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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. I get funny looks when I am buying nail polish also. But 99% of the time I use powder paint it is awsome and easy after you bake it you can bounce it off alot of rocks it will last over any other. And Luremaking.com is very fast shipping and good people give them a call and ask as many questions as you have they will answer them all.
  2. Well last week I had a email from Downeast sportcraft about a broken rod holder I had only asked if this was a problem I had or something they knew about they did and said they would fix me up well today I received two new rod holders one complete and the other the base along with two extra pins this is one company that puts there customer first I never asked for anything they offered it right away and sent more then they needed to. thanks again to Steve over there. P.S. just incase you did not read my thread before on this they had a problem a few years back when they switched there pins over they had shortened them up to 1 /38" instead of 1 1/2" so that is where the problem was I just bought these two rod holders this spring so the old ones are still out there if you buy a new Down-East salty you might want to check the lin length before you use it. Down-East web site Here is what they sent thanks again
  3. WOW now thats a report I gotta make shure to do that next time I am out there
  4. Awsome report rob very glad to here you all had so much fun out for the day. Thanks to all who helped put this together. For all who dont know Rob is one hell of a father and his family has gone through alot over the years this was one trip well deserved and way over due. Rob why is it you can bring a musky in on a sinker but not land a salmon? Guess you better get down here soon to show me where they are again.
  5. I will say you were using woodies one of the best baits going on LSC they catch alot of fish for us here. the one woththe cat almost looks like a dark frog yellow belly. Nice fish for shure and great report.
  6. Dang thats one messed up cottage hope there insurance covers it if so they they will have a nice new one to make new memories in.
  7. Dan you live in a awsome place always great day if ya got a chance to share it with ron he can keep the party going.
  8. Jim things were lookin great last week then they shut down after the big storm's I know we will have alot of action soon will let ya know when it gets hot. I will be gone to the Sudbury MCI outting Sept 15th weekend after that this look free so you guys are welcome here forshure.
  9. I only see them at the shows here in Chatham and in London great people for shure. and the deals they always have them I gotta get to his store but then again I dont know that I cam afford it
  10. I thought of a couple things like that but I move around alot on the river so I like the idea of the sled for the jiffy and the quick ness of the pop up. Heck knowing myself I will be back to just my bucket for minnows and another for my rods with half lid for my arse and bare the wind it does not get that cold here in Chatham for the most part.
  11. I have read about it just wondered what the quality was like. I have looked at the Clams but only need a wind break and slead for my self this one was just a bounus for the price I can get it for so I thought I would ask its only 40 lbs I think Jim I can wait for it but I have found a couple deals and each year I say I will get this stuff before the season when the prices are a little better heck Musky season is just getting ready to heat up here.
  12. Brandon soon you will be the old and of the mountain hiding in the bushes taking pics LOL. Love them pics and am glad you make the best of your time there keep the rports coming. Mike
  13. Well for years I have been thinking of getting a shelter for myself on the river I see that I can pick this one up for $169 USD I was just wondering if anyone has tried them before? I like this model as I can set it up ad a wind break or a full shelter. thanks fer your help mike
  14. after this last year I would have to say 6 1/4" woodie it has landed me many musky,Pike I have gotten Bass pickeral and even a Salmon last fall. I know that if the little Fker's that follow it could open there mouth wide enough then I would have pearch and other pan fish on them also. Dogs Balls would be the choice color. If not a spinner bait not as big as others this way I can catch them smaller fish to use to get the musky if the bite is slow you have to impervise dont jig it just use your pickeral for bait it works trust me I have pics.
  15. Hey all I was wondering how many use braid for ice line I was thinking of switching this year for a change when jigine for pickeral how does it act in the cold water will it stay limp enough to jig effictly? I will also be using a floro leader with it.
  16. WOW alot of bait caught here I hope yer puttin them back for the musky to feed on.
  17. WOW Tj that place has come along way I just wish we were still heading up that way every year but I dont know when it will be next you have a place for many great years of awsome memories to come also nice to see the young ones make the trip up at 77 that is very energetic.
  18. that is funn we have the same thing here at one shop they are always $100 or more then the oter for the same thing its nice to see shops that care.
  19. Let me guess his first right glad ya shared it here with us Matt I guess he was to small a guy to hold it three feet infront of him to get the pic right
  20. So about two weeks ago I was out with the family at the Muskies Canada Family weekend well during the weekend I broke one of my down east rod holders the pin came out on it I was able to get the main part but lost the pin I sent a email to them and they had this to say. Dear Mr. Parker, I'm sorry to hear about the problem you had with your holder. Did you just loose the cross pin or also part of the holder? About 2 years ago, for a period of 6 months, we had made the cross pin shorter when we changed over to stainless steel for the pin, thinking it was stronger that regular steel. Soon afterwards, we found that if the shorter pin bends then it could fall out and the holder could come apart. We went back to the original length and have not had this problem since. Could you look at your other 3 saltys? If you remove the set screw in the side of the socket of the holder then the cross pin can be removed. Could you measure the cross pin and tell me what length it is? I will send you some new pins to replace the one you lost and have some extras. If you do have the "old" longer pins than one other possibility is that there could be a "blow" hole in the groove of the socket in your holder that came apart. Please examine the grove which the pin rides in and look for any large blow holes. We check everyone when we assemble them but one still could get through. There might be some small holes which doesn't matter, it would have to be over 1/8" in order for the pin to fall in. If this is the case please let me know and I will send you a new replacement part. Please let me know and if you have any questions please contact me. I relpied Steve thank you for the reply I just measured the pins one is 1 3/8" and the other 2 are 1 1/2" I did not notice a blow hole in the one that came apart then Steve sent me this email today Hi Mike, I will send you a new holder for the one that feel apart and then a new socket with the deeper groove with long pin. Sorry again for your troubles and I will get this in the mail today. If you have any questions please contact me. sorry for the long read but they are due there props for going above and beyond I was expecting maybe a new pin or let know where I could get one not a new holder thanks to Down East for there great customer service. This will also help others who have had problems in the past maybe they had the shorter pins I just bought tese two holders this spring so they are still out there i nsome of the smaller stores.
  21. Hey pete was she lookin back at you withthe same lust in her eye? Nice fish man I hope ya can get one down here this year. I will have to get out for some Yorshire pudding thats the best part of roast dinner next to the roast that is. Congratz on a great day guys
  22. Where is Stompin Tom?
  23. that is the one place in Canada that I have not been but realy want to some day it looks awsome great pics
  24. Brandon I am glad your getting the full use of BC I know alot of people who live there and can not tell you how to get to any mountain they just live in the city and work there life away. Keep the reports coming
  25. For all the good the MNR does that we dont see I find it hard to beleive they would do this unless there is a major problem they are tryingto help control. Maybe they gave all the musky drum gobies VHS
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