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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. LOL! Where was I when they were playing ? Did you not take a video of that one song they played?? Went something like.... I got soul but I'm not a soldier.. Or the 3 takes of Brown Eye Girl? LOL Again another great weekend @ Bernies! But sadly we starved.. there was NO food... I blame Bill.. As he was not there to defend himself.. I thought we made a pact! My Mudpuppy was not caught!.. I whistled for it and it came! Yet another winter trip where additional bonds were made, Laughs were had.... and some fish were caught... it is amazing how a motley crew of fellas can get together every 3 months with little day to day contact... and just be... as if we had just seen one another yesterday.. That says something.. Anyways guys thanks again for another great weekend! Ohhh and Bill...... How's you're mom? did you happen to see the change on her night table? just so you know.... that was her tip! LOL.. yes you came up a couple of times brother.. hope all is well.. Now... to sweat out all the alcohol I consumed.... G.
  2. you forgot to knock on wood.... Now look at what you have done to our team! I say we vote Teej off the island! G.
  3. So thats what they look like! I wouldn't know..
  4. Wow... A "oldtimer" does a classy thing and says his goodbyes to those that matter here and KNOW him.. And you guys jump all over him.... perhaps it is this mentality displayed by some of you that helped him in making this decision. Such is the internet age I suppose.... OFC is definetly not what it used to be... I think alot of us "oldtimers" can agree with this.. Some of us remember it's former glory.... And to be frank... 99.5% of the drama created on OFC is not from the Oldtimers... but by the "newbies" 2 R's sorry to see you leave and hope you are just taking a break.... Be well my friend.. G.
  5. From Hockey to the Mens Long (Figure Skating) Program.... I bet GCD is watching the former with a bucket of popcorn and his eyes glued to the screen LOL... I hope everyone is enjoying the games. G.
  6. Albert did you not just purchase this boat? did you not check it out before forking over the $$? Looks like you have ALOT of work ahead of you brother. Hope you did not put out too much for it. I wish you all the best.. G.
  7. 2500 days a year? Jesus.... talk about needing to be organized! G
  8. Yup Rogers seems to work.... Telus on the other hand
  9. I completely agree. Some are pro union, others are not necessarily anti union... but do not agree with alot of the rhetoric and Bull that goes on... I myself am a non-union carpenter, and make more then alot of union guys given their seniority... That said the union does have its place... I was with local 18 for sometime... and to see my name on a list with 600 others.. was more of a discouragement then anything else... I am doing well, but alot of that has to do with my determination... and zero to do with seniority, G.
  10. I do know Kevin... he is my neighbour! him and his wife are good people... they are kind and more then generous ... let me run their trails and even lent me a life jacket when I was short one.. Better people you will not meet... My understanding is that Clarks installation service is looking... grain silos etc.... Hell I almost worked for them... heading up one of their turkey farms... free house etc etc... But I am a grunt at heart.. Good folks to work for though after talking to their employees. G.
  11. There sure is! right behind the old train station... Cat litter mostly... but good wages! Forklift experience will help here. Clark is a Massive farming operation.. Chicken, eggs, Installations etc etc etc... http://www.clarkagriservice.com .... I live next to a Clark Egg farm... G.
  12. There are alot of companies out there looking for young labourers with strong backs.. you being mobile helps... have you looked at Purina here in town? I also know Clark's is always looking for young talent... G
  13. Hate to state the obvious... but what skills and experience to do you have? G
  14. Spiel... no not yet... but then new work came up and kind of put a kink in things... massive job @ Henderson Hospital that I am in charge of.... Huge five floor asbestos abatement and rebuild. But... I am heading to Bernie's.. next friday in fact, and there just happens to be an open seat for you... should you be so inclined! G.
  15. Well I kind of know what I am talking about here... when it comes to the trades it all depends on Networking! you will meet a ton of other trades on-site.. get to know them.. get their cards. Especially other Carpenters. I too am a carpenter. There have been some slow times but over all I have done ok and have been pretty unscathed.. I freak out when I am not working for 2 days.. I could not imagine weeks.. I hate to say this on the board... But I gave up on my union long ago! I paid and paid.. only to see my name on a list with 600 other guys.. one guy more lazy then the next ahead of me.. I still earn decent scratch, have benefits and put into my own pension (RRSP's etc) and don't have to pay dues! I make more.. sometimes alot more then alot of my old "union" buds. I cannot stress it enough.. get to know you're fellow Subs and get you're name out there. I am with a private firm, and cold not be happier making more then union rates. 3 months in Site Supervisor, with vacation, pay and benefit increases.. It is not feast or famine everywhere.. Especially in the insurance repair industry (hint) G.
  16. Well it looks as though I blew the engine in my Snowblower.. Got it up and running for the first time this season. it started first pull, and other then a bit of smoke ran fine.. not bad for the first use this season.. Then things went odd... it started to make an odd noise. I looked at the engine and noticed exhaust coming from a rubber tube.. rather then the exhaust... Odd I thought.. Then heard a bunch of clanking and then a real loud one.. and now have a dead engine.. There is zero compression but I can tell the crank is turning.. so I am pretty confident I threw the rod. I removed the plug and the piston is not moving. Upon further inspection I found a rather large mouse nest under the metal housing... from storage. This machine owes me nothing... I have had it forever and had it given to me from an oldtimer that used it for ever.. it was a decent workhorse.. Now my question.. is there a reliable place to purchase a new or rebuilt motor for the frame? Preferably 6hp or over the frame is solid! and has NO plastic on it, pretty much free from rust and is well built.. It would be a shame to trash it, just to buy something made of mostly plastic, only to replace it in 5 years.. God I hate our disposable society... Anyways guys any advice? G
  17. oh oh... did someone say DILLI ?.... I too have been around alot longer then I care to admit... and I have been on the receiving end of OFC generosity... the positives far out way the negative.... are there things that bug me? Ohh hell yah! as Wayne eluded too certain posters use these forums as their own cheap advertising/marketing platform.. all under the guise of "the fish are coming the FISH are coming" buy my product.. buy my service!!" Or the blurring of backgrounds, steeples, sobeys, walmart... the list goes on and on... it is the people that honestly think their spot is Secret, Virgin and not known about my any other soul on earth that are usually the ones causing issues... and to be frank and blatantly honest... it is usually steelheaders that raise the stink.. But then you also have the flipside of the coin.. you have great contributers like Solo that from my memory anyways has not done this.. and could probably school alot of the so called "purists" kids on here on the river.. that in my opinion makes him a great contributor.. the lack of attitude and pomp... Something other then "mine mine mine" is a welcome sight But like I said.. the positives are why I have stuck around so many years... like many other posters.. in any group of friends there are things we do not agree with... all we can do is agree to disagree sometimes.. trust me I know.. alot do not agree with me! hope everyone is having a great weekend! G
  18. says the article cannot be found? g.
  19. How in the hell did I miss this post!?! Wow.. I had no idea B! Nice little winter project and will look sweet on that cedar's ass end! 13 more days... jesus... I soooooo need a day off! 13 days cannot come soon enough! See you boys soon... perhaps time to discuss lunch/supper options? G
  20. I know there is a place on Hwy 6 north.. Just before the auto clinic (NAPA) repair shop in waterdown... they should be more then able to satisfy you're needs. G.
  21. This guy walks into a bar....
  22. they are good guys... and fairly priced to boot.
  23. Keep logs? god help us... we're all going to be banned!! G
  24. From the place on Argyle? they are a good shop and won't steer you wrong.. dealt with them a few times.. G
  25. Unless your buying a Dodge... in which case it is a loss leader.
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