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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. the magnum series of rods is literally the best value I have ever found. I personally go higher end, but for anyone looking for a >100 rod I would recommend the magnum every single time.
  2. hahaha nah...but started up a fishing tattoo on my body im excited to show it off cause the work is incredible. 2 more sittings to go
  3. i actually caught a pickerel this past fall, with the lure in its face that was literally brand new aka from one of the boats nearby, it sure as heck didnt give a crap and was as hungry as ever.
  4. just got the pull engraved on my body...tattoo pictures to be posted upon completion!
  5. ive got a week booked off to head to the lake commencing the 28th of October...9 days straight of prime time prime season fishing. Hoping some fall magic happens. And dutch, who said anything about waiting? Im going up north this weekend for a fish lol.
  6. give it 4 weeks and it will be "on" so to say
  7. TJAMES two times in the last year ive hooked into a pike or a bass on a 5 inch spook. Had both trebles hooked into the fishes face to the extent that one broke my line and another courtesy of a shotty knot job broke off...subsequently i watched the fish then resurface minutes later jump out of the water with the spook stuck in its face...and then subsequently jump again some minutes later...this time the spook flying out of the fishes face. I then trolled over and retrieved my lure. I wouldnt be too concerned if it was just a spinner without big trebles. The rate the fish hooks rust is astonishing. I recently found a crankbait in the pads that couldnt have been in the water more than a week judging by its cleanliness and the hooks literally disintegrated upon contact.
  8. with the course that bass pro is taking, the fact that our options are even further limited makes it tough. my last trip to bass pro (i hate shopping there in the first place but they had a tackle bag i really like) i went to grab a couple of jigs and swimbait heads and grab a couple packs of BP swimbaits...get to the jig section, sure enough everything is completely cleared out, so i ask the rep where the hell everything is and he informs me that Bass pro is no longer carrying the majority of 3rd party products, they are now going to be selling Bass Pro Branded lures exclusively...and that was the last time i ever shopped at bass pro. The weekend bobber and worm fisher won that one. Fek bass pro
  9. seems youve got plenty of answers...but same here...ive got simms waders, fallen on rocks with them on, caught them with flies...done all types of stupid stuff and they still are dry.
  10. http://www.anishinaa...biggest-threat/ they are still netting...read the comments, one guy admits to netting and subsequently shooting 10 moose in one year on the rez to "feed his extended family" funny enough this same guy is also the only one who cant properly write...education and knowledge is power... That article provides some fantastic insight from a lot of elders that make very very solid points, it becomes very obvious the type of people who feel that they have a right to illegally net still "the chief is the chief, hes not a judge"...but if a judge told you to stop youd say hes violating your rites as well..what way do these guys want to have it? this post makes no sense unless you read the article and comments FYI
  11. lol, ice fisherman kill 20% of fish they catch and release?(hard to believe) yet netting kills 100% of the fish caught...but the band is still blaming the ice fisherman...mind blowing.
  12. have you been to belwood this year? Ive heard the fishery got destroyed by our friends with ugly sticks and garbage pails
  13. oh to live in the 70's and 80's where people could afford a house and a boat to drive. total pipe dream for kids in their 20's and 30's to every even consider buying a boat, never mind a house as well. You guys had it better than you think, and dont give me some generational we worked harder than you Bull. Ask around, i dont think theres one young guy on this forum that can afford a boat seaworthy of lake O unless its flat. trust me, id love to have a boat in my driveway that would allow me to fish the derby. I bet Pump would love to have a nice big boat to get out on the lakes from...i consider myself very very lucky, im almost 30 and own a 14 foot tinner.
  14. i agree with this...ive been saying for months that if they get stuck playing the wildcard...i think that they will lose. it would be a painful game to watch...id probably have a stroke.
  15. now you can feel good about yourself. You went through the dumps and you are sitting in the top wildcard spot. You cant expect to win the division every year but you are in the second best position possible. Time to take a breath and get back to what makes you good.
  16. side imagining is cool...but lets get serious, i rarely if ever use it. I will admit yes, i have seen structure like a sunken tree on it before...but most of my fish that i actually see on the sonar are suspended and obvious, otherwise the sonar simply gets used to show me structure, ala...humps or bait. ALSO sterling...are you saying that the t box has the ability to plot on navionics utilizing the depthmaps developed using your tbox...can you please explain? this has me pumped...cause as you have it, the majority of my fishing spots arent charted or are incredibly inaccurate.
  17. going to the game tonight! pumpppeedddd!
  18. cliff... i just sold my house, the deposit was $50,000.... i would questioning your lawyer or real-estate agent about what the hell they thought they were doing... 5,000 deposit doesnt mean crap if you just bought a new place and need the funds to pay for that house....something seems very very fishy about the entire situation here. and this whole extension garbage...if someone asked me for an extension on closing id just take the 25 grand and wait to sell to someone else.
  19. then yes there will be resistance when turning the wheels if its 4x4 in this case you are now turning not only the diff but also the entire drive shaft (maybe they disengage on newer cars?) but once again in neutral it should still spin freely and easily...just with elastic type resistance that is constant. One of the easiest way to tell if its the brakes dragging is to simply let the car roll down a tiny slope in neutral. The car should roll smoothly, easily and without any noise.
  20. i just carried one of these out of the bush...they arent that heavy? maybe im missing the joke? yup missed the joke i forgot terrys has a pool deck, theatre and 3 dining rooms
  21. if only the sox didnt come back in the 9th...would have been a perfect night for T.O.
  22. fair...im not going to pass judgement on his mechanic abilities though....everyone has to learn some time right? I went from knowing nothing to swapping calipers and bleeding brakes...just gotta be careful.
  23. The worm thing is 100% dependant on the lake you fish bud. kawarthas fish get wormy...ive yet to see a worm in any of the G bay fish weve cleaned...that includes rock bass pumpkins and gills
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