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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. anyone care to give a brother some tips? I still havent solved the spring walleye bite in 14...been fishing it a long time and spent a lot of time getting skunked. Depths, structure? anything ? I can usually catch them come may 24, but the opener has always been a mystery for me.
  2. snow in the near north country today. Mom's up in Pointe au baril and they got 6 inches of snow
  3. personally, at this point in our economy, i would be stearing away from anything in the manufacturing and resources sectors unless you are up north in the mining industry...residential or nothing at this point
  4. i might be taking your comment wrong now...but in no way am i bashing on the trades, as anyone with their ticket easily makes way more money than me. Hence why i wish I went into them myself! I still might if the cards work out right, but the 1st and second year as an apprentice would be rough, after that totally smooth sailing.
  5. sorry i think people misunderstood my comment about starting in the trades. They are great jobs and it is never too late to start one. The problem is that I dont know if i could manage the pay cut required in order to start out. Thats what makes it tough. Owning a house requires me to have steady good income coming in. Itd be very very tight for the first couple of years. Still a consideration though if I can get things rolling along nicely enough I might take the plunge. You also need to have someone willing to take you on!
  6. ahahahhaa yessssss great comments iron the whole blondie thing was that she was hanging out with some new york cats that were in the midst of creating hip hop so she went out and recorded it and brought it to the mainstream. Iron you gotta know Run DMC right? I mean they were jamming with Aerosmith
  7. well done guys, and kudos to Mr. Pete...,literally one of the nicest fellas ive met in my entire life!
  8. congrats mike, similar situation here, i started as a kid with a basic education taking customer service calls. Now i am a senior compliance officer and I put in a request to see if they would let me move to British Columbia and they said yes!
  9. sorry dont post on weekends, but guys basically I realize now i should have taken a trade, but its too late im too far into my career to take one. The reason for this is that I was outright guided by the school system to not go into the trades. Unless you were a "dummy" and taking applied courses, you were outright encouraged to do anything but become a tradesman...and that is so wrong its disgusting. what worries me even more is that now a large group of tradesmen are the druggiess and losers from highschool because all of the kids that actually tried in school were told not to take trades. Incredible really. You could be failing school, but the trades was the back up...thats not right at all!
  10. hate on 36 all you want, but i can tell you right now that 90% of rappers in the game owe their careers to these guys...they have their place its just not a sound thats for everyone. A lot of people didnt like Outkast either...now you realize how significant they are. PLEASE TELL ME YOU GUYS HAVE LISTENED TO SECTION 80?????
  11. trust me guys. i would have loved to have taken a trade but its not as easy as you think. I looked into trying to get into the electrician or plumbers union and its basically impossible unless your dad/uncle are already in the union. Dont even get me started on how corrupt the education system is though...oh boy let me just say that it was straight forward told to us in highschool that if you were smart you would take University level courses, go to university and get a job...and if you were dumb, then you took applied math and would go into the trades... I took university math and it ruined my grades, i sucked at it 8 years later, 50% of the people that i know that went to university and had good grades are working menial jobs, meanwhile 100% of the dummys that took applied courses and went into the trades are making fantastic money and loving life. One of the most succesful guys i know nearly failed out of school cause he was terrible at it and had a learning disability, now hes 28 making 150k a year...go figure. I have many regrets in that regard and i actually blame the corrupt education system that was forcing us into useless college and university courses to inflate peoples pockets for the problem
  12. thats the way to do it. love the generalizatiosn when it comes to "this generation" Im this generation and ill put it right out there that if you think your generation had it tougher...try buying a reliable enough car to even get to your job for less than 30% of your annual wage. Back in the 70's and 80's your dollar went way further than it does now. As someone who has had some form of job since he was 8 years old and has had a job ever since, let me tell you im lucky as all hell to have wealthy parents who are able to lend me a hand because our generation is completely screwed. How can anyone expect a person to buy a home for half a million dollars and buy a basic car for 30 thousand dollars, while paying 150 dollars a month just to keep the lights on. For those of us that work, its basically a total pipe dream to ever expect to be able to own a boat, ATV or god forbid a cottage at any point in our lives.
  13. yessssss another can ox fan Cold vien is still my #1 fave hip-hop album of all time. i saw can ox in the fall...they were a bit tattered and look like they are struggling a bit, but it was mad nostalgic. I saw them in a crowd of about 50 people and stood against the stage. Every single person in the joint knew every single word. When they did raspberry fields bascially it was just everyone rapping with them. Cool experience.
  14. part of the problem you are dealing with Cliff is that you cant find people that actually want to work to do the jobs that you have. The ones that actually want to work and are good workers have jobs of their own already. There was a time in my life I would have been all over this. But for those that actually care to work hard, those times are usually short lived. What you are dealing with is a bunch of bums that dont have jobs to begin with...and thats usually for a reason.
  15. big up to danny brown i think you probably left action bronson off of your list by mistake. Manitou, you know bronsilino? the only dude that can get away with rappin over sledgehammer and my fave track...the wrestling references are amazing
  16. the bats arent going and they are still in every single game and are winning as well...no complaints the bats will come to life soon. bautista and eddy have like like 2 home runs this year a piece? come on...wait till he starts cracking them outta the park.
  17. bowie, prince, phife...screw this year man
  18. my experience is that they are hard assess until you prove your innocence...then they all of a sudden switch character and start getting chatty. Last CO i drilled us down, licenses, why arent we keeping fish (i pretty much always C&R) where did our bait come from and even more funny, we had a bag of sardines for the tip ups the most recent time and buddy tried to convince us that the sardines were fish we had kept from Island lake lol. Once we explained everything with a straight face he then asked us how our fishing was going and was chatty about what others were catching on the lake.
  19. has anyone looked at their schedule for the first two months of the season. I would bet they have the toughest schedule in baseball. We need to remember they have only played good teams so far and are still a game above 500 good stuff!
  20. I am sure there are a pile of gay rappers, however I dont believe any of them have fully come out. Earsnot is a gay graffiti writer...thats about as close as i can get lol Young Thug is pretty much self admittedly Bi...but he also doesnt confirm it cause his whole persona is mysterious. Frank Ocean from odd future is openly gay.
  21. http://www.villagevoice.com/music/the-hacked-emails-that-expose-former-guru-partner-solar-as-the-most-evil-man-in-hip-hop-6634676 good read
  22. RIP GURU Also any of yall know about the whole Guru controversy/conspiracy? Theres rumours that Guru and premiere were actually more than just a hip-hop duo...they actually had a relationship together... Not sure how much i believe this part, but when Guru died aparently his entire estate went to some mysterious man, who many believe was actually Guru's "partner" and secretly there was romantic tension between all of this. pretty wild.
  23. serious question...anyone here intrigued by views? anyone here listen to any modern ish at all?
  24. My uncle owns a small fishing camp/motel up in northern alberta. One day he and his business partner went out for a fish. A local guy who hung out at the bar a lot, a bit of a drifter you could say, that had gotten to know my uncles business partner was hanging around as they were about to leave to go for the evening bite. My uncle's business partner invited the local out on the boat to which the drifter accepted the offer. Sure enough an hour or so into the fish out in the middle of the lake, this guy falls in the water...my uncle immediately notices that the guy appears to be totally frozen, they throw him the life rope and buddy doesnt even flinch...he just sort of freezes and they watch him sink. long story short my uncle and his business partner called the cops, had some serious explaining to do and the police divers found the guy a few hours later. My uncle says the image of this guy fully conscious, eyes open but frozen slipping into the depths will be stuck in his mind forever.
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