LOL!! Yeah man, you figured me out. There's some deep, unexposed horrible thing that happened during my childhood which makes me shake my head at guys who drape a dead deer across the back of their side by side, for nothing more then to show everyone out there how much of a big bad hunter they are.
It's disrespectful to the animal and it makes you look like an attention *****. I hunt for christ sakes, do don't try and peg me for some animal loving P3TA type
BTW, to the guy who mentioned Michigan, I just got back from 3 days on the Manistee, which also was the opener for deer out there.. I didn't see any of this behavior at all. Lots and lots of deer in the back of trucks and trailers, but none out on display like the one I saw on the 400SB a few weeks ago.. If you're a deer hunter, Michigan is the place.. We saw hundreds of them!!