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Everything posted by kemper

  1. Thanks for the quick responses guys, and that area west of Nichol island has produced for me many times during the summer so maybe I will find them in some of the same spots.
  2. Im heading out to a lake that I know quite well (upper buckhorn) this saterday bass/musky fishing. Although I usually do quite well on the lake ive never fished it outside of july and dont really know what to expect, are the fish going to be holding in the same general areas or will I have to switch it up a bit? Any tips on fall bassin would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Saw quite a few jumping at the mouth of the St. Claire on Huron while walleye fishing, big freakin things!
  4. That bass is a hog man, awesome
  5. Awesome, Ill be up in the area musky hunting myself later this week.
  6. Fishing in small tribs, you will find that alot of the fish on the end of your line will be accidentaly snagged, it happens and there really isnt anything you can do about it. I only fish salmon for a week or so before the browns and bows start to tag along but even bow fishing I get the odd salmon in a weird place with the hook and the best thing to do is cut the line. Sure you could say you didnt know where it was hooked but better safe then sorry. Side note, my best advice for this kind of fishing is to RUN A LEADER. It sounds like you havent done this trib fishing too much but there is lots of shopping carts in the bottom of those creeks just waiting to take your entire stash of floats. Float above a small swivel with lighter test line below will save you alot of tackle, and increase the odds of hooking into fish.
  7. I have the vacation thing easy, actually I have the whole work thing easy. Full time student/part time at work, ive been at the same job for almost three years and have never had an issue with booking any time off that I want. So far this summer ive booked probably two weeks worth of fishing time with no issue whatsoever. Now when i get a fulltime job this will all cahnge...
  8. you, good sir are living in the mecca for my other hobby. Downhill mountainbiking you wouldnt happen to ride would you?
  9. Yep, done the newspaper thing. Back in like grade 6 I went to the sportsman show and caught the biggest trout in the tank, (you know the one huge one that was always swimming around), and got my picture taken with a guy from a fishing show who I have no forgotten the name of.
  10. I got caught for skipping school two afternoons in a row this past winter. When asked by the VP where I was I decided to play the truth card, "The steelhead were biting." Turns out the guy loved steelhead fishing and wanted to know all about it, the whole episode was 'forgotten about' and I was told to fish on my own time.
  11. I had a skunk jump out in front of my on the trail to a bass pond last month, scared the crap out of the thing iguess and he turned and sprayed, luckily as soon as i saw the white stripe i RAN FASTER THAN I HAVE EVER RUN BEFORE and got out of the range of spray i geuss? Whole cottage stank, but he didnt get me!
  12. Im in oshawa and have seen a few out there. Not in any great numbers yet, but I think this cooler weather and the rains comin should really bring them in. All we need now is an offshore wind
  13. Headed up to a spot on cameron lake with a few buddies for a day of shore fishin, I knew it would be tough but not to the point that we would watch smallies all day bump our lures but not take them! We caught a few average size smallies and a largie on topwaters, and then ventured back to the fast water in hopes of a walleye or two. I was rippin an X rap right in the wash of the dam (its a small dam), and something with some weight grabbed it and just wouldnt come up so i was thinking sweet big walleye. Nope, it was my first shore caught musky! Not a huge one at all, somewhere in the 33 inch range but it did put up a great fight in the current. Unfortunatly no pictures because it took longer than i wished to unhook her so i just made a quick release. Right before we were leaving my buddy, who can find a big largie anywhere, was flippin holes from the bridge and slammed the hooks into a 2.5 largie on a pink senko, good end to a slow day. I have a picture of the largie somewhere, ill see if i can dig it up.
  14. Hey, My buddies and I do an annual downhill mountain biking trip the last weekend of summer every year since I have started highschool, unfortunatly where we ride has been shut down for insurance reasons (what hasnt?) so in replacement i am doing a day (possibly two) fishing with some other buddies of mine. I have one place in mind that I know I can catch fish no problem and my buddys are avid fishermen and also know the lake well but we are looking for something new. Walleye/smallmouth bass are the target species and a day of musky fishin wouldnt bother me at all either. We are willing to drive anywhere up to 2.5 hours from Whitby (45 mins east of toronto) and will need to rent a boat. Ideas anyone? thanks, kemper
  15. Picture this. Its 4 am, April 30th, Im fishing in complete darkness by myself in the woods on some river for opener trout. Ive been there for five minutes and hook into a decent steelie, and somehow in the darkness manage to get the thing to shore. As I bend over to pick the fish up my BRAND NEW camera goes into the drink, and being without a flashlight I have no hope in hell of finding the darn thing. So I wait it out untill sunlight, which leaves the camera submerged for about 2 hours, and sure enough it was completely toast. Note to self, bring a buddy and a flashlight while fishing in the dark. On a brighter note I landed over 10 steelies before 9 30 AM that morning.
  16. Although I dont know the lake well enough to direct you, there are many places 12-14 feet deep with big boulders. Throw stick baits/tube and you should be beating them off the hook!
  17. pictures are at the shop, will be on CD and posted hopefully by the end of the day
  18. ALSO- Filleted about 98 carp with the motor this week. Damn floating things were EVERYWHERE.
  19. kemper


    Dad caught a 22 incher last summer. It was 4 lb 7oz. So that 22 incher DOES NOT weigh 12 pounds
  20. Just got back from a week at buckhorn lake, and the fishing comapared to past years was dissapointing. We did catch fish, but just not in the numbers or size that we are used to. For the week we managed only 3 bass over 2 and a half pounds, with a 17 incher, and 18 incher at 3 pounds 5 ounces and a 19 incher at 3 pounds 14 ounces. The fishing over the first few days was really difficult because we are used to the water being atound 76 and it was right down at 68. We found the fish to be in 12-15 FOW over scattered weeds, and white spinnerbaits were the only thing that could coax them out. I have lots of pictures but im getting tired of scaling them down to rediculous sizes at the moment so ill just put the one up and then when the film from the other camera comes in ill get some more up. Heres the big boy of the week at 19 inches and 3 lbs 14 oz. Lots more to come
  21. Ive had bad luck with anything labelled BPS series. I picked up a baitcaster myself today actually, an Okuma for 170, 10 bearings and was FAR smoother than the shimano for the same price. Well see how it goes, but I have heard good things about okuma reels. Personally I stay away from diawa because I had an expensive reel of theirs die on me twice, but it was probably just crap luck.
  22. Dutch is right, that lake gets super busy.
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