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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. there is absolutely no debate amognst anyone that this year is a wager the farm year. You will not retain both jose and eddy if either of them, you will not have this kind of starting pitching forever, nor will you be able field the kind of line up that allows you to sit saunders or martin just so that they can rest up for the post season. This is the year, years like this you disregard the future and think now. Remember, winning records come and go, but banners stay up forever. So happy to be back in Toronto while this is happening.
  2. caught a smallie on a owner stand up jig this weekend off a 50 foot ledge. I almost couldnt believe it.
  3. my rule is that no matter what, fish will always relate to structure...and sometimes its not the fish you are targetting, but the bait that is. This weekend provided me a perfect example of how being aware can get you onto fish. fishing in 25fow, i see a hump with a school of bait on the unit. I think to myself "that much bait, you know theres fish nearby" go about 10 meters away with the swimbait and sure enough i find the fish and watch as 3 smallies follow the swimbait to the boat. My pattern lately has been to toss swimbaits while moving from structure to structure (top water in the morning) and then once i find a hump or something interesting on the sonar or seeing an edge i switch to a drop shot or crayfish presentation. Ill tell you right now that 90% of the time if you mark a fish on your unit and drop a drop shot on its head it will bite.
  4. drop shots with jackall cross tail shad or gulp alive...owner stand up jigs with psycho dads or OSP craws...all damn day
  5. even though this is your 8th post, this is how you do an introduction post folks. Frig i need to get up to your place! and you to mine! congrats again
  6. only downer for pike is that they can get a little gross later in the summer, but that basically goes for all fish anyways. If you are catching pike in the spring or fall, you cant tell the difference between eyes and pike...Id challenge anyone to a blind taste test. What you guys are going to end up with is a pile of ridiculously huge pike. With the size of panfish in the kawarthas those pike are gonna have a smorgasbord.
  7. my third weekend in a row fishing...now this is the life ive been looking for

  8. oh man this is painful white people need to be stopped lol
  9. do fish eat jellies? good question?
  10. theres no doubt that the kawartha eyes get long as hell. What that chart doesnt talk about is the absolute fatties we get up further north. Ive seen 25 inch fish that would put kawartha 30's to shame.
  11. the jellys my guess came from an aquarium...eek less mayflys...more hungry fish...i aint complaining! To be honest though manitou, down on GB the mayflies basically explode around the end of June and then vanish. I never see them in the summer...maybe im just not observant enough? But usually i try pay close attention to this stuff, even more now since ive started fly fishing.
  12. this started up last year...sounds like things are staying positive. my buddies have a place at the ganny, up until last year it was rare for them to catch eyes...then all of sudden the population sort of exploded. We were bass fishing for a few days and we ended up boating 6 eyes over the two days. The pattern has continued this year, they are getting as easy as the bass to catch. Great news. Thats what winter closure does for the population apparently.
  13. I actually am definitely going to try this before blowing a bunch of money on a mount...thanks for the tip.
  14. ...you dont wanna know what i paid for my old PD1 its good to have good friends lol...from what ive seen pete, that model would probably go for about 400 bucks. As mentioned the pedals break easily.
  15. first you have to actually have a cold winter I dont complain...snowmobile time!
  16. i would expect Advanced Taxadermy to be sued by those that lost their trophies. That's where the real pain is going to be felt.
  17. run up in your crib wrap you up in your polo sheets 6 up in your wig piece ninja deceased...muah...may you rest in peace
  18. anyone have any real experience with the sea sucker? As mentioned earlier regular suction cups mounted on the seat in my tinner fail due to the vibration.
  19. would have loved to see them perform we'll go too...but whatever I still have fully completely to get me by.
  20. agreed on the expansion protection play. keep sparks and anderson out of las vegas' hands
  21. he wont make the team...and if he does he will be a utility for the marlies on a 2 way...basically just adds some depth to the 4th line if one of your bigger guys gets hurt you can use him in a limited roll. Prust has had some serious leg injuries that have hindered his skating abilitiy. The bonus here is that he is an experienced NHLer that can provide that to the marlies.
  22. this season is going to be fun to watch. They lost so many 1 goal games last year, with the added offence with the young guns we are going to be seeing an exciting team that will be learning from their mistakes.
  23. honestly been struggling with this myself. I tried a suction mount and it holds like a IQ challenged, but the subsequent vibration in the tinner makes the mount come loose. So stay away from suction...ill save you a few bucks there...the screw in ball mount might be the way to go...then all you need is a waterproof case and a external battery. Can anyone comment on the battery life using a tablet as their nav system? How long can one expect a charge to last running navionics.
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