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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Way bigger!....I could jump across this creek LOL it has some very deep sections.... buit for the most part is very narrow... hell I can even see it on google earth... my own little slice of heaven... 2 minutes away...
  2. Thanks for all the advice guys... this spot is far from secret... but well hidden for the most part... and given that 80% of the town where I live are geriatric... I pretty much have the place to myself... except for the odd person walking a dog etc... I am using a st. croix rods with a stradic at the moment.... but might have to bust out one of my steel heading rods soon.... GI Joe is not a problem with the trout in the picture... if you look carefully.... it is missing an eye.. There are some deep pools that they are to be holed up in... problem is all the overhanging trees and brush.... The hen in the pic was very close to the bank.... as if she was sunning herself... and could care less that I was there.. tomorrow I am taking a walk up river to do some exploring. G
  3. Alot of fish this size... and one I estimate at 7-8 pounds... also seen quite a few browns as well
  4. I have a small trib located very close to me...(Zone 17) heavily over grown, so pulling out my trout rods would be difficult in this location.. I have seen countless rainbows (shallow slow moving creek) I have tried roe bags and tubes.... nothing seems to get them to commit... I have placed them right infront of there faces... and nothing! Is there something I am missing here? Should I be fishing this creek differently? I am using floating roe bags... and have tried pinkies etc... I am not using a float as it is not practical for this creek... I am open to any suggestions. Thanks! G
  5. douG makes a MEAN baked bean.... wish he was still around for the recipe...
  6. I love the Grillin' Beans Steakhouse flavour.... Mmmmmmm!
  7. Recently they have em here... I used to have to go to the states to buy em.... and your right when you do find em here... small cans only and not all the varieties...
  8. Gotta love Bush Beans!!!!!!! I wish it was easier to find them here in Canada... not to many places carry them. Edit to add: Those ribs look awesome!! (in the smoker? or the boil and BBQ method) G
  9. http://www.ontariofishing.net/fish-recipes/
  10. Give Gunner a call.... Hamilton is not too far away.... and this guy is TOP NOTCH! works from his house... pay cash... anyways... Special Touch Marine Upholstery & Canvass 209 Brigade Dr, Hamilton, ON L9B 2G4 905-385-3409 Several OFCr's have used him with good results. G
  11. Happy Birthday Brian! G
  12. mmmmm Sheppards pie!!!! what I wouldn't give for a home made one right now... I am making a dutch pot roast... while awesome I love a good sheppards pie! G
  13. Take a look at radioworld.ca They have the a 78 bundle for 350.00... Bundle includes GPSMap 78, Garmin G2 BlueChart (010-C1019-20), 12V Cigarette Lighter Adapter Cable(010-10085-00), Marine Mount(010-11441-00) or the stand alone 78 unit is 265.00 Radioworld also has the 62s listed @ 349.00
  14. PFOS contamination has migrated: MOE The latest government test results show low-level chemical pollution from the city’s airport is spread throughout the sediment in Lake Niapenco. The Ministry of Environment lake sediment tests, published in a recent update report, confirm perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) has migrated from the airport and settled throughout the bottom of the Binbrook reservoir, about 13 kilometres downstream on the Welland River. The report shows the sediment PFOS levels are much lower than those discovered in ditches and a holding pond near the airport’s former firefighting training pad, where the chemical was originally released in firefighting foam in the 1980s. The airport holding pond, for example, showed sediment concentrations of up to 1,000 nanograms per gram. The average levels of PFOS found in Lake Niapenco sediment ranged from 2 to 4 nanograms per gram, depending on depth. MOE surface water specialist Craig Fowler notes in the report there is no “toxicity benchmarks” for PFOS in sediment. But he added the contaminated lake and river sediment should still be considered a potential threat, because when sediments are disturbed “they can be re-introduced into the water… and result in uptake by aquatic organisms.” The PFOS investigation began after Environment Canada scientists accidently discovered high levels of the chemical in turtles in the reservoir in 2009. The provincial government later changed fish consumption guidelines for the lake and Welland River to stop residents from eating the most contaminated fish. [email protected] 905-526-3241 | @Mattatthespec
  15. Good luck in your new venture Cliff! are you sure that email address is correct? G
  16. Also look at the clips that hold the tubes... they have a tendency to bust, break and crack... it could be something as simple as the bulb losing contact G
  17. Awesome!!!! I am soo sorry I missed you guys... but things are what they are! awesome report! G
  18. I never had anyone change a post for me.... I am 300 kms away from the person you are thinking of, Taking care of Ill grandparents. If someone changed it... which I see someone did.. I certainly did not know about it. That said... I find it asinine that someone that actually asks a fishing related question here, gets ridiculed for it.. We are after all a fishing related website... No matter how new or old... we all started fishing somewhere in our lives.... be it 3 years old or 30 years old. There is a beginning to everything. The OP found this site, and asked a fishing related question to fellow anglers. Hoping to get a straight answer from his peers... instead certain people jump on him.... Shame on them for doing so. As for the NHL mention... read again... Fishing related website. It says OntarioFishingCommunity..... not OntarioHockeyCommunity.. I understand the need for non fishing related posts... but to jump on someone for the ONE interest we have in common (Fishing) is uncalled for in my opinion. G
  19. They 99.99% build on a manufacturers blank....
  20. I think you would be surprised at the warranty Spiel does offer, he is fair and honest (provided you are too) I have seen him do alot of warranty work... wouldn't hurt to drop him a line. And your getting a better rod then you could buy in store. G
  21. Paul smoking in the house?!? Wow! you must have been in a good mood Spiel G
  22. AWESOME!!!!!! I am I sorry I couldnt be there to see them
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