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Everything posted by kemper

  1. Two other board members, myself and Randy will be up all week. Great fishing to be had, and even with no boat the shore fishing around the resort is not bad at all. If you can walk out to the end of the point and out onto the rocks the bass are plentiful With a boat theres no need to go far, much of the best fishing is right around the corner.
  2. Interesting. But I still think that if it had anything to do with high water temps and low oxygen levels then carp would be the last fish to be affected. Damn things could live in a bathtub for weeks...
  3. 8 pound test! impressive, Ive hooked into a few while smallie fishin with 8 pound test and every one has taken me hook line and sinker. I happened upon a musky this weekend as well, only it wasnt quite that large... Cool to get a surprise fish like that
  4. I was actually worried about that because all that was stickin out of the fish's mouth was one blade on my spinnerbait. Line was fine, but like I said it was a quick fight because i wanted to get him in and then back in the water as quick as I could.
  5. Headed out at 4 AM this morning to a buddys cottage for a day of fishing. Location was stony lake, where I had never fished before. We were half awake and on the water at 5 to 6 in the AM The action started with largemouth and never stopped, we were on the fish all day with most around 14" and 5 or 6 coming in over the 16" mark. In total we boated around 40 bass, mostly largemouth with the exception of two smallies and the surprise of my life. I was shooting for the grand slam but lost a walleye at the boat. Fishin largies in shallow water with a green/white spinner bait i nearly had my arms pulled out of the socket on the second turn of the crank by a nice stony lake musky. I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be a musky fisherman so this was quite the experiance for me. After a great battle (short and sweet, even though im a bass fisherman i use 65 pound PP) we had this 36 inch musky in the boat. Fish was very chunky for its size, and really healthy. Kinda cool for a bass guy like me, heres some picture from the day, most didnt turn out because all i had was my camera phone.
  6. Im gonna say that its a virus, carried in the water that for one reason or another is only affecting the coarse species. Maybe because of feeding habits? Who knows. It will probably go through the entire kawartha chain and if all it does is kill carp this really isnt a bad thing. thats my optimistic outlook and im stickin to it!
  7. My powerpro is also faded but if it bothers you, just spin it onto a new reel/spool from the one its on. The last 50- 70 yards are probably still the colour that you bought it since the sun doesnt get to it. works for me
  8. Kemper's Top 5 Bass Baits. 1. Berkley Frenzy Popper in clown colour. 2. Senko in watermelon flake 3. Any spinnerbait, as long as its white 4. Berkley Tube jigs, white or brown/pepper flake 5. Berkely 3 inch white twister tail The key to my bass success, white means bass!
  9. Why would you need a flouro lead for fishin bass in heavy cover? If your running 30 or 40 pound PP as a mainline and as low as 8 for the leader your spending a lot of money for PP that is basically useless? Great idea for smallies i think but in heavy cover (or light for that matter) i use 50 pound PP, and find that the largies dont mind one bit, and ths plus side is that I Could pull a truck outta the weeds if i had to
  10. Your right, i didnt mean it as we should do something when they start dying, more of a were not screwed yet, but if the native species start to die we just might be kinda sense
  11. Simply from experience of my parents cars (many as we tend to flip them every 2 or 3 years) the ford is a MUCH better option. We had 4 fords in a row and never had any major repair problems, we now have 2 GMs in the driveway and every month one of them is in the shop for some piece of crap part that just decided to stop working. And geuss what, one of them is a cadillac. I for one, will never purchase a GM untill they revise the plan and stop making cars the blow up 3 minutes after the warrantee is up!
  12. To be completely honest, if its just the carp that are dying then it doesnt bother me very much at all simply because they are an 'invasive' species and dont really belong here in the first place. I also think that we need to slow down with the conspiracy theories, im fairly certain that a stealth MNR boat flying under the cover of darkness isnt spreading a carp disease.... When we need to be concerned is when the natural species of the area start floatin belly up.
  13. Hey all, have been fishing scugog the past few nights with limited success, looking to head up to rice lake for some evening/night shore fishing. Is there anywhere near Bewdley I can get some decent shore access? Public docks etc? thanks in advance kemper
  14. Very cool. It was my sisters grade 8 grad this past week as well. btw, very nice prelude you have there!
  15. I still havent decided if Im going out for opener yet, have to work 1-10 tomorrow but if I head out before work its gonna have to be the topwater in the early morning and going to soft plastics/spinnerbaits depending on how active they are.
  16. now THAT, is a grill. I barbeque everything, due party to the fast that its quick and easy to clean up (clean kitchen, happy mom), and also that i find everything just tastes better grilled. Quick grilling tip, try out the new PC Tequila Habenero BBQ sauce, it comes in a huge size for cheap and is VERY good.
  17. I am. Exams? DANG! next week eh, oh well. I headin up to blue mountain for a weekend of mountain biking with my buddies. Let the cramming commence!
  18. GO DUCKS GO BABY! theyve been makin me money all season, and nobody believed in them. Untill now. SHOW ME THE MONEY!
  19. I got hosed into buying those things on buckhorn one year. WAY to expensive and all they managed to do was attract every damn sunfish for 40 miles around.
  20. Go get em Lew I also will be out musky huntin either saterday or sunday, hopefull there will be a report
  21. Ive got a number 18. and no you cant have it haha
  22. Cool, never really fished for carp but might have to give it a try. first post in months for me by the way, my computer has been having issues with this site and then ive been busy with school and such. bring on the bass!
  23. AMAZING day for me today. Went to a hole that I had been scouting for a few weeks that I knew was holding 30 plus fish. Arrived at 4:30 and got 2 before dawn, as soon as first light hit it was non stop with 5 drifts in a row 5 fish landed. I ended up going something like 9/16 but lost count along the way. 2 males, 7 or more females with only one being fresh. Sadly, my camera died on the first picture and my cell camera does not work in the dark! I managed to get one picture off my cell phone around 7 30 AM and some more should be coming to me via email later in the week. Here she is,
  24. Same for me CC. Last three trips have been the biggest waste of roe ever. damn suckers...
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