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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Cool Dave can you just bring my hat to the Sarnia show thanks. I am looking forward to the Sarnia show it sure will be a good night thanks again to ya all for these great contests.
  2. After reading this thread it sure is nice to see how great the friends here are and also glad to know that my store has saved me alot of $$$ by not having what I need heck we are very slow at work and I would hate to see some good deals and not afford them. congratz Wayne that was very nice of you.
  3. if they are converting that is a good rate if I did the math right at $1.25 you are ahead unless it is more then your out the door price here.
  4. very nice Biran thanks for sharing and giving me a idea.
  5. Yes we did OK for the times we got out but that dang river broke up fast again Oh well I love getting out on the boat and cant wait now.
  6. Our store here in Chatham was great up to a couple years ago when a new owner took over, the old store had everything you needed when you went in and the employees to help you out then the new guy comes in and cleans house the managers are changed and let go new CHEAPER help is brought in and the service went down hill here it sure does suck as I loved the store until it changed hands. I dont know who the owner is but dont care for alot of the changes we have here heck this year I think there might have been 3 ice rods in there all year long a dozen or so lures and not much more when in years past they had a great selection in Dec and it was always gone by end of Jan or early Feb. Like you said Roy I dont go there for special fishing stuff I am lucky to hit BPS gander and Janns Net Craft I am kinda spoiled that way to have alot of choices not to mention the locals here and Angling Outfitters these places always come through. It just sucks when they have a flyer and then you go in and find out that they dont have the stuff and in alot of cases they never did the old store was great but what can ya do.
  7. I will be at the Sarnia one and would like to see the erie section as I still want to get over there to have some fun. As for the rivers I like the ideas on the flow of the river I notice that the eyes switch from one side to the other when heading up and back from spawn I understand it but would love to learn more about this. I also fished the rivers in Goderich area and would like to learn some new stuff for it we would use roe some times but I liked spoons any other ideas would be great. Some lessons on the St.Clair river fishing for eyes salmon and bows would be great as I have never done it there but want to try it out this year. Are kids welcome for the night?
  8. Yep CTC here sucks hard they dont know how to have anything in stock that is in there flyer.
  9. Once the Thames opens up I want the ice gone I dont fish perch much so there is no need for ice for me after the eyes are gone up river. Come On spring
  10. Dave that is very cool I hope to get out for the Sarnia one now to see if I can get the next day off work. Dang I guess we will just call in late LOL.
  11. Buy a Mac we took the plunge alomst two years ago and love it no problems at all. The kids still have a PC and we still have the head ache from it if we had the $$$ we would buy them a Mac also.
  12. Brandon the only thing I dont like about your pics is that I keep forgetting to check here to see them. Dang you always amaze me with the quality of the shots you take. I hope you get home this summer and we can get some musky shots. Keep the pics coming and I hope that I remember to check them out.
  13. I think it was Feb 8th for me this year as the warm weather and lots of rain took my ice away here on the river and I dont care much for perch fishing so till next year it over. As others said it depends on the regs check the area you are in or post the place you need to find out about I know you will get the correct answer.
  14. I got it in for today and will try and remember for tomorrow I hope they do well and that some Ofners helped them out
  15. LOL I bet if they win there will be alot more done also
  16. When does this close?
  17. If I remember correct this one was 85lbs from B.C. sorry that the pic does not do it much justice they sure do some amazing work there.
  18. the only thing I hate about that email is when it comes to a message board and we let the cat out of the bag right away come on guys its the winter I thought we were supposed to drag it on for a few days and get some people really excited about it. Oh well there is always next time for the great debate on where this monster came from I think Joey was close.
  19. I am sure that last year when I was there they said it was just shy of $20" so if you had a 24" bow it would be around $480 that price they give is for either skin or replica. Give them a call they are open Saturdays I could not believe the work they do when I was there they will be getting my jobs when it comes time.
  20. Dang that sure did look like alot of fun congratz on just getting out there and enjoying the time thanks for sharing the vids and pics
  21. Tomorrow there are a few of us going around 10 or 10:30 in the am I will be there with Slowpoke and Deg let us know we can meet up.
  22. just got them again today do they know what place they are in or do they have to wait until the end? I dont care who you are that first video was just funny give it a watch I dont know how they could keep from laughing.
  23. Osmond please dont feel that your questions are stupid if you ask them then you are usually helping out many others that have the same question but were afraid to ask for just that reason. I know I have asked many so called stupid questions over the years and have also answered many of them so please fire away with them all you will always get our smart arse answers but that is just the way it is trying to make the new people and old one feel welcome or a part of the family. And you never know you might find the correct one in there somewhere. Cheers
  24. Boss Or I mean DAD you said a mouthful I have been here for 5 or 6 years now maybe 7 I dont remember when I first joined and it sure has changed alot there was a short period where I did not know where it was going but sure am glad I have stuck around this place sure has made me some LIFE LONG FRIENDS or now Family. Tj thanks for the reply and Brian thanks for asking the question as it has shown me a new light not just on this place but all over times are tough now with work and other things and when I start to get ticked about something stupid I will just think of that drunkin uncle and how great things really are and try to shy away from the negitive sheet out there even thought it will still come up I ask my friends here to help keep me and others on track when the negitive seems to get out of hand sometimes we need to have ours eyes opened tonight I have and must say thanks for all everyone has put into this place it sure has been a great ride. Cheers Mike
  25. Jacques I am very saddened to here of your loss My father is going through the same battle right now it sure is crazy times. My thoughts are sent out to your family
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