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Everything posted by uglyfish

  1. these enforcers are not all there strictly to fight for one shift a game, true they play less minutes, but its because they play the skilled players more to try and win the games. most of these enforcers arent there just to fight, they are there mostly to spark energy into their teams, through a hit filled shift. putting constant pressure on the opposing players, and throwing a few hits. a fight, can spark your team, but can also boost the other teams energy too. the fights we typically see are in response to a hit or play in the game. fighting is, was and always will be a part of hockey. after reading that article, i didnt like the way they portrayed fighters in hockey. just seemed like they were trying to hype it up more then it is, as another excuse to try and remove fighting from hockey. looks at the league now, and most of the enforcers, if not all, serve a bigger role on their teams then just fighting. they are there as protection for star players, for energy, and most of them contribute to the offense as well.
  2. sorry... i still dont buy it. lots of guys have made a living fighting in the NHL and havent killed themselves. and theres really no excuse to kill yourself, its a selfish act.
  3. its been fishable for about 2 weeks now. should be at least 6-8 inches of ice now after these recent temps. pike being caught there.
  4. I have to disagree with both of you. While we are short in solid up front 6 talent, we have connally who is playing very well. Bozak is having a career year and kessel and lupal are playing the best hockey of their careers and are the top pairing in the league. Goaltending has been very good for a pair of young guys still learning the position. Defense has been the problem. At times its been the best in the league other times the worst. The inconsistency of the back end has been the biggest problem with the leafs. The fact that they haven't really had any secondary scoring has hurt them too. Top 3 power play in the league all year but league worst PK, but, has been showing signs of improvement lately. Coaching is not the problem. Wilson has proven over the years he is capable and proven winner behind the bench. A teams poor play cannot be put on someone NOT on the ice.
  5. only the 3rd goal was reimers fault. thats one he should have stopped. but, even the best goaltenders throughout the history of hockey, have let bad goals in. its a fact of life. the games the leafs have lost, have been a result of poor defence, and lack of offense. not the goalies fault at all. first goal reimer has a player slide through him, not much he can do on that, second goal spezza should have been called for interference, and there was also the phantom tip he somehow put on the buck after it was kicked to the goal. folignos hit was illegal, it was the same as marchands. should be a suspendable act. He did stand up for himself against phaneuf though, and held his own for sure. hats of to him for that. leafs have to learn better team defence and have players stop making bonehead plays that cost their team, and learn to bury the puck when they get chances. 40 shots on goal, has to account for more then 2 goals. allfredsson is still the dirtiest player in the league, someone should 2 hand him to the side of the head. and the fan voting for allstar games has to end, its a joke. only sen that deserves to be at the game is erik karlson. spezza, alfie and michalik all should be at home watching the game.
  6. Sorry to hear. If there's anything we can do, don't hesitate to ask!
  7. Me and my buddy fished out of goreskis, moved around a lot and drilled a ton of holes. Caught a bunch of really dink perch and bluegill, had 3 or 4 decent sized gills, and one respectable crappie just before we left around 530. First time out there, so can't complain. Got our first fish of 2012. Ice was making a ton of noise all day long lol. Lots of folks out, quads and skidoos running around all day. We had a solid 10" of ice in every hole we drilled.
  8. All the best to her! hope she makes a fast and full recovery!
  9. lol that got a laught outta me too! and this is exactly whu i keep my a$$ on the ground where it belongs!
  10. its public waters is it not? if it is infact public waters, and the entire lake is not within someones property, then u cannot be charged with tresspassing. if u went through someones property without permission, u can be charged for being on their property, but not the lake itself. but i agree, thats a bunch of Bull.
  11. i feel for ya bud. good luck and hope things work out. my brother just got laid off dec. 23 and he worked with me. kinda that time of year.
  12. well, if th store is anything like the website... it would be no shock if the business sucks and they're not making enough money to keep all the staff on.
  13. im not prostaff with either company, so im not worried about that at all. i never claimed to be a big time professional or have prostaff with all the companies around. just sayin.... i gave a straight forward, non bias answer to another member asking a question.
  14. there is a thin layer of ice over most of the marina. no where close to safe.
  15. both are good rods. im not a shimano fan... but compre is a great rod, and i believe has the lifetime warrenty on it as well. not sure about abu's warrenty. but, both companies can be a pain to deal with for warrenty service. either choice, if u do happen to break it, ALWAYS tell them it was done while fighting a fish, or fishing, when u call about the warrenty. if u say u stepped on it, they wont warrenty it.
  16. i agree, both goalies have played well. every goalie has bad games. but these guys have given the leafs a chance to win each nite. its the lack of defense that has cost the leafs games. having any of the 3 ducks players would be great, but id be scared to see what has to be given up to get them. grabovski can go, id be happy to see that happen.
  17. all the best chris! hurry up and heal up so we can get out fishing!
  18. great video aaron, im dying to try for some whities on simcoe! if ya ever want a tag along, id love to spend a day with u on the ice learning how to get them whities!!
  19. great lookin year bud!
  20. lol, ive heard fishing can be good. i love to fish new waters. so while its a hike to go there, if i can get out fishing and get into a few fish, with any luck... then its worth the effort till i can get some ice closer to home
  21. i would love to get out and fish this weekend. i have never fished scugog before. anyone interested in letting me tag along that might be heading out? i have all the gear needed, just not familliar with the waters. dont know where to access, dangerous reas, or where to fish lol.
  22. might be a good idea to toss on a live target perch and see if u can get that pike!
  23. lol, that seagull looks PISSED!! haha
  24. thanks a lot guys! have a good idea of what to do now. there was however, NO oil that came with the auger.
  25. lol yea i seen that episode yesterday. show is really not a good one at all, seen a few episodes... now, i think he was joking about the loon thing, u could kinda see it in the way he talked and smiled... but... there are LOTS of ppl out there that arent good at reading between the lines... and im sure there are certain animal activists out there that will have a word about it. lol
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