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Everything posted by jjcanoe

  1. Nice to see some pics from up there and hardly any snow left on the ground. I lived up there for a summer in 1987 as a Junior Ranger worked a lot at Tidewater P.P. and took a few floatplane rides to north point, Polar bear P.P. and Akamiski Island. Saw a beluga in the river headed upstream one day at the park while painting picnic table and cutting grass. jjcanoe
  2. Sorry to hear that. It was 22C and sunny when we took to the sea for some cod on Friday. Report to follow next week when I get back. BTW enjoy the snow on Wednesday!! jjcanoe in the wooden shoe
  3. The motor on the right is the main and the one on the left is the kicker motor for trolling!!!! I wonder if he actually owns the boat or if it's scratch and dent merchanise. ie: scratch over the serial # Sounds like a great deal if it's legit or not in serious need of repair jjcanoe
  4. I make better time with the little guy in tow since he's big enough to carry his own gear now. Slowpoke meet Pauly, Pauly meet Slowpoke. Now both meet some lpb pike. Did you get the boat out of storage yet Brian?
  5. according to the real estate book I read about 2 months ago ( I was wondering about the same thing) it mostly depends on the township the dock is located in. Some shorelines cannot have a dock due to environmental issues such as spawning habitat etc. jjcanoe
  6. You and me both, and great report by the way. jjcanoe
  7. Don't forget the good old : Right turns allowed on red unless otherwise posted, but only from the curb lane, (not the second lane out from the curb). ie: 401 west exit @ dixie road or 400 north @ Hwy #7 jjcanoe
  8. unless you get the guy who was sitting behind me snoring the entire trip, from just after takeoff in Detroit until about 40 minutes before landing. that's 7 hrs and 5 mins of a 7 hr 45min flight. So much for trying to beat my jet lag! jjcanoe
  9. Got 2 cod both very small off the beach Friday night. we got 5 in total. and one on saturday out of the canal near the Rotterdam containerport. Lots of fun watching the giant container ships go by and dodging the waves they washed up. I'm going Friday on the North Sea to do some "wreck fishing" for cod, pollack, and whatever else there is out there. I'll post some pictures when I get back if I have time before I take off for my brook trout adventure, but if not, expect to see some brookie pics as well. jjcanoe with some wooden shoes
  10. Don't know where slowpoke has been lately, He should have just gotten off work a little while ago. jjcanoe
  11. 1.60 euros/litre = $2.48/litre in Can$ here in Holland. That equals $9.37.4/ gallon (they don't add the .4 so you can bet they are rounding up) I guess we don't have it so bad quite yet but Holland is well known for having the worlds highest gas prices. Thats why everyone takes the train/bus/bike or walks everywhere. jjcanoe with a wooden shoe
  12. I had to go with trout/steelhead option but that is a pretty vague category. Small stream Brook trout are my gamefish of choice and don't have much luck in the boat for their big brothers (cousins) Bass fishing is coming up as second place jjcanoe
  13. I live in London about a 3 minute walk from the best bass pond in southern Ontario. jjcanoe
  14. best to do it from the banks over in Europe I'm in Holland right now and it's very easy to hit a bank machine. Keep the transactions to a minimum since the service fees can get costly. Avoid exchanging$$$ at the airport. jjcanoe
  15. My "Algonquin box' contains: Black twister tail jigs = leechs small panther martins and mepps spinners in all colours for some variety = minnows Gold and red or gold and anything cleos = minnows gold Williams spoons = minnows a few streamers ( I fly fish as well) and a few Gold Rapalas = minnows Leeches are one of the main foods for park trout and gold coloured Dace are the main minnow forage for trout as well hence the gold and black look to my taclke box. jjcanoe
  16. I second the Thames They should start to be in there pretty thick in the next month or so jjcanoe
  17. 400+ views and only 47 votes!? I put the question out on another board and grey is the the pick over there so far. Very interesting jjcanoe
  18. Black and/or yellow twister tails, a few williams spoons, a few spinners and steel leaders. jjcanoe
  19. One truck driver givng another directions and no CB involved!! Hope you have fun on your trip Brian. Cabelas has truck parking out back so your Yukon will fit back there. See you in 3 weeks or so. jjcanoe
  20. Grey and amber are apparently the 2 most common colours. I didn't realize that there are a lot of other shades of shades. I've got a set of amber and also grey, the amber I keep in the truck for driving and the grey I use for fishing and driving my car. jjcanoe
  21. Lots of rain thunder and lightning last night across the lake in London jjcanoe
  22. Unpack them in the house. It keeps garbage off our shorelines. jjcanoe
  23. Just wondering what colour preferences everyone has, and why you like them or is there a difference. jjcanoe
  24. I've got a 14.5 ft Lund console with a 40hp on it. The max is a 50hp but I couldn't imagine a 50 on it since the back end sits quite low in the water with the weight of the motor and I can run about 33mph all trimmed out. don't think I want to be going much faster than that in such a small boat. But with a bigger/wider boat you might not notice the speed as much jjcanoe
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