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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. I just ordered one a week ago. To be built to my spec's. 2 dr Sport B, auto, side steps, tow group, hardtop, 17" wheels & 3.73 gears in Anvil. What are you looking at?
  2. How far do you get before the Caravan sinks?
  3. For your first statement I quoted just ask any of your temps if they would rather stay temps or take a fulltime job with the company? I'm sure we both know the over whelming answer will be. As for the second statement about yes you hire off the street for the same positions the question is why? Not enough applicitions or your employer is screening so high not many meet the standard and temps are required? If as you say many are "In no way is a temp any less skilled or useful then a full time employee. In fact, in many cases, they have more experience" your company should have no problem finding good fulltime employees. Yes it is the employers choice. Don't blame the times as it's too simple.
  4. No I didn't misunderstand you at all. Yes you are wrong. Those workers are not working as temps because "they can not find a full time job on their own" but they are taking the jobess available to them at the present time. Does your work place hire off the street for those positions or only through temp agencies? Don't make it look like it's a choice of the workers but a clear choice of the employer. As a designer of the equipment you are far closer to the management side of things than you are to the temp worker side of it. Don't even pretend you know the challenges they they face looking for work. And yes I had to step through the temporary worker phase to get my full time job I now hold. Not because it was an easier route but the only option at the time.
  5. In a lot of cases that complete Bull. Lots of factories only bring in temps & later hire from this pool after in many cases a very long time. Instead of a 3 month probationary term they are being stuck with basically being on probation for up to a few years or more. Yes it's easier to weed out the bad pospects but if a worker gets sick they are also weeded out even after working there for a couple of years. No use risking a drain on the benifit system. Can't find jobs on their own if the places are not accepting dirrect hiries.
  6. Mike just a question. Are the temps there because they only want a temp position or just a step in the hoop prcess you mentioned?
  7. Another follow on to this thread is temporary workers. I not referring to a job that needs someone for a few days either. Many places fill fulltime jobs with temporary workers thru agencies. I've seen cases of temporary workers working in the same factory for more than a few years. No senority building or benifits other than what is miniumally guarrented under the Labour Act. Working side by side with employees making more privledges, more money, more vacation and benifits.
  8. Until the current licensing system checking on valid licenses was not accurate. Only when the purchace was entered into the computer system could it be checked on the computer. In many if not most cases the stores that sold the license would not mail the info over to the ministry until they had a bunch to send in. And even when the ministry recieved the info they had to take time to enter it. It was quite possible to have a valid license which would not show up on the computer system. Now this info is entered at time of purchace. Under the old system it was possible to get a license post dated to cover for not having one when checked. BTW: giving a warning or a chance to bring in the license later is totally up to the LEO as they are under no obligation to do so. Sometimes peoples mouths talk themselves out of any break. Sometimes the LEO just doesn't give breaks.
  9. Good resource but don't be so sure a home printed chart will help with "in case that pesky Hamilton boat shows up....."
  10. Found this. http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/on/news-nouvelles/2014/14-03-03-cornwall-eng.htm RCMP just passing on the info for the Cornwall Regional Task Force (CRTF.) This integrated unit is comprised of members from the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), the Cornwall Community Police Service (CCPS), the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), the Ontario Ministry of Revenue (MOR) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The CRTF ensures border integrity by conducting patrols along the Canada/US border while enforcing the Criminal Code of Canada and various federal statutes including but not limited to Customs and Excise Acts, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. Again still not within the CRTF's mandate but good they are passing on the info.
  11. Am I the only one who finds this story odd. Why is the RCMP issuing this warning when it has nothing to do with it as it's clearly within the OPP jurisdiction. Nothing on the OPP site.
  12. Old Ironmaker in three of those four cases yes you violated the law. Only the poweroutage case is not a violation. As or the one perch alive when you got home, how many were alive when you started home?
  13. fishguy you will be pushing very close to the stated limit of your tow vehicle, Generally on top of the weight of your boat, trailer & motors you have to add the weight of everything else in the boat & vehicle minus 1 standard weight driver.(180 lbs) Add a couple of bigger buddies & you will be pushing it.
  14. Don't even consider an Escort. BTDT
  15. Lake Nagagami is not on the Canada Gold 2XG . Not listed on Hotmaps either.
  16. There are different Gold cards. I have Navionics Gold MSD 2XG Canada. It covers Coastal waters on both coasts, the Great Lakes and inland lakes accross Canada and parts of the US.
  17. I think you'll find that applies to hunting coons at night.
  18. One of his choices was the Lowrance X-4 not 4X. Two completely different units.
  19. Gray_Wolf of your 2 choices the Humminbird has twice the power, 4 times the levels of greyscale, dual beam transducer as opposed to a single beam on the X-4 and the biggest difference is the power source. The Lowrance uses 8 D cell batteries where the Humminbird uses a 12V rechargeable battery. Both should have icefishing transducers available but can be used as purchased if you can keep the transducer is kept level under the ice.
  20. The Lodges facebook page is currently stating they are using his services & those of at least three more of the convicted as part of their guiding team and Steve Herbeck is representing them at upcoming shows. By currently I mean they have posted this on the page on Dec 18th & Jan 10th. Although the press release just came out the cases were heard between January 15 and December 17, 2013 which is before the Lodges posts. https://www.facebook.com/AndyMyersLodge
  21. AS I said this thread doesn't appear. A story yes but not this thread.
  22. But this thread does not appear. It would be more likely if the lodge was in the title.
  23. He wasn't in the stands but at center ice beside the singer of the national anthems. In the Canadian Forces while in uniform if not in a formed unit you come to attention & salute when any national anthem is played.
  24. As a former serving member of the Canadian Forces I'm completely discussed. Just finished watching the opening of the LA / Vancouver NHL game. During the Canadian national anthem the member of the US Forces standing beside the singer of the anthem was standing at at ease but when the US National anthem was sung he came to attention and saluted. Complete disrespect period.
  25. I also don't mean to stir the pot but I attended the advent a few times when Maureen (Motv8tr) ran it. Quite an enjoyable day each time. I attended once since the parents took over running it and it' was my last time. Poorly organized. I had the 3rd place whitefish but was never called to much later due to he forgot to look at a page of results.. But the worst infraction IMO was the constant parents claiming their children's prizes from the adult table without any control by the organizers.
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