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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. He's so pretty, oh so pretty, oh so pretty and witty and gay...... G
  2. I do not use a leader, and cannot remember when I have lost a fish due to the line breaking.... I use powerpro and a cross lock. G
  3. w00t! Nice fish man! I agree with the others that last picture is great! G
  4. We had a pretty good storm here last night as well... G
  5. Fishon... I have seen about enough... take your centrepin, take your barbless hooks and take your attitude elsewhere. I said it in your first post.. You're an ass. G
  6. I know I can write of business cards, PDA's and computers... things that I require to do my job.... but am required to pay for personally... if the employer is willing to purchase these you cannot claim them... It has to be a condition of your employment to require such items to do your job http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pbg/tf/t2200/ G
  7. Cliff notice the net? LOL! G
  8. w00t I am a super hero and a kid... thats, like awesome.. do kids still use awesome? PS.. Wayne, have one in 5/8's? G
  9. 5 posts before tonight Hun.... LOL! but someone says post count means nothing.... content does or some crap like that
  10. I think the word TOOL is an appropriate description here. dumber then a bag of hammers.. Hand the man a left handed screw driver please Good luck to you.. G
  11. in your second post you replaced it with st3v3 or some nonsense.... Internet Hero eh? w00t! Where is my cape??!! To Infinity and Beyond! G
  12. Fishon... welcome to OFC...but you are fighting a losing battle I am afraid... sure property rights need to be respected... BUT.................. I HIGHLY doubt, the intention of your report was to provide a report on fish... but was indeed a lamely disguised as an attack on a member of our board... Your message might be the right one... but the manner in which you are presenting it leaves little to be desired. Gerritt.
  13. soon to be added to the Grand River... Electric Carp! w00t! get your bait now.. there will be a shortage on AA's G
  14. I should mention... a net was used in this SteelHead report LOL! G
  15. Terry... This is his third thread concerning the exact same thing.. The mods removed the first two... Perhaps they are leaving this one to embarrass the poster into submission? His attitude sucks, in his first thread he was pretty much calling Steve a trespasser, in his second I was one because I let him know he was being a turd in the first one.. so he stated I had to be guilty.. Sigh.....Steelheaders..... I am just thankful they are not all like this... G
  16. My original reply to the first post is still relevant to this post. G
  17. I recall seeing this on Discovery a couple years ago... Still amazing G
  18. Be sure to bring a sweater... I dont want to hear that that all you caught was a cold.. Ohhhh... Tiller! G
  19. Yeah,.... Wayne good thing your not a Bass Fisherman either.... G
  20. Problem is the structure was probably built after insurance was put into force.. I am sure the insurance company would probably want to see permits and stamped drawings before paying out on the structure.. Not sure here... but I think the insurance company would be looking to sue someone to recoup their costs... especially if proper procedures are not adhered too. You just cannot build anything you want anywhere you want anymore without proper documentation and permission from the proper authorities. There are reasons that contractors do things by the book ie. permits, engineers approvals etc... to prevent the Contractor from being sued in case of loss. Would you underpin a house without an engineers report? highly unlikely. I see little difference here. Farm building, House, townhouse complex Do things by the book and your safe. Did the structure conform to the OBC? Did it comply to municipal amendments? Were loads calculated and verified? were soil tests done to ensure the earth could support the structure? etc etc etc... There are so many variables here that would have been known conditions had a permit and engineers report been obtained. G
  21. A world record fish could be worth MILLIONS advertising contracts, product spots etc... Would I keep a world record fish when we are talking about that kind of money?? Yes I would..... But only if I was sure it was a world record fish... The likely hood of that happening? Next to nil. G
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