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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. I couldn't believe it. Actually had a little laugh.
  2. This is old news. This happened back in the fall I think, only opened to residents of Ontario I believe and only in certain wmu's north of 17.
  3. Had WFN on in the garage the other day for background noise when I was going through my fishing gear. Heard a guy say this, wasn't sure what he was going to do with the minnow bucket but looked up saw buddy reaching for the net and I just shook my head. Not sure what show it was but it is by far the worst of what I saw. Then came the Johnsonville Brats, what the hell does this have to do with fishing! "What kind of brats do you eat here in Indiana, Johnsonville!!! They're savory!" Are you kidding me... man. So I immediately went and picked up 17 packages of them!
  4. When I read the title and saw who started it I didn't believe that you would actually need a lawnmower up in the YK. Then I figured you might have been one of the 200 people that actually have a lawn up there.
  5. Most of the soft plastics I use are already scented. I'll only touch the scent bottle when I'm in dire straits, does it work? Who knows but it makes me feel more confident lol.
  6. Lake Kissimee isn't too far and there are massive bass in there.
  7. Probably use the oven twice per week, stove top is used daily.
  8. Welcome!
  9. Interesting... Guess it's just mother nature showing us who's boss, sucks.
  10. American Legacy still have the shipping specials, I think just last week was free shipping on all orders to Can and US. $25 minimum purchace.
  11. Anywhere that offers free shipping, this guy is good ‎https://www.americanlegacyfishing.com/‎ and has Sunline!
  12. I'd also go the kijiji route for the stove. We have a propane cooktop and oven at ours and in the two or three weeks I don't think we use 2 20lb tanks, we also bbq a bit too. Grab a 100lb tank and you'll be good for years and only have to haul it once.
  13. I dont know the lake, is there much ice fishing done on the lake? You would think all the ice fishing holes would provide some oxygen, no?
  14. Hutch pitched great! Don't think they want to push too many innings on him after TJ surgery but if he's effective when he pitches that'll help the pen.
  15. That's what I say about curling but I know lots of people that love to watch curling. Baseball, curling, golf. They are all slower games but I'll watch golf or ball on TV. Baseball is the one sport that can be enjoyed on the radio too, you miss a lot of a hockey game through the radio.
  16. Just another way to Citify camping. Might as well pitch the tent in the front yard and pile tires on the fire. Harper and his oil buddies strike again, $60M for the parks and $2B for the feds what the hell?? Here's your nickel, go play!
  17. Unfortunately (if you're a leafs fan) or fortunately (if you cheer for any other team in the league) Clarkson is stuck on the leafs until at least the final year of his contract. The biggest problem is "Number 3". He wears that number because he knows that he is at best a number 3 D man on any good team in the league. He is great when he plays 15-18 minutes a game. When he is asked to play more he makes mental errors which end up in the back of the net, his own net. Like a few have said, he is not a leader, nor is anyone else on the team. When this guy is your number 1 defenceman, you're in trouble. In Calgary he was never asked to carry the puck as often or play big minutes like in TO. And like Clarkson, you leaf fans are stuck with him for the next 7 long years. Some cap comparables just for giggles are guys like Doughty, Weber, Karlsson, Pietrangelo, Suter, Kieth, Chara. Phaneuf's agent should win an award. Anyway, my 2 cents, not a leafs fan but don't hate them. Would have liked to see them make the playoffs to have another Canadian team in the mix but oh well, wouldn't want to screw up those tee times like they did last year.
  18. My little girl watched her first Jays game yesterday. I tried to warn her but she was still upset. I think the infield home run threw her off. Luckily she's not a Leafs fan.
  19. Nice fish! Can't wait for this ice to melt!
  20. Feet and I did not know about this. Thanks!
  21. For a general purpose I would go 6'6" to 7' rod in a medium power. LeBaron has the Shimano Compre 6'6" Medium in a 2 piece for $110 or the Convergence 6'6" Med. for $80. Bring the reel to the store with you and try it on the rod to see which feels better. There are lots of options, the above two are just examples. Good luck!
  22. I'm starting to get excited!! Do they have a solid date yet on opening?
  23. That is massive! Good job getting the replica and letting that monster swim another day.
  24. Nice fish!
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