys next time old man winter might not show here and I will take the drive down
  22. Well yesterday when I got back from my run at work some of the other drivers there asked how the fishing was I told them I was not out yet them knowing how nuts I am for fishing started t olaugh that I had not gone fishing since there was ice out on the lake well I guess after they read this they will understand why I told them I wanted to be around for muskie opener in June. this was taken from the CFCO local radio station web site: A Wallaceburg man was wet, cold, and likely a little embarrassed. Chatham-Kent Police say the man attempted to walk across the Sydenham River last night. Apparently, he was 25-feet from reaching shore, when he fell through the ice, near James Street. The man was already out of the water when police arrived, and didn't require any medical attention. Police did say there was a bridge nearby. I juess he should have taken a few more steps and used the bridge.
  23. rock/heavey metal/anything that gets your head moving and you donkey shaking favorite Pink Floyd,SFH, I am also likeing disturbed alot most under rated has to be Bobnoxious they are a kick donkey band that will get you rockin check them out at you will not be dissapionted if you like heavier toons or just good rockin toons. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendid=29833409
  24. well it looks like there was about 1mm of ice along some of the sore of the thames in Chatham today it will be a long time before it has enough to get out on. Heck last year there was way to many people on it with 2" max before it broke up. I hope that we get some ice it will be another long winter just like last year. Hey Steve I bet you would be out there if we could fish muskie throught the ice now that would be different
  25. We will be having our Chapter opener the first weekend in June for Belle River. Last year was a weired year with the VHS die off I guess we will have to wait and see how things are this year no one knows what to expect until we can fish again. Check back at the first week of June we will know better by then.
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