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Everything posted by jjcanoe

  1. Thanks Boatman, I'll poke around at it this weekend. How are you liking the transom mount you bought off me in the fall? jjcanoe
  2. Had new steering cable installed on an older Minnkota last month and was wondering if they need to be adjusted or tightened or lubed or greased or anything.... The motor seems to want to turn only one way when it's in the water. I can push the pedal forward and turn it but there seems to be nothing there when I push back(or the other way around sometimes). If I dry run it I get nearly a 360deg rotation. Always had a transom mount so I'm just not used to the ins and outs of that foot pedal. Am I doing something wrong or is it just a loose dohickey???? jjcanoe
  3. Missed ya Brian, Ended up not getting there until about 1:30 pm and was back home at 6:15 $17.50 for a day use pass for a car and boat which really took me by suprise (most expensive boat launch ever!) jjcanoe
  4. Took the little guy out for a boat ride/fishing trip today to get us out of mom and the new baby's way. Went up to Wildwood C.A. looking for some pike. Got things started by trolling past the dam with no results and then headed out to the back of the reservoir by the bridge to try some tube jigs, also nothing. Tried a little side bay that seemed to be full of carp in the hope's that jr. would latch into one. Nothing for him but I ended up with 3 pike of 23"-27" on a white double bladed spinnerbait. He was pretty happy when I asked if he could net the 2nd and 3rd fish for me. The 1st one was at the side of the boat and he was getting the net ready when the fish took a leap and gave a shake to get free of the hook, next thing you know it's in the boat with the hook not in it anymore! It spit the hook but landed in the boat insead of the water! Lots of fun trying to scoop that one up The little guy also got to work the camera, he's only 5 but took a pretty good picture! 23" Pike jjcanoe
  5. I did the same thing with my son today, got him and me out of mom and the new baby's hair and went fishing. Bass not open yet up here so went for some pike. Caught 3 and taught the little guy how to work a camera! jjcanoe
  6. I did the same thing with my son today, got him and me out of mom and the new baby's hair and went fishing. Bass not open yet up here so went for some pike. Caught 3 and taught the little guy how to wok a camera! jjcanoe
  7. Yeah I used to use minnows set on the bottom right on the dam years ago when I used to fish there a lot. Tons of snags but also tons of pike. Do they still have that bait shop across the road from the park entrance? jjcanoe
  8. Heading out to Wildwood near St. Mary's and just wondering if the pike are still biting and if so where. I owe the little guy a fishing trip since I couldn't come thruogh for him last Sunday when his little sister was unexpectedly born so I figured I'll take the boat out there tomorrow with him. Thanks jjcanoe
  9. Congrats on the new baby! Well Done!!!! I can't remember what the weather was like last September but it must have been nasty out because there are a lot of babies being born around this time of the year! And what kind of fathers would we be if we didn't show off our new baby pics! WTG jjcanoe and Kara too!
  10. When told he was getting a little sister a few months back, Little John's reply was: "Well thats OK, as long as she's not annoying like D.W." Anyone out there with kids under 8 will understand! jjcanoe
  11. Died in the mid 70's and was then cut down and used for firewood by campers in 1979. jjcanoe
  12. I am planning to take my 5 yr old son out either friday or Sat so I'll try and post some pics of that. I might be a little longer in getting the daughter out but it will happen soon. jjcanoe
  13. Thanks again to all of you! jjcanoe
  14. I had heard that a 10+ lb Brookie was taken in SW ont about 15 yrs ago. That may be a fish tale as to the location I was told but I did see the mount....HUGE! I do know from experience that there are some nice brookies in that creek. jjcanoe
  15. Less than 15 mins driving from Brantford in justabout any direction will get you into brook trout but unfortunately, ya gotta do the legwork of finding the creeks yourself around here as most people are very tight lipped and protective of their creeks when it comes to brook trout in Southern Ont. Send me a PM and I might reveal one of the better known places but not any secerts on the public boards! jjcanoe
  16. Our son was Sept 23rd 2001 but was 9 weeks early, Can't tell now though he's all caught up! Best of luck in Sept! jjcanoe
  17. I plan on it! but having a 5 1/2 yr old constantly outfish you takes its toll Dustin and Pigeonfisher Congrats on yours! We'll have to get a mini fishers league going soon. How about Team 0.5? jjcanoe
  18. That's a great spot in the river you were at. Lots of fish around. A 5wt flyrod with something that looks like a crayfish or a "bread" fly (any large white fly that looks like sinking bread that the ducks missed) works great down there. 2 more months to go, I just spent last night and today at St. Joes with my wife and new daughter. Best of luck to both of you when the day finally arrives! BTW my boat doesn't breakdown as much as Slowpokes does! jjcanoe
  19. Thanks everyone! 6lbs 11oz just before the bass opener but I'll definetly keep this one! For those that I've met at the London Swills, you know she definetly gets her looks from mama! Lack of sleep? I'm a Truck Driver, I get used to it pretty quick! Lack of fishing? I had planned to take the boat out for a short cruise today (Sunday) but I think I'll save it for the Sunday of Bass opener. I already got the OK from the wifey. BTW the above picture contains one of the few things in this world that a truck DOESN'T deliver! (OK maybe the lack of sleep is getting to me) jjcanoe
  20. June 10th 2007 3:28 am 6lbs 11oz Kara Yvonne Jackson was born early this morning to very tired, but very happy, parents John and Linda Jackson. Big brother John jr. was also very happy to finally meet his healthy new baby sister a few days early! Looks like she's dreaming about the bass opener! Can't wait to get her outfitted with her first rod and reel! Kara and Big Brother John Kara and Dad John AKA jjcanoe and Linda, and little John
  21. Put it this way, Would a Red Sox fan cheer for the Yankees to win the World Series just cause they're from the area? No way! Would 49ers fans cheer for the Raider to win the Superbowl? No way! Would Leafs fans in the 60's cheer for the Habs to win the cup? No way! If anyone out there claiming to be a Leafs fan is cheering for the Sens, SHAME ON YOU! It's just a rivalry thing nothing more. And for those Sens fans out there(not you Moosebunk) who like to dump this fact in the face of Leafs fans every year, As far as "have not teams" go, Ottawa was a "have not team" for 70+ years as in NOT HAVING A TEAM! GO LEAFS GO! (next year) GO DUCKS GO (for now) jjcanoe
  22. Hey Brian, got the window well installed today and was given the OK to drag the boat down to Ridgetown tomorrow while visiting the inlaws. Tough call, sitting at the inlaws all day or heading out on Rondeau bay? Guess what I picked. I've got a full car but if you want to meet me at the park entrance, I'll be trying for some pike, or stray walleye if the lake is smooth. gimmie a call on my cell tomorrow morning after 10am. So whats the next buy for you? My suggestion would be a VHF radio! jjcanoe
  23. Normally yes, but since I'll be staying for dinner at the inlaws, and bringing the wife and Jr. down to ridgetown on the way I'll pass this time. Next time I'm going I'll definetly pm you. jjcanoe
  24. Thanks, I have a choice of spending the day at the inlaws in Ridgetown or bringing the boat and putting it in the lake. TOUGH CHOICE. Got my box of spinnerbaits packed. I guess I'll try and find where the other boats are fishing and hope that they're not all out at Colchester! jjcanoe
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