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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. report is a total skunk for basically everyone at Bear point...probably wont bother with ice fishing simcoe ever again. There's better fishing to be had elsewhere without the ridiculous crowds...I had just left Pointe Au Baril that morning, i would have rather gotten skunked out on the ice without a soul in sight than set up in a hut village and get skunked.
  2. i dont blame ya for handless releasing that ling hahaha nasty buggers
  3. I think that this is also something that I need to get better at. Its difficult to break old patterns when they worked before.
  4. matt sens losing "has house renos" Sens beat leafs...makes 100 posts in a day Im surprised your computer wasnt "too far to get to" to post
  5. matt sens losing "has house renos" Sens beat leafs...makes 100 posts in a day
  6. watched cause i follow you on the grams...great vid...jealous of your knowledge of simcoe, you seem to have the lake on lock
  7. his driver also has a go fundme to help him with his medical bills and no doubt the counselling that he is going to need. Bill was very very lucky to survive, apparently was very close to not making it himself.
  8. im letting the operator do the navigating, i wouldnt dare venture out on simcoe without knowing what the heck im doing...
  9. got in at bear point for sunday...praying this rain storm doesnt cancel our plans If anyone is out on the laker grounds or plans to be on sunday, lemme know, id love to meet ya!
  10. they just recovered his body...so sad
  11. we are planning on going this sunday if possible...I did indeed fish on sunday on GBAY and holy cow it was a total skunk for two of us and then my buddy caught a pretty big pike but that was it for the entire day. This whole season so far has been a bust, i dont know what the heck is going on but the struggle is friggin real. Its rather discouraging to be honest, and we are fishing multiple spots that see absolutely 0 pressure and that we had huge success at last year...i dont know what the heck to do.
  12. this is what happens when you rely on friends that smoke far too much herb lol...i totally believe you guys.
  13. we tried to get a hold of bear point to get out there this weekend and they wouldnt reply to us.
  14. Its the same company that makes their big power stroke...they simply created a v6 version of it...it might be ok Diesel engines arent going anywhere, nearly every single car in europe is diesel. North american mindset is to think we are the centre of the universe. Dont forget that not only is the diesel car/truck more efficient, the process to create the fuel is also more efficient than refining gasoline. Also i can agree that emission standards are tough, however an EGR bypass basically fixes any of the common diesel plug up issues that seem to be messing up these newer emission friendly diesels.
  15. Short notice, and I have no idea are any of the operators on simcoe out on the laker grounds yet? And if so, any recos? i know guys are out there but it might be on a minimal amount of ice. hoping to go this sunday
  16. Are you saying some idiots are throwing christmas trees in the lake to make "artifical" structure and then going back and trying to find them come winter time?
  17. this is dope always wanted to try this out. Got out on Saturday -26...no hut...did two hours and my hands went completely numb and i could feel the tips of my fingers starting to get frostbite...got skunked and i called it. Rode the sled home going 35 and frostbit my face...ridiculous.
  18. notice he broke a 15 game pointless streak immediately after...not surprising, he was fired up.
  19. its taken me my entire life but i figured out a diet that works for me and keep me hovering in the 175-180 range while feeling great...the biggest challenge then simply becomes avoiding eating absolutely garbage all of the time. Its amazing if you just stick to the idea that from Sunday afternoon to Friday afternoon that you wont eat any garbage, drink any pop or beer etc and not eat complex carbs after lunch time...you are pretty much gonna shred weight. Dieting is rough on me because I have an absolutely huge appetite, so instead i just sub healthy low calorie stuff for the filler. Mainly in the form of lettuce in salad. I am also sure that it helps that I go on a crazy training regime to really turbo boost the weight loss...but maintaining is easy. Im headed to Japan in February, ive got 5 days of snowboarding and one of those will be alpine touring where I will be climbing 1000m on a split board and riding down back country mountains...aka im training hard My diet is simple but effective Protein shake in the morning, at 11 cheese bagel with turkey, light mayo mustard lettuce and pickles plus a big salad with tomatos and whatever dressing it doesnt need to even be heatlhy. Fills me up...hit the gym at 2, come back eat half a protein bar...then for dinner i literally eat whatever meat I want and salad, no bread, no rice, no carbs...I literally can eat as much salad as I want until i eat so much salad that im pretty much feeling like i could throw up lol. To drink? Water only and sometimes a coffee around 12pm. When you get a craving for something junky at like 9pm...i drink those 0 cal flavoured waters with stevia...they taste awesome and curb the cravings incredibly. My manager went on weight watchers last year...he wasnt really struggling at all and he lost 30lbs in a few months...that stuff really seems to work. He said he was never hungry either because he just ate a pile of low point or no point foods as snacks all the time. He threw in a few long walks per week and didnt cash in the points he gained back and absolutely shredded weight.
  20. i dont think there is anything contradictory about what i said when i clearly said "kinda sobering" Translated: this has me re-thinking some of the decisions i make when i go out. I stand by the fact that I still dont believe its a good idea to go out in a bass boat or any other low gunnel boat on big open lakes like that. If you dont think this will have the FLW rejigging some of their policies, i would bet that you are wrong. Regardless lets not spark a huge debate about the FLW when theres a guy out there missing...that conversation can start once all of the details come in.
  21. im hearing the opposite from some of the guys down there...although its all speculation. This is whats sad...theres a strong rumour that buddy decided to ditch the swamped boat and swim for it...temperatures were hovering just above zero this week on okeechobee. Rule on the FLW and almost any bass tourney is that a pfd must be worn while the engine is powered.
  22. without giving too many details, you guys are still shore angling these snakes in the vicinity eh?
  23. lol Matt's already proven hes a bandwagon jumper...i guess hes gonna hop back on the leafs train? even a tarp wouldnt keep his soft loyalty warm in winnipeg.
  24. no one crashed into eachother...the boat got swamped...the owner survived. Theres a video in my link of the boat swamped up on shore.
  25. hey i already told the boys...if it hits -25 im going. Yesterday was a toasty warm day compared to what they are predicting for tomorrow morning.
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