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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Wow man, that's not bad at all.
  2. As soon as you are done cutting the hole, put the plastic guard back on the auger. Saves the blades.
  3. I can honestly say I've never had a beer out on the ice, or even thought of bringing along a few for the trip. Now, after a long day of portaging? Nothing is better.
  4. They'd be great for spring pike. How much were they?
  5. So where did you fish today? 'Oh, I met some dude off the internet'
  6. I've met some really great people on this site and have made some extremely close friends because of it. Mike and I are always on some crazy adventure together and I'd never trade those (good or bad) for anything. I'm not one of these guys whose got a page full of 'friends', I have about a dozen people I consider good friends and a large part of that list was populated directly or indirectly because of this site. It's kinda of crazy when I sit back and think of it.
  7. Got an old Coleman 510e coming to me in the mail. Can't beat the old kerosene heaters..
  8. Ah, I figured! I'll keep an eye open for the next one!
  9. I 'like' his page, but how do you actually submit a photo to the contest?
  10. I think the OP is looking for EXIF data...
  11. Should have lots of choices in that price range!
  12. With all the snow, I doubt there will be many rapids to run compared to last year, lol. Which will be nice, way more water to fish that's easy to get to. I'm sure my partner will be bringing the flyrod as well, should be a great week! Wanna tie me up some some articulated leeches? I need some for the resident brownies in Grey/Bruce :)
  13. Dave, I'll leave you a few mid 40's to catch, but I'm putting a 50incher or bigger under my belt this year
  14. The parking lot has about 7 spots, it's full before 8am. I'm surprised they even call it a parking lot. Problem is ALL the roads around the area are posted as well, so nowhere to park.
  15. Yup, gotta let gravity do her thing, lol.
  16. Good job man! I've found most people out on Simcoe really laid back and willing to help, that really sucks they didn't help you out on the walk back.. The weather this weekend was brutal, I looked at the temp and there was no way I was pulling the hut through all that snow and -26 degree temps. Good on ya.
  17. Someone posted about this last week.
  18. I guess you could, but it's not a place where people drive onto the ice, not at least at this access.
  19. Definitely fueling, like I mentioned before, take the carb off, give it a good clean and make sure the floats aren't stuck. If they are, the bowl will never fill will fuel and the motor will just stall out. This is why it's running when you prime it or use the choke, those both bypass the bowl and go directly into the engine.
  20. Put them in the freezer and use them as chum!
  21. Floats in the carb bowl are most likely stuck.
  22. I'd look at a 4Runner.. Nice and comfy with REAL 4WD bits when you need them.
  23. I only ever bought new gear when I started to fish for lakers and whities. Before that it was a homemade wood tip up.
  24. Park on BBP Rd itself.. No one is stopping you. And it's 100% legal to do so.
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