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Everything posted by Pigeontroller

  1. I had a thought as I headed in to vote an hour ago.... I'm Dam lucky I live in a country where I get to vote!!!
  2. Your right, we don't want a House of commons that has trouble passing all manner of bills...Best if one party is in control and can get things passed without any discussion, then we can kiss our Rivers and Lakes goodbye, not to mention give the Feds the right to arrest us for peaceful protesting! Wait, thats whats been happening since 2011! Minority Governments are a lot closer to a democracy then Majority Govs...Of course we've slowly forgotten that sort of thing under the current regime!
  3. Yup, old stuff....Drives me nuts when people post 'news' without checking the date!
  4. Check out the 'Police Security' line-up that Walmart carries.
  5. If that was your first time targeting Muskie on GB I'd say you did well!
  6. Yup, I'm out too! But I'll trade you 4 Harpers, 3 Trudeaus and a Mulcair for one Obama!
  7. Nope, guns aren't the problem. Its the people who own them, steal them, defend easy access to them... Art, your constant bashing of President Obama makes me wonder if you'd be happier with his predecessor! Which really scares me...Considering you have an election coming....And who's running...
  8. I'm sorry, i thought this discussion was about Guns, and mass shootings... Art, did you vote for George W. Bush? Just curious...
  9. I completely understand the desire to protect yourself and your home. We can do that here in this northern socialist Utopia! We have a few laws (rules) though before you can arm yourself...Helps keep the guns away from 'Most' of the crazies!
  10. The "Guns don't kill people" argument gets old...The US has a "culture" of having guns in almost every household, glove box, etc...There's just too many guns in yer dern country! They're too easily accessible. And until that changes, there's going to be a ridiculous amount of innocent lives lost to gun violence every year! Make all the "right to bear arms", "guns don't kill people" argument you want. You will continue to have mass shootings and dead citizens ever what, hour, or two?...
  11. I'm starting to get why I see negative opinions of your posts...WOW!
  12. BTW, nothing makes you look more ignorant than using derogatory nick-names for politicians!
  13. I wish we had a leader here like President Obama. As we are less racist in general, he'd get a lot less criticism. Its amazing to me that a country could vote G.W. Bush in twice, and supports a complete idiot like D.Trump, but has people questioning the religion and birthplace of their current President! MORE GUNS, to solve the GUN problem!
  14. Already seeing Americans on the news saying the answer is..."More GUNS"!
  15. I'd say the fall migration to river mouths has started...This 51" girl was caught in 6 fow just outside the Thames mouth Sunday. Water temps are still 68 degrees though...
  16. If we keep putting the Economy ahead of all else, including our 'living' environment, where will we eventually end up???
  17. Never mind tinfoil hats! How did the 'koolaid' taste? The fact that a Canadian thinks its ok to be fired for speaking out against government policy is frightening!
  18. ^^^^EXACTLY!^^^^ Everyone should be very concerned with the present federal Governments desire to SUPPRESS information.
  19. Here's a good article written by my Step Daughter's Professor... http://www.nationalobserver.com/2015/07/20/opinion/another-federal-scientist-fired-harpers-ongoing-war-science
  20. I'm New Stock, meaning I'm gonna help show him the door!
  21. For your boat I'd recommend the Frabill Big Game, a bit smaller and not as deep than the Kahuna, better for lower boats! The Kahuna would also be a beast to wield solo...Thats where the Beckman was nice, it was the lightest Muskie net on the market...Sadly no longer available...
  22. Yup, if you can afford the rod, reel, Iphone and fancy Go Pro...No excuse for for not having a quality net. Cool video though.
  23. Really nice Muskie, I do question the decision to take a 12 footer out on Balsam in those conditions though!
  24. 2001 Lund Sendero 1650, 2005 Yamaha F90, 39-42 mph. Love the Michigan Wheel Products Apollo SS 19" prop, noticable performance gain bottom to top.
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