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Everything posted by FishFinder

  1. enough with the negativity krawler, some of us enjoy reading about other's personal lives on the internet.
  2. wouldnt it be cheaper to buy a new truck
  3. I thought they werent good to eat because of the chemical plant. Each to their own
  4. amazing pictures.
  5. :lol: :lol:
  6. Their two originals dont match but a great link none the less. Thanks Rick
  7. Anyone going out in ATV's yet?
  8. Amazing Picutures! I Especially like the last one
  9. CCMT you are definatley wrong, they can deny acess at the boarder due to a criminal record going both ways.
  10. oshawa creek
  11. What exactly was the point of this? :angry:
  12. Still too expensive if you ask me. Thanks for the heads up though lew.
  13. Niagara should have been good for the next few weeks but unforchunatley its chocolate milk and judging by the temps its gonna look like this by the time it clears. Port D is a good option, it is fishable almost year round.
  14. FishOntario will probably give you more usefull info fishing wise, but if you ever have racoons in your attic you know where to turn.
  15. Has anybody ever had a CO count how many pinhead minnows you have in your bucket?? That is a little unrealistic to me, the baitshops usually dont even count them.
  16. Well said GCD.
  17. personally i wasnt very impressed by them..
  18. For once I totally agree with Nater. Your mother left her purse with cash in an unlocked car???? What exactly was she expecting? This rant is the dumbest i have seen here in a while... Should be a harsh lesson learned for you and your mother Bill. Next time hopefully you will know better. Try telling your insurance company that.
  19. was the car unlocked??
  20. dont waste your money on lures, save it for minnows.
  21. Your post count is high enough
  22. no your set. Now go get em!
  23. re bowsheep and chrome nancy
  24. what did you do with it?
  25. Dont forget some fishcrisp to go with the candle.
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