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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Errr..... you might have quite the drive a head of you, lol!
  2. Lots of tribs on the east coast of superior that get runs of fish.
  3. When you're on the Photobucket site, open the pic you want to post. On the right hand side of the screen you'll be given a few options. Email & IM, Direct, HTML and IMG. Click IMG, this will copy the image link to your clipboard.. Simply press Ctrl + V or right click paste when making your thread.
  4. Anyone who thinks Hendricks won this out right should read this... What your face looks like really doesn't matter. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1853770-georges-st-pierre-vs-johny-hendricks-breaking-down-the-fightmetric-numbers
  5. Yup, all winter. Once charged my Guest onboard charger goes into maintenance mode and will trickle charge them when needed.
  6. I've never done a time lapse of the Milky Way, but get a few good shots of it every year when my oldman and I head up north. It's actually not hard to shoot at all... 30 sec, ISO 3200/6400, Lowest aperture your lens can handle and a tripod. I've even shot it from Coldwater. Just need a night with no moon and clear skies. Problem around here is light pollution though.
  7. Never a prob on Kijiji, buying or selling. Most people are honest and good folks. Although you'll always run into an ass every once and a while.
  8. My battery maintenance starts and finishes with me plugging in my onboard charger, lol. So much nice then hauling those things out of the boat.
  9. LOL!! Yeah man, you figured me out. There's some deep, unexposed horrible thing that happened during my childhood which makes me shake my head at guys who drape a dead deer across the back of their side by side, for nothing more then to show everyone out there how much of a big bad hunter they are. It's disrespectful to the animal and it makes you look like an attention *****. I hunt for christ sakes, do don't try and peg me for some animal loving P3TA type BTW, to the guy who mentioned Michigan, I just got back from 3 days on the Manistee, which also was the opener for deer out there.. I didn't see any of this behavior at all. Lots and lots of deer in the back of trucks and trailers, but none out on display like the one I saw on the 400SB a few weeks ago.. If you're a deer hunter, Michigan is the place.. We saw hundreds of them!!
  10. Brian, have you been scaring up lots of grouse this year while fishing the river? I know I have, I think I scared up at least 6 the other day. Scared the living crap out of me, lol! Haven't seen this many grouse in a while.
  11. You got it.. They wouldn't hand over the belt on a decision like that. I don't know why everyone is so surprised.
  12. I'm not whining, I just think it's classless. Along with the dead whatever strapped to the back, they should also have a big sign that reads LOOK AT ME!!!!! LOL! I'm all for sharing your kill with your buddies or other people that would appreciate it don't get me wrong. Just something about displaying it for the world irks me.
  13. They even cut the grass for you there Rich! That's pretty sweet Nice buck.
  14. Terrova + I-Pilot Link = heaven. Much better pedal and stow and go system as well over the PD units.
  15. Yeah man because the entire reason you went out hunting is to show off your deer to the rest of the world while driving down the highway. 99% of guys don't do this, but when you've got an empty bed and a deer strapped to the back of your side by side on the trailer, you know those guys just LOVE the looks they get.. So much for respecting your quarry, let's hang it off the back of the truck for everyone to see how much of a badass hunter I am! Those people are classless losers.
  16. Steal some shrimp from the food tables, all you ever need, lol.
  17. According to Mike that's standard equipment on the Yammi, and upgrade on the Merc.
  18. Love me some lakers!
  19. Greg and the boys @ Bills Bait and Tackle are great guys. I wish I was closer so I could give them more of my business.
  20. The horse face is hilarious lol!!!
  21. I wouldn't be using expensive lures in the ocean, those fish are even stupider then their freshwater counterparts, lol!
  22. I didn't get to see the play, was it clean?
  23. Sounds like you've got it all figured out!
  24. The MKA-21 is a flush mount, I wouldn't be putting that on carpet or anything that could possibly hold water. I run the other mount I posted on our Terrova, we raised it up just a wee bit with some plastic spacers so the carpet could dry out when it got wet. If you're not mounting it to carpet, then you've got nothing to worry about (although I would seal it completely)
  25. Lots of giants in Ontario, you just gotta find them
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