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Everything posted by BLACKFISH88

  1. Nice pics Phil and nice eyes. Yum!
  2. This is one of my favourite pictures was from this past summer. I took my family to Canadas' Wonderland in Toronto and my oldest daugter who is 11 said she would not go on a rollercoaster and I kept beggin her to go on them with me and she finally caved to this one! You could see I was pretty happy to have a partner for the coasters as well. LOL!!!A couple favs of my youngest as well LOL!Last picture she is staring at a chocolate fountain at a wedding we went to this past summer as well.
  3. WOW! 007 I found this a very interesting read and makes me very proud to be CANADIAN (ONTARIAN)! Although I've seen the pictures of the European fish and lusted to catch some that big what you say makes alot of sense and kind of changed my perspective and can't help but feel like, jeez I love where I live after reading that. If your ever around Belleville I could always try to make some time to help you catch that walleye your after too. Loved the report cheers! I didn't catch this fish a friend of mine did this winter and there was about an inch of blood in the bucket this is the only reason it was kept you might be able to see blood in picture but I guessed it was about 14 lbs. I weigh about 215.
  4. if the perch was in bass' mouth and bass had perch in his mouth which one bit the lure. just wonderin?
  5. When I was about 16 yrs old we had a thunderstorm in belleville thunder was loud as hell.I remember it actually scaring me because it was so loud, every time I heard a crack of thunder I would actually jump. I was out after I had got off work at the bingo hall I was working in and was at a neighbours house without my parents consent then we heard the loudest crack of thunder I've ever heard in my life. Went outside and looked towards my parents home as it was visible from the place I was at and seen my light on UH OH mom and dad were gonna be mad I thought so I packed up my things and went on my way home to get in trouble for being out well past curfew went in the house and my dad was in my bedroom cleaning giant shards of glass off my bed that was about 3 to 4 ft away from the window. He said that it was a good thing I wasnt in the bed because of all the glass. We woke up in the morning and lightning had hit a giant tree that stood in the middle of four different yards the people behind us their house lost 11 windows the house beside them 7 and the house beside ours 3 and ours lost 1 and cracked another all from the sound of thunder tree was nowhere near any of the windows. My dad said he woke up in his bed a foot off of it. I think to this day it was the loudest sound I've ever heard! Apparently a tornado had touched down on the BOQ, ripped big air conditioning units from the radio station on the bay and lots of other damage around city.
  6. It's not that the pants are action jeans it's the fact that they are afraid to rip when chuck norris wears them!LOL!
  7. oops maybe i should put on my glasses lol./..
  8. I walked out yesterday myself in belleville and there were no huts only one crazy guy with a portable that had gone over a big pressure crack and was between another one few feet away. Where on BOQ are these huts located. I seen about 5 inches of ice where people were fishing just wondering if it was a different location Sam.
  9. Fished many times last year with a friend who had just a little dome tent perfect for a quick set up and take down. But it is no standing room and I would recommend a dome because there will be less resistance from wind a little more aerodynamic just cut a cross in the floor thats all we did. If it has to be anchored just auger a hole outside take a piece of 2x4 with a rope drill a hole in the 2x4 tie a knot with rope slide down hole outside hut presto anchor. very good idea for a quick set up and take down a little coleman stove or whatever will keep it way warm enough.
  10. I've seen guys with monster holes around here on the BOQ actually I think someone drowned in one a couple years back four or five guys would fish the same hole. So I really don't think fishies necks bend that way either rich....LOL So prolly just coinky dink.
  11. looks like its right up the road from oak hills golf course...
  12. MERRY FISHMAS!!!LOL! HO HO HO! from zander claus LOL
  13. made one of myself as well and sent to everyone on my email I couldn't quit laughing when I first seen it...
  14. ya hard to say what the ice conditions will be like this year with the current being so strong from recent rains JUST BE CAREFUL!
  15. couldn't resist had to share this guy with ya!!LOL! ps no offence lew Merry Christmas! http://www.elfyourself.com/?userid=04ef34f...b57bd5G20061210
  16. Everyone who is thinking about quinte be vary wary this year because the current from all the rain we've had is unreal and I really don't think its gonna change until next summer. I really don't think there is gonna be much ice this year here especially if this weather doesn't start cooperating. Be safe!!!!
  17. Born and bread in Bellevegas Baby! (Belleville ONT. on the beauftiful Bay Of Quinte)
  18. ginko biloba ginko biloba ginko biloba! LOL just kiddin lew nice fish though!
  19. we must have been pretty bad then LOL!
  20. if its on moira lake anywhere its worth the trip!Big muskies in there!
  21. heres a couple I took. These are pictures of Point Anne on the BOQ and some pictures of my pride and joy the chocolate fountain one kills me LOL! The picture where my youngest one is on the ride the guy who ran the ride would tell her to hang on, she was havin no part of it she said she was doing what the people in the commercial do (for marine land) on the roller coasters LOL.
  22. Skevys' Outdoor specialties is also right across the street......from the ramada
  23. whoo hoo too bad you know nothing!!!lol about the bay.... hire a guide guy !!
  24. ACTION ANGLING!! hands down.....LOL!
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