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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. If anyone here wants a true gauge of how much Matt understands hockey...just remember this post. more like one player leaving (Erik) away from the team folding and moving to Seattle
  2. I will also add...spiderwire is the only braid that I have ever used that has worn to complete failure (separating into thin strands and fraying)...it also left a terrible coating of melted plastic all over my reels. Just not a fan of the stuff at all, I cannot believe that it is now more expensive than power pro...back in the day spider wire was "crap braid" and powerpro was the good stuff...then all of a sudden people started going off about how great spiderwire is and now its the most expensive braid of the three suffix pp and spider wire...go figure.
  3. cant hate on smallies on the fly...even the little guys are a riot.
  4. leafs played the better game and rask stole it...just like good goalies do sometimes. Kudos to him, he put up a hell of a performance. Leafs needed a game like that in game 1-2 of this series. Take it away and learn. I hope this is all a learning experience for AM...dude was invisible last night with bergeron out. Hes gotta elevate his game and learn how to do it.
  5. ive tried other braids and I just keep going back to power pro...and now there is a whole pile of counterfeit braid on the market. Just like everything else in fishing, it just keeps getting more expensive. If you get a chance to go to the United States, keep an eye out, last time I was down I was able to get spools of power pro for 14 dollars a spool. One thing is that Braid is by far the most cost efficient line. Mono and Fluro both get memory in them, so ya some people will run them for years and say "i never have a problem" but they arent fooling anyone...lets get serious if you are fishing plastic line, you best be changing it every season at a minimum. The stuff breaks down too. Braid on the other hand...really it doesnt go bad...it does wear out after a lot of use. It definitely doesnt have any memory though. So spool up your power pro, if you are only getting out a few times a year, it will last you a hell of a long time.
  6. www.dunamisrods.com Josh hand makes them, lifetime guarantee. Only downfall is that it might take a month to arrive.
  7. Im guessing old habits die hard? Reminds me of the guys that fish in pointe au baril in the fall for walleye...they all seem to do somewhat ok, but they all fish like the 1970's when you could throw a straight hook down in the water and pull out your 6 fish limit in 5 minutes. My dad taught me to fish...i learned the old ways, The same methods he used back in Manitoba when we used to pull a 25 fish limit in an hour. They sorta worked...then i took it upon myself to learn different techniques, how to read the water, what gear to use...sure enough ive got the whole family catching a hell of a lot more fish then we used to.
  8. I dont know, we seem to catch walleye incidently easier in the middle of summer on the kawarthas than anywhere else. I also caught my #2 PB walleye on chemong last year...I keep hearing of more and more 30 inch fish coming out of those lakes...Personally I am a huge fan of the "dont keep over size" slot rule rather than the contrary keep only below and above that is implemented up in FMZ 14. Last year i saw too many people keeping 8+ pound walleyes and I thought to myself why in the hell are they allowing this?
  9. john thanks for posting it in plain english, I totally understand what you are describing now even if I am a little slow. You are telling me.
  10. Funny enough I reached out to my friend who is a retired CO and he just got back to me. This was his reply “Hey Scott, your take on it is right . If the purpose is to high grade your catch as in any derby I’ve ever been part of u need an aerated live well with the capability of water exchange. Catch and release is immediately release. Like any derby, the plan is to keep the biggest fish which means u will be catching......retaining...... and then possibly releasing that fish if u catch a bigger one. For that u need a live well. Hope that makes sense.” Sooooo...maybe it’s not so clear?
  11. just to be clear...i dont think anyone here badmouthed the marina? I apologize if it was interpreted as an attack on your business. In fact I made it very clear during my conversation with the owner that the organizer would not be the person responsible for the transportation of the fish, that would be on the boater participating. The thread title is in the form of a question. It could be interpreted as negative, however it provides the opportunity for everyone to ensure that due dillegence is being performed by everyone involved. I dont believe any business or individual is free from scrutiny, and i can assure you that I brought the question to this forum to ask what the members here thought. In hindsight I guess the best course of action would have been to contact to the MNR directly? I thought that would have been a much more extreme measure then asking a question on a forum. I take full responsibility for being wrong if that is the case. I will reiterate that no interpretation of the rules were ever disagreed upon between the owner and I aside from me asking how individuals without livewells were able to participate, since my understanding was that in order to transport live fish required a properly circulated livewell as outlined in the fishing regulations. I brought that interpretation to the attention of the owner and he thanked me for the information. I am glad that due diligence was executed by the organizer to ensure that the stipulations outlined in the regulations are met.
