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Everything posted by huzzsaba

  1. Interesting. I know a lot of you drive pickup trucks. Thought someone may be interested. http://www.msn.com/en-ca/autos/news/tesla-pickup-truck-rendered/ar-AArs9j2?li=AAggFp0&ocid=mailsignout
  2. Anyone know when when the pink salmon run happens up in sault ste Marie? I heard it happens every 2 years.
  3. Thanks for all the replies. I am sure all these recommendations will be useful to others who have been victimized by road paint lol. I tried magic eraser but that didn't do much. After further digging into previously used cleaners at home, I found goo gone. sprayed it on and let it sit for 5 mins and it mostly came off. thanks!
  4. Reached home and parked the car in the dark only to find paint all over the side when I got out of the house around noon today. Must have happened when I drove early morning when the roads were wet. They must have put down some fresh paint on the roads right before it rained I was able to get off what splashed onto the paint, but my car had molded plastic around the wheel well and on the rocker panel. Power washer did nothing and neither did magic eraser. Please advise. I was going to try nail polish remover before trying anything harsher, but thought I should ask here first. Thanks
  5. Sorry for the late reply and thank you guys for the kind words. Old Ironmaker, I will continue to learn as long as I can, so definitely worms vs minnows questions will continue . I do know however that with all the gobies we have, worms are a pain in the neck unless one likes goby fishing. So minnows wins vs worms.
  6. Thanks for the replies and yes Andrew, its very addictive. Brian, I bought those spoons initially to use in algonquin for lake trout but never got around to going there. Hopefully they produce in the future as well as they did that day. Pump Knows, Love watching your videos and will definitely post about future outings. Recently went a road trip to Jasper and Banff from here (gta), so will be working on that report to come soon!
  7. A friend of mine purchased a speedboat recently and mentioned to me that he was interested in fishing. He wanted to catch some salmon so we made a plan to get out and give it a try. I have some experience fishing and he knows boating. At this point he is the captain and I am the fisherman. We head out one morning only to reach the ramp and see the waves crashing against the shore. We made the wise decision to cancel and rescheduled for another day. Night before Civic Holiday, my friend sends me a text saying he needs to put the boat in the water to do some repairs on the trailer and asks me if we should give fishing a shot. I say sure, why not. We reach the ramp and its packed with boats. Luckily we got in the water quick and were on our way. We were not really as prepared as we should have been. I had my 2 dinky rods (which mind you caught several 20 lb salmon) but that was it. My friend who has never caught a salmon or trout in his life and didn't get a chance to prepare his rods but had 2 decent rods. This was my first time using a fish finder as well, and to go along with that we had no equipment for down rigging, but we said what the heck, lets give it a try, Even if we don't catch anything, we are just getting our feet wet and its a start to hopefully many fishing trips. We head out in the calm Lake O waters and look for where others are fishing. We reach the area and keep our distance. My friend sets up his rod with a dipsy diver followed by a flasher and spoon. we get it into the water only to find out he put it on backwards so it did not want to dive lol. I switched it around and we let if go into the water. I meanwhile remembered watching some videos about a 50/50 method of trolling using a sinker and rubber band. I pulled out my Williams Wabbler spoon that have been collecting dust in my fishing bag and throw it on. let out approx 50 feet of line ( eyeballed it) and attached a 3/4 oz sinker, and then let out approx another 50 feet of line. We then proceed to start trolling. My previous experience on charters and last year with freshtrax, I know to stay away from other boats so we did just that. We kept the speed at 2.4 mph. An hour goes by and nothing. I decide to check my sinker and lure. As I am reeling in, bang! something broke off my lure. I then look and see a nice silver and black fish acrobatically leaping into the air 2-3 times. What a sight with the toronto skyline in the back! Hopefully it shook off the hooks. I then had to tie a new leader on 20 lb maxima ultragreen and send it out with another williams wabler spoon but this time a different color. I also remember to loosen the drag so that I wouldn't break off again. 10 mins later I get up to do something and my rod (which is sitting in a ghetto rigged rod holder lol) goes off with the sound we all love hearing of fish peeling drag. Again acrobatic jumps follow 100 feet behind the boat. I reel the fish in all the while praying it stays on and we net it! My first ever Rainbow!! 15 mins later another one is on the same rod and spoon, this time the fish is slightly bigger. Another rainbow! All this on my 6.6 med shimano rod with a spinning reel with 20 lb line. My friend then asks me to tie him the same setup as mine. I pulled out another Williams spoon similar to the one I was using and setup the 50/50 for him. 5 mins later, he has his first fish on and its a small salmon (probably 1 lb). It was nice to see the huge smile on his face. We took a quick photo and sent it back the water to catch another year. We ended our day there as the rain started coming down. All in all a fun day out on the water especially considering we were not that well prepared and not expecting much. A lot of thanks to all who gave advice from this board in the past and to Freshtrax who I learnt a lot from our short outing last year. It really helped along with the numerous youtube videos I have watched over the years. In the excitement, I forgot to take photos out on the water but here are 2 from when I returned home. top fish is 9.2 lbs and bottom one 8.6 lbs.
  8. tried for bass yesterday in the credit river, but water was extremely high and fast and very muddy.
  9. Sure will let you know! thanks!
  10. tor-edm. but I see fort france is too far south. May have to buy them online. I like the fact that they float. Thanks though
  11. is this shop anywhere near hwy 17? Thought I could pick some up when I am headed to the west in a few weeks.
  12. Nice fish! Nice Scenery! Looks very peaceful
  13. Thanks Dave. that is what I have been doing until now but tired of cds skipping and wearing down too fast. I have been buying cds to burn from dollarama. Not sure if there are cheap quality cds and better quality ones that are more resistant to scratching and wear.
  14. My older car does not have an aux port to play audio from usb or other devices etc. I recently heard about bluetooth Fm transmitter being a cost effective solution, at the same time heard that the quality is not that great. Maybe better brand has better quality? Does anyone have any experience with these? Any good brands out there anyone have experience with and can recommend? Thanks in advance!
  15. quick search on reviews show more positive reviews with the walmart batteries
  16. Couldn't help you with CT or Walmart batteries but Costco (Kirkland)batteries are the best in my opinion and cheapest priced as well. I have bought several from the local scrap yard and they have all been working great after a few years
  17. try maitland valley fishing charters. Heard they are doing good for lakers. Dave is a great guy. tell him Ali from toronto sent you. he is based out of goderich.
  18. Haven't had much luck with catching anything besides bass from port credit/oakville harbour/Bronte, especially during the Summer months. I can't get out of the city for a few weeks to fish other waters, but am itching to at least fish for something so the piers are my best bet. Given that bass season is closed for now, is there anything else that I can catch off the piers with a worm and hook? I know piers like port maitland, there are a variety fish (walleye, perch, catfish,sheephead and the list goes on), but as far as I know lake Ontario piers are only known for the usual salmon,steelhead and of course carp. I did remember seeing someone catch silver fish (probably silver bass or white perch) on a spoon, but that was a rare sight. Any insight would be appreciated. Basically just want to relax and fish without suspicion that I am targetting bass. Maybe I have to get into carp fishing lol. if only they can open bass season earlier by a few weeks . they are all over the place! Thanks
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