I took this stuff in my stupider and younger years.. Nasty stuff..
Biggest thing about losing weight is the diet. No amount of exercise can replace a crappy diet. You need to increase your metabolism, so this means smaller meals but more frequent... You also don't have to get into it hardcore right away, most people who do this fail.. Take one bad thing out of your diet, pop for example is a killer. Instead of sitting down in front of the TV for 30 mins, take your kids for a walk or go by yourself. Hitting the gym 5 days a week from the start will kill you.. You'll hate it, and won't want to continue.
Men's Health has some really great routines that you can do at home. Interval training work wonders.. The consistent heart rate of cardio, with the muscle building technique of weight lifting.. Running is good, but after a while it's nothing more then a heart conditioning exercise. Gaining 1lb of muscle requires the body to burn an extra 75 calories, while at rest!!!!
Don't cut carbs out of your diet entirely.. Your body will go into survival mode and 30% of your weight loss will be muscle and water.. Not want you want.
Just remember, baby steps!!!