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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. If the private places qualifies to be fished without a license than he has no requirement to have a license with him and can transport the fish without penalty. Just because the area fished is private does not necessarily mean you can fish without a license. Many conditions need to be met. If the fish were caught legal it would be the MNR's duty to investigate and prove they were not. Default does not go to the MNR.
  2. Best wishes to your family. I know what your going through. My wife just got home last weekend after her 3rd cancer surgery. First two were 10 & 11 years ago.
  3. Is this a galvanized tank or a blue/beige one with a bladder? If it's a galvanized one try charging it with a compressor. It may be waterlogged.
  4. I wouldn't risk it with the added weight of a 9.9 on the back. Better to put the 9.9 on the floor of the zodiac as far into the truck bed as possible.
  5. Nice fish. Where were you fishing out of? How deep? We had similar luck off Goderich on Lake Huron Sunday in 40 fow.
  6. Cozy Camp has a nice little beach. http://www.cozycampcottages.com/Images/beach-01.jpg
  7. X 2 Been there many times. Always a great time.
  8. IIRC if the tow vehicle & the trailers weight rating exceed 4600 kg than a safety is required for both. It's not how much the trailer actually weighs but the rated capacity based on the # of axles and rating of the axles.
  9. Get a safety check on the trailer it will ensure all's right. Also don't forget to have a tow vehicle with a current safety. Both safeties are required unless the axles are only rated for 2,500 lbs or less each. Not likely in the case you described.
  10. It's been a while now. Good to know it's not just me having problems.
  11. If you only renewed your fishing license (old Outdoors Card still valid) than the yellow paper card is all you'll get. If you got a new Outdoors Card it will be a plastic card mailed out to you.
  12. Judging by your hands they look like decent perch. When you hold the fish out so much closer to the camera than your body it distorts the size of the fish, but I bet you already know this.
  13. Great advice. Of course when the cops show up they will insist you are charged under the Tresspass to Property Act.
  14. Where do you get this from? In most cases they are provincial charges under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997. In most cases they are not criminal code charges which are the ones which will effect getting a bond.
  15. At war in 1974? Well yes but that was just an escalation of an ongoing conflict. UN peacekeepers have been in Cyprus since Mar 1964 and are still there. For many years (1964 thru 1993) Canada supplied a battalion sized contingent of peacekeepers. We still have a few peacekeepers there (staff officers at the HQ). Over 25,000 Canadian soldiers have served in Cyprus. I served on the 52nd rotation Sep 89 to Mar 90. BTW: Cyprus voted to not accept the conditions offered. Back to the drawing board.
  16. All waterways arround Seaforth are overflowing their banks now. Bayfield if not already blown out will soon be.
  17. When you click on the link for the story a funny thing appears. The story is dated tomorrow 3 days after this thread started. Accurate reporting?????
  18. IMO stay away from the Garmin. Both other units have transducer angles of 20 & 60 degs. The Garmin is 60 & 120 degs. The narrower deam allows you to concentrate the power in a smaller area giving you more sensitivity. Dual beam at 20 & 60 degs can be helpfull when fishing different depths. I have no expierience with down imaging but it looks like it could be helpfull for jigging walleye. The other 2 units have simular specs except the Humminbird has down imaging & the Lowrance has a bigger screen.
  19. No test here where I live & that's in Southwestern Ontario. (Huron County)
  20. Planning on Saturday most likely. Hoping to hit Simcoe on Sunday.
  21. If you renewed your card at the same time it should be mailed out to you inprinted with the license you bought on the back.
  22. kemper did you just buy a fishing license or an Outdoors Card at the same time? If no Outdoors card was bought (already had a valid one) carrying you computer printout is how the system works. No sticker will be mailed. If you bought a card at the same time it should be mailed out inprinted with the licenses you bought.
  23. Did you buy that card & tag at a privatew retailer instead of directly at the Ministry? Under the old system the retailer had to mail in the paperwork to the Ministry where they would hand enter it into the computer system. Problem was some retailers did not mail them in promptly if at all so no records were in the system. Some could also be misplaced in the mail or at the Ministry. I believe even if it was purchaced at a Ministry office it still had to be transfered to a centeral location for entering in the computer system. Under the current system the info is entered into the system at point of purchace. Last year mine took about 4 weeks to arrive & I also purchaced the 3 year fishing tag at the same time so I won't have to carry any extra slips for the duration of the card. There was some glitches starting up the new system which are hopefully worked out now. Two of the biggest problems were getting the new machines out to the retailers and training on the use of the machines. Also problems recognizing some addresses.
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