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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. He doesn't work in a factory, he is a politician. There is no off the clock, there is no 9-5. Being a public figure you are working 24-7, 365. That is what he signed up for. That was his choice. I don't care if he eats quarters and sh!ts toonies. He is a bigot, racist, drug addict and bully. His behavior is unacceptable, period. I am tired of this low life being the face of the largest city in this country. He makes a laughing stock out of all Canadians from coast to coast.
  2. Guess I will stick to the originals. These don't seem too popular.
  3. My grandfather has been keeping minnows year round in an old freezer for ages. He usually has about 4 or 5 dozen.The freezer is slightly larger than an apartment size one. Doesn't work, all you need is the insulated tank. Keep it out of the sun. Always have an aerator on. In the winter put an incandescent light in there and the heat of the light will keep it from freezing over. You can use bread crumbs but aquarium fish food works great , they will stay alive longer. If you want to go hardcore you can put in a powerhead from an aquarium store to circulate the water and give some current. As others have said, always treat your tap water, if that is what you are using, with something to remove the chlorine and chloramine. Get that stuff at Big Al's or your local pet store. Big garbage day is right around the corner. Do some street shopping and you too can be the proud new owner of a minnow tank for free! Paint it to blend in with the house and you are set! lol
  4. Just looking at the Plano HydroFlo Stowaway boxes, the ones with tons of little holes so your lures stay dry. Looking at getting them for my crankbaits and jerkbaits. My only concern is hooks coming through the little holes or if it is raining. Does anybody have these? Any comments, good or bad? Thanks in advance.
  5. Cliff, do you think a 30 day stint in rehab is going to cure or even curb his addictions? Addicts will admit that it takes a lot longer than 30 days to subside the cravings of crack cocaine. Will the rehab address his bigotry, racism or sexism?? All this rehab stint is doing is making him look good for the upcoming election, as others have said. As for those who claim people on here think they are perfect and we are criticizing Ford because of our shortcomings, give me a break. I am far from perfect but I don't hold the position of mayor of the largest city in Canada. I am not in a position to influence large crowds of people or have children, other than my own, look up to me. I am not on the news daily with my "imperfections" taking center stage. If you are in the public eye, as politicians are, you will be held to a higher standard. Smoking crack, being a bigot and racist will not be accepted. Is this kicking him while he is down? The man is a bully and has been since he was younger. I worked with a guy that went to high school with Rob and Doug. I have heard the stories and you see it in his actions. He has brought this all on himself. If he didn't want the criticism and backlash he should not have behaved as he has while holding the position he holds. Just look at last weekend with Donald Sterling of the NBA. There is no room for this behavior in society. I do feel sorry for his kids, it is too bad really. As for Beiber... where do you start.
  6. This guy is a mockery. He not only disgraces his own city but the whole freakin' country. He goes on Jimmy Kimmel to what??, promote Toronto? Ya, because the right guy to promote Toronto is the crackhead-bigot mayor. That'll make people want to visit. I'm all about helping a guy when he is down but when you continuously lie to peoples faces, go back your same old ways, Ford doesn't want help. According to him he "doesn't have an addiction". This guy is the mayor of the largest city in Canada. You are supposed to be a role model. I would rather my daughter NOT look up to any politician but if she were to look up to one I would prefer one that lies about money than one that lies about smoking crack and being a bigot.
  7. Couldn't agree with you more. Like kindergarten class.
  8. This is what Nipissing looks like a few minutes ago, the west side of it. Tons of melting happening.
  9. That's a pig!
  10. Well then, pop by, tell him you were in the neighborhood. If he's not home, park down the street until he comes home. I wouldn't think he's trying to scam you because he wouldn't have invited you to look at the boat at his house. He probably just forgot....hopefully. He might be new at the whole scam artist thing and hadn't realized that inviting potential victims to your house when you are going to scam them is not the proper way to scam. Let's hope he just forgot though.
