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Hawg Hunter

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Everything posted by Hawg Hunter

  1. nice real nice Hawg Hunter
  2. W.T.G nice eye glad the bay introduced itself to you lol Hawg Hunter
  3. some nice looking eyes there fellas,sounds like a good day to me Hawg Hunter
  4. hello all just thought id ask if anybody had a problem writing a reply? wrote one this morn and when i took a look at it it had extra words in it that i never wrote,i give it a full edit and re-posted it same thing,went back and took the sentence out and it was fine?????? any thoughts Hawg Hunter
  5. very sad indeed but whats even worse is that it will never stop,if they only knew the hazards of there actions not only to wild life and mother nature but to our boat motors,cost me a few $ for repair last year. Hawg Hunter
  6. Holly 1 1/2 hrs away and the fishing just starting to heat up on quinte. man i hope you can stand it lol. Hawg Hunter
  7. i too am guilty of fishing alone ill go alot searching for eyes or bass although i have tons of folks want to hook up sometimes i just want to fish alone you lads know what thats like no one to answer too,come and go as you please,don't have to wait cause they slept in and on and on. Heading in the am for a goose hunt.......myself Hawg Hunter
  8. hello all just thought id ask what your favorite ice fishing line is? all that know me know i don't use a rod and reel lol,im still old school and i use a jigging stick now with that said i love to use 50lb magnathin line yep you read it right 50lb megnathin line . Hawg Hunter
  9. well ive read all your post and theres alot of pros and cons here,the on;y thing id like to touch base on is gas pricing oh ya its been brought up alot in these posts. its my understanding we have too much crude,which we sell to the states they refine it and sell it back yo us as gas(if im not mistaken) NOW we have 1-2 small factorys that can refine the crude but with the tons and tons of the stuff we can't handle it all ....hence selling it to the U.S. My thoughts are to heck with the U.S we should build one HUGE factory and i mean HUGE and refine it ourselves then sell it to the states,and or other countries.Then im sure our cost for gas and our debt would go down in no time' in my buss ive met thousands of U.S people they all say the same thing ................................................ WE DON'T STAND UP OR TOGEATHER AS ONE.... just my own little rant kinda off topic lets do fishing lol Hawg Hunter
  10. boy im glad im not the only one with this problem lol man the direction my neoprene waders came with tell ya to cut away the outer material from the neoprene :blahblah1: :blahblah1: very glad to hear your thoughts on this,ill be fixing mine later today Hawg Hunter
  11. man i love those adventures stuck or not its still fun and the walleyes .......YUMMY lol thanks for the great story Hawg Hunter
  12. in the belleville area they just shut it all down with NO PARKING signs,really can't blame em heck ive gotten in tons of almost fights by telling people to pick up there garbage,i carry a garbage bag in the back of the truck and i filled it 3 times last year during the ice fishing season alone. and ill bet $ they shut er down in many other places too simcoe being one of them,or parking meters oh crap that may just give them an idea but i bet its coming to a town near you.... Hawgs 2 cents P.S-its all over garbage and noise folks,people living in the area call and call untill this happens.
  13. Hello all im sure most of you hardwater fishing people have thought of ice fishing several times by now so i thought id ask a ? you all know im a quinte boy so my question is this Whats your 3 favorite lures when icefishing quinte walleye Hawg Hunter
  14. W.T.G glad to hear the young lads hooked Hawg Hunter
  15. sounds like a great day to me,i was out there myself,dropped my 8 day old camera over board in 97' of water,try telling that one to the wife . oh head east......way east..then north west Hawg Hunter
  16. right on,lucky to still be here........amazing what a man can do speaking of bears(not to take away from this story just more bear news) did anyone see the news a few days ago about the bear that pushed open a subway door ,went in ,stood up at the counter(while the girl working there took off)and started to eat the meat out of the trays im not good with this computer stuff but id bet its on that u-tube???? my bud told me about it,when the bear left he pushed the door open and walked out lol as if hed done this before lol Hawg Hunter
  17. my guess is it looks like a wounded minnow darting around when you jig it, the jig and grub combo works very well for all kinds of fish,adding the minnow just helps entice them a little more thats all,no minnow is just as good. here on Quinte my bud and i jig with sassy shads 3",and they look like minnows,ive seen us outfish guys beside us using a jig and real minnow,how you present your bait is the whole key,you know color,how fast you jig,try jigging a little faster for those walleyes.....it gets them fired up my 3 cents P.S. if the eyes were relating to structure (a shoal,rockey point) the last time you were there id go back there,they will stay there all year if the shoal is near deep water. givem heck Hawg Hunter
  18. cabelas or bass pro sells 100 pks thats where i get mine,but i buy eagle claw lazer sharp curverd point hooks but they may have yours as well. Hawg Hunter
  19. don't mean to butt in but i lived down in kingston for 25 years,i use to ride my ten speed from kingston to there rent a boat fish all day and paddle home lol. anyways when you arrive in kingston the main turn is divison street turn off,so when you come up to the lights after turning off the 401 head north,follow that to boat launch,go on map quest and it will tell you the route to take,but division street is the best. hope this helps....Oh monster smallies in the west end.... Hawg Hunter
  20. great report ,glad to see them big eyes starting to come in,and by the way what a smallie Hawg Hunter
  21. great story and i hope he gets to the second stage and to think we complain about everything Hawg Hunter
  22. wtg Iceguy looked like a great day on the water. Hawg Hunter
  23. first let me say i have no pics for ya,you see some one wanted my camera more than i did and took it out of my truck about two weeks ago. Ok enough crying over that. We have been catching our limit almost every time out no monsters (still too early yet)but dandy eyes in the 2-5lb range,were jigging in 6-8' of water just outside weed beds,wednesday we launched at 6am and i was home cleaning fish at 8:35 am,thursday not much different only home at 10am,now friday was a funny day we launched at 7am had 6 walleye in the boat by 9am,after 9am you'd almost think they left(just like icefishing)but after i snaged into 4 in a row i new what was going on........(scales on jig hook every time....yes a walleye scale) They just shut down and there just lying on bottom after snagging into 6 more eyes it for sure confirmed my thoughts.I turned to the two lads in the boat from T,O and said we need to move out to 12-14' of water and start trolling(id rather jig myself).The first 4 passes were rewarded with 4 nice eyes.After about 20 mins we were back to jigging(yahoooo lol) the same spot we boated our limit and went home. Ive noticed lots of male walleye and thats a great sign,rule of thumb is the males come first then the females,mind you theres always a few pigs mixed in.Our biggest was 9 lbs or there abouts,she was released unharmed for another day,along with 3 over 6lbs. Taker easy all and enjoy our FANSTASTIC fishery hi ho hi ho its off fishing i go Hawg Hunter
  24. hello all i live here on Quinte and there is another motel just before merlands called the sportsman motel.clean but across the road from the bay,however you can launch at Macfarlands conservation area just up the road,lots of parking for all. enjoy and watch the wind in the fall it can make or break your trip,i would come for two days just because of this Taker easy all Hawg Hunter
  25. never too early to talk ice fishing lol i use a jigging stick(old school lol) but from being a guide on Quinte for almost 25 years ive noticed 95% of the folks i take ice fishing use spinning reels. Taker easy Hawg Hunter
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