  12. you will be able to beat this price, mark my words...i got one for our alumacraft for 1799 last year. 60 inch, ipilot, 80lb
  13. lol 9-5 ahhahaa....hahhahahahahahaha.....MUAHAHAHAH you must have missed when marchand slide tackled johnsons ankle...oh and also when he but ended Anderson in the head.
  14. lol i never thought that I would make someone so upset with trying to promote people following our published fishing regulations...i guess it tells you a lot about someone hahaha.
  15. Livewell – A livewell is a compartment designed to keep fish alive. For a livewell to be used to selectively release Bass, Walleye and Northern Pike, it must be attached to or form part of a boat, hold a total volume of not less than 46 litres (10 gallons) of water, have the capacity for water exchange and be mechanically aerated at all times when live fish are being held in it (see Ontario’s Catch and Retain Rules, page 9). if you selectively are releasing fish, your livewell must meet the requirement outlined in the regulation.
  16. you still havent read the original post or my reply to yours lol. Nice
  17. I came here to ask what peoples thoughts were...people are acting like I immediately made a call to the MNR lol. I even told the organizer, i commended him for hosting a tournament where kids are encouraged to fish. I simply provided him the regulations and gave him a heads up as the tournament organizer that he most likely wouldnt want to be associated with promoting the illegal transportation of fish should the MNR one day decide to show up at his tournament. Knowing how the MNR deal with people who break the rules...there is 0 tolerance. As there should be. Also if this was just a small group of people doing something fun on a weekend, its a lot different than a business throwing a tournament with a $1000 top prize. Thats bigger money than any of the tournaments ive fished in!
  18. Next time...before you write a post...you should read the original post. "I took a screen shot of the regulation and forwarded it to the organizer" I hope you don't start a tournament if your intention is to break the rules. Trust me, id never want to fish something that promotes illegal activity.
  19. i spoke with the organizer and he admitted that he wasnt aware. I made him aware of the cooler livewell solution, but i can pretty much guarantee nothing will happen. Technically isnt the onus on the person transporting fish anyways? I guess my problem is that this is a two staged event, one for the kids which i greatly encourage, but then at the same time there is a legitimate tournament with a top prize of $1,000 and a whole pile of promotion for the guy's business going on. Really if you are an adult in a tournament trying to win $1,000 you should have your chiet in order should you not?
  20. So last fall I became aware of a fishing derby up in Byng Inlet that I took some interest in participating in this summer. Its called the "annual byng inlet whites marina bass derby" I thought that it would be a pretty fun event to participate in and asked for some general information about the tournament. The organizer reached out to clarify for me that the tournament is a winner take all big fish tournament...and specifically mentioned that it cant be a 5 fish tournament because not everyone has livewells...then i realized, oh crap...These guys are promoting the illegal transport of fish for their tournament...ugh. I know its totally uninentional because they even specifically say its a "live release tournament, and that all fish must be returned alive" I think they missed the technicalities.... Having spent a lot of time last year contemplating ways of creating a livewell in my tinner, i know the regulations pretty well. I specifically know that it is illegal to transport fish that are not intended for consumption in an un-circulated cooler or other device. its clearly laid out in the regs. Your livewell that is being used for the purpose of releasing fish must have a 10 gallon capacity and the ability to circulate water. I took a screen shot of the regulation and forwarded it to the organizer...hmmm whats a guy to do here...
  21. their offense isnt the problem, they scored 3 goals in a playoff game last game. In fact the very guy you are talking about had a goal and an assist last game. You arent going to win a game if you let 6+ goals a game into your net. More specifcally you arent going to win a damn thing if Polak and Ron Hainsey are your go to shut down pair. Rielly and Gardiner have proven that they dont have what it takes on the back end of the ice. You need help on the back end, the leafs biggest weakness that everyone knew was there has been exposed in the worst way, and looking at Shanahan and Lou's reactions, they know that they made a bit of a mistake this season and that changes are going to most likely need to be made. Remember leafs nation, you havent lost until youve lost at home. lets see what happens tonight. The leafs win? Game 3 the momentum is back in Toronto's favour.
  22. you dont win hockey games with bad players. You win by outscoring the other team. The way you do that is you play good offense and good defense, neither of which Matt Martin is good at. If you want to teach the guys how to play playoff hockey, you let them play playoff hockey and learn to be hard on the puck.
  23. lmao my buddy just sent me this...As a lifelong loyal Toronto Maple Leafs fan this one made me laugh pretty hard
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