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Everything posted by Pigeontroller

  1. You picked a hard place to get your first Muskie! I would recommend Lake St.Clair in October.
  2. Likely 80. That's a great Price, if I had an extra $1000 sitting around I'd buy it for a spare!
  3. Same as using a Bass sized baitcaster over a spinning rod. Most prefer it, but its an individual thing.
  4. Can't wait to PARTY in the McKlusky Cabin!
  5. Lets not let the political crap ruin this thread...
  6. I regret not ever having seen them perform...I bet I'm not the only one. Definitely watching tonight!
  7. Please, please don't turn this into another POLITICAL thread. We used to talk about fishing here.
  8. That's how we started hunting, 25,000-35,000 years ago....Grod didn't have a Go-Pro or the Internet!!!
  9. Vinyl eaves trough downspout can be bought at Home Depot. 10' length for about $10, easily cut into sections and placed in milk crate or file folder and makes a great Muskie lure tackle box.
  10. Doesn't sound like your a caster but one of the nicest features in my buddy's new Lund Impact is the flip down rear bench. When down it creates a hug rear casting deck (also good for sun bathing) When up its a nice comfy bench seat with drink holders!
  11. Easier to enjoy boating in a fishing boat, then too enjoy fishing in a 'pleasure' boat!
  12. Muskie lures, and sometimes Muskie, can put a lot of pressure on the reel. Take them back, get a combo that the reel locks in solid like it should.
  13. Tough, but sensible decision. You always have a spot in my boat Lew.
  14. They are not Gar PIKE! They are Longnose Gar! Proper nomenclature is important! I feel better now.
  15. Yup, its a sad day when a cop can't shoot someone 9 times without going to jail...What is our world coming to?
  16. How fast does she go??? Get a SS prop, the Apollo by Michigan wheel products is not badly priced.
  17. The heavy rods/reels and line are not just for the baits, they are also so the fish can be landed quickly! Muskie for all they're mean looks are very fragile fish and don't recover well from prolonged battles on light gear!
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