  11. Well, you know where he lives right??
  12. Wow! Awesome trip!
  13. Beauty day up here today. Lots of blue out there now. Still lots of ice but there's hope.
  14. I'm pulling for Glover. I agree with Woodenboater and Misfish, Jones lost to Gus but I also don't think Glover will win tonight. I'm thinking Davis and Boetsch are going to deliver KO's. Should be a decent night of fights.
  15. Here is the front yard, Lake Nipissing by the mouth of the Sturgeon River. Starting to break up. The mouth of the river is open and you can hear the ice moving. Had some good wind today and rain in the forecast for the next two days.
  16. I'm in the process of transitioning from boxes to one high quality bag with multiple 3700 series boxes. I had 4 gigantic boxes, like suitcases, and now I have a pile of the 3700's with one main box I can mix and match.
  17. That price for steel, no brainer. As some have said here, the black steel does fade, a nice charcoal would look really good though.
  18. Why a breathalyzer test wasn't performed is a bit odd considering it was a crash at 1:30am. Must be a perk of your significant other being a cop. There's not very many times that I am out on the roads at that hour without either having or being the designated driver. Maybe her designated driver was following behind in his cruiser?? We will never know the true story. Too bad for everyone involved.
  19. When I'm fishing tournaments I usually have 6-10 rods. Usual combos are spinnerbait, tube, crankbait, topwater, jerkbait, buzzbait, drop shot senko, flipping jig and weedless frog or mouse. If I'm fishing heavy lily pads, I'm throwing the frog, mouse or buzzbait deep into them, then tossing the popper or spook along the open edges. If there are deeper rocks, a craw coloured crank or tube. Submerged weeds I'm looking at a spinnerbait or jerkbait and isolated cover I'll flip the jig to. If the water is cold or they don't want to bite, might need to slow it down. Good luck!
  20. Totally agree with you. Like Craig said, I'd like to see the money spent elsewhere.
  21. I was listening to CBC radio about this and the argument that these hippies are using against the return of the hunt is the same argument that the province used when it wanted to end the hunt years ago. I think the hunt will still be allowed because technically it's a "Pilot Program" so they can use that in defense. I only wish that some of the people against the hunt could come up to my house for a week in the spring. I live at the end of a dirt road, water on my side and bush on the other. We don't have street lights and when there is no moon it gets so dark you can't see your hand in front of your face. If you forget something in the car and it's 10pm, or if you even want to go to the garage to get more cold ones, those are long walks even for me and I've grown up in the north. I lived in Wasaga Beach for a few years, we routinely took our dogs for walks at 9-10pm, that thought wouldn't even cross my mind here. I also lived in Thunder Bay while going to school, a buddy and I were walking home from the bar in the fall around 2am and decided to take a short cut. We were walking past a church and I look up, no further than 20ft ahead of us was a huge black bear, stood waist high (and I'm 6ft tall) at the arse end. He/she was walking the same way we were, looked back at us, I slowly grabbed my buddy and walked backwards until we were at a safe distance. Let's just say we took cabs after that. Up here we don't look over our shoulders watching for potential muggers, we look out for other threats.
  22. Welcome to the board! Did you check the website for dimensions? I have ridden(sp) in a few Tritons and they are a nice machine. Good luck with your purchase.
  23. I still scratch my head when I go to CT or Walmart and see them selling a Big "O" for $8 and head down to LeBaron or Sail where they sell them for $5. Surely with the buying power of CT or Walmart has to be more than that of LeBaron or Sail.
  24. If only they could make opener flexible, in warmer years, have it early and in a year like this, have it a week or 2 later. Only in a perfect world! I'll do my part...
  25. Ya, he found the idea on the net. Basically the firebox is under the first pan and then there is a 2 inch air gap and 2 inches of sand ontop of a plate under the second pan. We had flames shooting 4 feet out of the stack. When it get's going it is freakin' hot. He is planning on lining the firebox with a ceramic insulating blanket of some sort to eliminate heat loss. Haha, that would be too funny.
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