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Everything posted by kemper

  1. PM me if you want, I wont tell you where I was but I can tell you if you are right or not about what trib you think it was.
  2. Got the itch again! Im heading back out, anyone wants a drift ill be under that bridge over yonder where the steelies swim. peace.
  3. Dropback from the fall, still in the river system. I caught a few earlier in the season.
  4. Sweet day Cliff, Bly, DouG. See you guys out there soon again!
  5. Right by the bridge? Ya that was me, I got her though, came back a few drifts later!
  6. Hey all, got everything packed up and hit my favourite trib today at 8 am. On the water by 8 30 I knew it was going to be a good day, the river was stained, but still more green than brown and the temps were looking good. Got the first fish within at 8 40, a big male that was fairly fresh and full of fight. After that I missed one fish in the same pool before I was pushed out of my spot by a couple of hooligans with 6 foot rods and baseball floats. Awesome guys, thanks alot. Not to worry though, lots of water that looked good for some steel! As I was walking to find some new steel to play with I ran into Bly, Cliff and DouG and we chatted for a while. Nice to finally meet some people from the board! It was good talking to you guys. As DouG, Cliff and Bly were leaving for some lunch I heard that DouG had a hit but missed it in a pool right beside us, so not long after they left to get some eats I had hooked and landed another BIG male, this one larger than the first one. No measurements because I had to land it in the water with noone to help me beach it, and no pictures because i did not feel like loosing another cell phone to the drink. The first male was 29 inches, this was was at least 3 longer. Moving on, I went further downstream (Right where you guys were parked) and managed two more steelies, both quite big one male and one female. Pictures are crappy because I took one myself by jamming my cell in the snow and hitting the time delay and the other was taken underneath a bridge by a passerby. The second fish is my PB female, and was either the longest or second longest of the day. No measurements though. HEY, SIT STILL. Thats the face I make when I get a taste of tail. Lets try again, sit....SIT. Thank you. Now this fish was a challenge to land because of the ice, but after some acrobatics I managed to get it to the bank. I actually missed this fish twice before I hooked it on the third consecutive drift. Very hungry? Overall a very good day. I have no doubt that I could have continued catching trout all day long, as all this action occured between 830 and 1130. I will be going back before dark tonight to try my luck again. Steel were on today! Final tally was 4 landed and 3 missed. Didnt get picture of all of them because well, anyone who has tried to fish solo and take pictures at the same time knows that it isnt always as easy as you might think. Good day all, see you on the river!
  7. I always knew they were little green dudes with big eyes... The lengths people go to...
  8. I think you might be surprised when you bring it back...the manager might just say thanks for letting me know and I hope you like your free vest. Of course this isnt a perfect world, but if I owned the place that is what I would do.
  9. ok thanks alot...I had the number before but seeing as im so smart I had it written down on the box of the reel. The reel that I sent to them. Smart eh?
  10. Hey all, Does anyone have an email for Rocky's tackle in Orillia? I sent my Okuma baitcaster there for warrantee and I have not heard from them so I just wanted to make sure they recieved it. A phone number would also work. Thanks kemper
  11. Thanks everyone, it sure was great to get out on the softwater. Keep your eyes peeled for more reports, this is the season where I catch fish while everyone else sits around waiting for opener...
  12. just to show the size....this was the smallest of the day. The fish in the second picture.
  13. Photoz...I could tell you. But then Id have to kill you.
  14. Its an older model, 10'6" Fenwick HMX. I cant say enough about this rod, I have 4 float rods, all newer and some more expensive and this rod is still my favourite. You will not regret buying a fenwick.
  15. So this morning I was sitting on the couch watching fishing shows when I got the twitch. It was time to go fishing! Packed up my float gear and left for the local trib determined to find some fishable water. I was greeted at one of my favourite spots with some open water (key word some) and perfect conditions. Three drifts in steelheal number one was on the line, a big strong male. After the ice was broken, I got two more fish and lost a fourth all in ONE HOUR. I had limited time today because of assignments etc that need to be done for school and let me tell you it was the most amazing hour of the winter. I kept the nice female for eggs and dinner, almost never keep them but I was out of roe... Some more pictures from an amazing day... back to the homework...
  16. I was in there with my girlfriend a couple weeks back, and had her convinced that they were shark fishing lures. It was only when an older gentleman heard me BSing and gave me the thumbs up that I cracked and was subjected to a beating by the girl.
  17. ...and you can always try the icebreaker method. Knock the ice out of your favourite run, sit down and have a coffee and then start drifting!
  18. The steelhead season really goes from late fall untill may, there are fish to be had all through that time. Problem is, the rivers dont always co operate. Right now there is lots of fish in, but good luck getting to them as everything is quickly becoming iced up.
  19. There is lots of fish to be had. PM me though, the pier is alright but there are better ideas
  20. thanks guys...wish I had a pic of me holding them..but thats what you get when you fish solo.
  21. Oh and thanks for Mistyjr1 for the resize!
  22. Had a great day on the river this morning. Went 3/4 in 2 hours, and managed my New PB! Started out with a small guy, 3-4 pounds then they got bigger ending the morning with a 32 Inch monster bow. Heres the first one, nice little girl. VERY fresh and gave a great fight, lots of acrobatics. Fun on the pin! And here is the brute of the day, coming in at 32 inches. Fought for so long I thought the arms were gonna come off...or the 4 lb test was gonna break...
  23. Hooked a few high water bows myself between the time the ice was out and the water turned unfishable...which was about the span of an hour and a half. No pics because i was alone and the cell phone cam was inside my pants pocket which was under my waders. Look for a report later this week, I expect the steel to be on fire in my area friday/saterday
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