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Everything posted by BillM

  1. The cottage market crashing? Not likely, lol!!
  2. If you're 90 years old I suggest not walking down to the whirlpool, lol.
  3. Sweet, maybe you convinced a few guys to go out on the ice tomorrow so the helicopter boys will get more practice!
  4. Walk isn't that bad, just rest half way up
  5. Can't beat when you land on top of a pod of fish.
  6. Most guys I know us a cradle to control the fish in the water while they get rid of the hooks.. Once they've done that, it's either back in the drink or out for a quick pic then off she goes!
  7. I'm guessing he'll be fishing around Welland.
  8. One of my favourite tools from CT are the flex head ratcheting wrenches I got on sale for half price last year..
  9. I wouldn't worry about braid cutting in on your guides, unless they are from the 80's or earlier... Casting won't do that, bringing the line in under pressure will (ie while you are landing a fish) I still haven't found a line that casts better then 6lb Nanofil.
  10. Frankie gets out fished again! We need to start keeping score!
  11. Suspending husky jerks in this cold water. Pause 3-4 seconds if you have to.
  12. Shouldn't matter, as long as it's a model they carry. They should still warranty it for you, or at least send it in to St.Croix if they won't provide you a replacement.
  13. No prob man, I remembered the first time I went to put on a single hook (due to regulations) and thought to myself... How the heck do I get this one off? I thought maybe you could twist the body, or like on the olds Mepps slide the body up and over, remove old hook, slide the new one on, then slide the body back down etc.. Nope, not on these spinners! LOL!
  14. Canadian Tire should start selling these in the icefishing section.
  15. Calais DC Nice reel! I bought my reel (Normal Calais) for a steal compared to what they sell it there for new (I think $599 or something crazy like that)
  16. Lew, I was down in PA fishing a tribs a few weeks ago and there were fiddle heads already on their way out! I kept tripping over the damn things, lol!
  17. Why don't you do an over the counter exchange at a St.Croix rod dealer?
  18. Depends on how much you buy a new reel for Anything from $5-$100.
  19. Let's wait for the bleeding hearts to chime in and tell us these guys made a simple mistake, nothing more.
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