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Everything posted by FishFinder

  1. Enough said, this ones up to the mods.
  2. I really hope that was just an attempt to lighten the mood. To answer the post you edited, most "steelheader" dont carry a net because of lazyness, not because it harms the fish. If they cared that much about their well being they wouldnt fish for them at all. Nets help reduce the time out of water for a fish allowing for a quicker stronger release. Your ignorance is clear. Its your right not to use one, but why bash people who actually use one? A stronger arguement would have been why lay the fish on the ground when its already netted when you could leave them in the water. Dont bash the net, bash its use. I really have nothing to say for your lifts comments as its clear youve never been to one or even know what a fish lift is. What does snagging or atlantics have to do with anything? So much for helping the resource, seems more like you were here just to vent. BTW please stop editing your posts, I can't keep up.
  3. Just because you fall for mass marketing does not mean we all have to. You keep using your gucci triple coated gortex net and ill use my trusty no name that has served me for years. What kind of nets do you think they use at fish lifts, or have you ever even been to one? DanC can link you with a new invisible trout net which im sure youll love!
  4. Netting a fish and keeping it in the water is much better than beaching it on the muddy shores of the eastern tribs milty. Even though that net isnt of the highest quality how do you know ccmt can offord a better one? Those could of ended up going to the "neighbours" for roe which is within his legal limits too, but he released them. Not good to jump to conclusions milty. Please leave this stuff over on the darned ff.net website.
  5. hahaha, classic!
  6. no cure is the best cure
  7. I used to only use Riverwood jigs as well, made by Jim Butler I believe. But at a fraction of the cost and larger variety of colours Raven is now my go to choice. As well I had alot of the riverwoods bend at the shank of the hook while fighting a fish, resulting in the loss of some nice fish and a useless jig. I have yet to have this happen with a raven. Dont even get me started about that sticky sharp finish that bends after one drift on any real rock bottomed river. Ofcourse you could always make your own at an even lower price than the ravens
  8. Those Raven™ steelhead jigs sure do work great on pressured steelhead
  9. Who wants to watch fishing for 4 hours when they can spend that time actually fishing?
  10. He does look happy!
  11. Thank You Clamp-It, it was long overdue.
  12. Nice Fish I love the died during the fight excuse, cant argue that one Nater.
  13. Rick, theres a difference between non-native and invasive, im pretty sure carp is still on the invasive list. Sorry if someone already adressed this, didnt have time to read through all the posts.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTQCQ1eI7Is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kWPkNvWOxI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QK1wE3-aKqo
  15. lol, I dont think he was kidding
  16. These guys have much bigger problems than not wearing float suits, how you manage to ride into open water is beyond me
  17. really bored eh??
  18. Very good point, I was thinking the same thing as I read through this thread.
  19. Those are stockers for sure.
  20. You my friend, are an idiot.
  21. pretty sure you can catch a perch anywhere you drop a line in that lake
  22. send it to a starving student (me)
  23. Good Luck!
  24. Thanks for the heads up mike
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