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Hawg Hunter

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Everything posted by Hawg Hunter

  1. i hope all goes well for the little one Hawg Hunter
  2. ill take jan. 15th OH thought it was a contest on when it falls through theres one born every minute huh folks hope they got out Hawg Hunter
  3. well im 47 years old and i got that old from not taking STUPID chances while chasing these wonderful hardwater walleye ,been fishing out there almost 30 years,ive seen alot of people putting there lives at steak out there but im not one of them! ill post results of our trip out but won't be till tonight AND REMEMBER FOLKS HAWGS FISHING A NON CURRENT AREA!!! BUT THATS NOT TO SAY THAT ALL NON CURRENT AREAS ARE SAFE CAUSE THERE NOT( at this moment anyway) P.S-ever notice how some peoples 6" is your 3-4" Hawg Hunter
  4. yep your right bad spots all over the bay,the spot im fishing has 7" of ice ill be putting huts out in the a.m i fish a non current area,most of the bay is not good at this point. DON'T TAKE CHANCES THE EYES AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE Hawg Hunter
  5. my condolences to you and your family Hawg Hunter
  6. thats cool,and so true Hawg Hunter
  7. yep there great i have 3 of them in my rental huts and everybody likes them,i seen them on e-bay for $12.74 U.S what a deal that is eh. i would for sure buy more of them ,you will not be dissapointed. Hawg Hunter
  8. right back atcha Hawg Hunter
  9. very sorry to hear this news,its always sad to hear a great person has moved on. my thoughts and prayers are with your family Hawg Hunter
  10. could not agree more with Big Cliff Hawg Hunter
  11. bring it back ,i'd say the bail spring is sprung lol taker easy all Hawg Hunter
  12. hello all im pleased to say i have 4" of good black ice on my fishing spot here on quinte BUT im in no way saying theres that much all over just the spot i fish which is a non current area that builds fast 2 buds of mine went out but i have not heard how they made out,ill be out some time this week end and ill post how we do stay safe and stay dry Hawg Hunter
  13. yep your right but down the way the waters always moving,as you know just about the last place on the bay to ice up,and ya they are still hitting well Hawg Hunter
  14. just thought i'd let ya all know that the bay iced over sunday night,this morn were getting light snow and this saft were getting light rain with south 25km winds,if she does not rip open she'll have a good start. ill try and keep ya all posted Hawg Hunter P.S-guess i should say the Belleville area has iced over but hey who knows if its here for good or not thats all up to mother nature
  15. holly fellas my heads gonna swell up ,no really thank you for the vote,but the guys are right theres no ice yet but ill let you all know when shes good to go. heres a few good lures to use up this way 1-hopkins spoon 2 1/4" silver 2-little cleo c-200(i think its the most popular size bought anywhere) blue/silver green/silver both hammered 3-3" sidewinder made by acme green/silver smaller sidewinder works well to 4-silver williams plain finish 2 1/4" 3"works ok as well all here who have come with me before (and theres been alot of you )know i use 50lb test megnathin but i use a stick not a rod if i was using a rod id have 15-20lb test for sure. hope this helps all that come to enjoy this fantastic fishery oh by the way our walleye count last year was 752 yep no misprint. taker easy all and stay dry Hawg Hunter
  16. ya me too sorry folks guess im too pumped up for the answers Hawg Hunter
  17. hey all just wondering what heater you use in your ice hut i use Mr.Heaters Hawg Hunter
  18. hello all seeing how our hardwater season will soon be upon us id thought id ask this ? whats your favorite fish to chase during the hardwater season. you all know mines 100% walleye Hawg Hunter
  19. ya got great pike up that way and thats for sure a dandy Hawg Hunter
  20. very glad to hear folks are jigging out there,i have not trolled for walleye in many years and while fishing in the picton area and watching all the boats trolling i often wonder to myself" do these lads know what there missing" good post Fishhunter 80 eyes is good too, as you seen its a blood bath on the jigs,normally we hit shore by noon with all nice eaters and 50+ boated. Hawg Hunter
  21. seeing as the ice fishing season is almost upon us i thought id ask what is your favorite fish to catch during the hardwater season as you may have guessed im 100% walleye. WHATS YOUR FAVORITE Hawg Hunter
  22. glad to hear ya got out,the walleye hear this year were very strange or so people were telling me,see last year the shad never came in till almost the middle of november,making the eyes good and hungry. this year they came in around mid oct giving the eyes lots to feed on ....hence the strange bite,you know off one day on the next two off 3 days and so on. like ya said theres always next year and hey ive fished with 1000s of folks and the ones that have a tough time catching normally smoke a huge HAWG..... taker easy Hawg Hunter
  23. hello all just wondering when the chips are down whats your go too lure while ice fishing mines a side winder 3",for eyes whats yours Hawg Hunter
  24. very nice indeed Hawg Hunter
  25. great read and great pics congrads wish i was there..... Hawg Hunyrt
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