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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. are you able to read my mind or something? I need to invest in tinfoil... scary.... I was just looking at it! thinking to myself....... G
  2. DO not give in to the special interest groups! We better hold a rally and start a non-profit Bernie... Next thing we know the Spring bear hunt will be gone! Ohhh Wait.... G
  3. I will be picking up a Lowrance Unit from Angling outfitters and it was explained to me that a 4' antenna will give me about a ten mile range... but an 8' will provide around 25 miles... quite the improvement! This unit has DSC :thumbsup_anim: http://www.lowrance.com/en/Products/Marine...Radios/LVR-250/ G
  4. I Like the darks and the bitters always have... But that being said I also like Pale Ales.. So when I am not drinking a bitter You will usually see me drinking MacLays. G
  5. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17792 G
  6. <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mImiK8MwRg&hl=en"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mImiK8MwRg&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mImiK8MwRg&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
  7. So far I have about 300.00 into the floor (aluminium is not cheap).... I did the front last year forrest, now I just need to plywood and vinyl the rear w00t! Thanks Vatordude... I hope to have i finished next weekend! G
  8. I was there @ Angling Outfitters yesterday... Jos almost had me grabbing one.... Expect I already had my budget in my hands... I will probably pick up the Lowrance unit next month.. then add the 8' Antenna.... will it ever end? LOL Did you pick it up yet??? and what about your experiment?? conclusion? G
  9. Bernie, Dan.... Trust me you will all have time to open your wallets LOL... better to delay the inevitable! G
  10. 1/8" Aluminium Stock kinda heavy duty... but I only plan on doing this once! LOL... the GPS unit is located on a RAM mount... and the FF is located beside it.... I will be sure to post some more pics as I progress... G
  11. Ahhh Yes... I need to vacuum and wash her down before the floor goes in... She is sleeping amoungst the trees... and this is the first time I have had her open since last fall.... some crap got in there... She says she is sorry she showed her dirty dirty Diiiiiiiiirty behind G
  12. Well Today was a nice day so I figured I better get the boat going... May 24 is fast approaching! I made sure when I first purchased the boat that I got the front floor done... as it on such an incline I could see an ankle being snapped.... I left it at that... knowing full well I would be starting the rear Floor this spring... This is to give the guys out there looking at doing their floor a bit of insight Main Brackets Cross members The small rear section... I also got my new GPS Chartplotter installed today... Works like a champ! Now to cut the Marine Plywood and put in the decking... Add the new FishFinder and the Stereo... Now... please let weather stay nice!!!!! G
  13. Jos' is awesome.. I was there yesterday and I brought Bill Parker with me just so he could met Jos and see the store for himself. I picked up a Navionics 08 chip A new reel and a bunch of assorted stuff... Well worth the drive for Anyone looking to make a electronics purchase... there is a reason he is the NUMBER 1 Lowrance dealer in Canada... NOONE can touch his pricing.. and noone can touch his expertise. He is truly a gem when it comes to marine electronics... a bit different but a wealth of information.. Why would I buy here, when just down the road was $300.00 cheaper, and acually has a passion for what he is selling you and will not let you leave until he sets it up for you... It is for that reason alone I have been back 4 times.. since my first visit.... We just do not see that kind of service here in Hamilton... nor can anyone touch his pricing on electronics.. just ask around... I now tell EVERYONE to go to Angling Outfitters... well worth the drive.... G PS... The stores around here could learn A LOT from Jos.. Better to sell 100 items @ 10% profit.. then 10 items @ 50% Profits.... Sadly... word of mouth is king... adapt of get the F out of the way...
  14. taper.... TDG is the devil..... Viewsat and TDG are the ONLY FTA peeps to have been served....simply put because he is a horses arse... I know first hand.. would you like a copy ? I would not expect much by the way of service in the near future.... he is not expected to be able to afford his own defence.. just a word of advice G
  15. it makes sense... it was a make believe link....... that I guess was real.... crap happens... it seems ONE person "may" have been affected... the original signature of New Angler was way worse then your make believe link... which I doubt was the cause of his problem... as I also hit on your link... with Zero issues. Keep on trucking douG G
  16. douG... your still our "golden boy" we all know you do not have a malicious bone in your body.... No need to apologize. you have done no wrong. G
  17. Well I have to second douG's Gweetches and Appo Juice... Amazing!.. if you are blessed enough to have one.... run @ the chance... phenomenal! G
  18. Ahhhh..... but you are free... Free to associate yourself with whom you feel comfortable with.... with life you will not get along with everybody.. to think so is foolhardy... everyone has their detractors. but you can not let those people define who you are or how you carry/define yourself... Be yourself and you will have already earned your respect.... I am sorry if I hurt your feelings in the past... but the things I told you needed to be said at the time. You seemed like a strong woman that was a touch confused and was coming here looking for advice but being new you were exposing yourself too much, I said what I said to prevent you from taking any more abuse because of the nature of you're posts... I did not post with the intention of hurting your feelings.. infact the exact opposite.. to prevent you from being attacked from the masses... I hope you can see that now.. I also hope you understand my intentions. I am who I am.. I am opinionated, passionate and sometimes brutally honest... some people can accept me for who I am... some see me as offencive (usually those that have something to hide)... others to be honest wish they could just be like the rest of us.... somehow.. we seem to make this work.. and for that reason they feel the need to try and break it down. I have made hundreds of great friends on this board.. and sure I got my hand slapped from time to time... but I know they are doing it because they honestly care.... it is when people dont care what you do... that you have to be worried.... why? it means they have given up... Alot of these people have seen me at my absolute LOWEST... picked me up, brushed me off and helped me along my way... some are still helping me now.. (They know who they are) Alot of people here on this board have not walked in my shoes, or for that matter the shoes of alot of the members here.. and have NO idea the amount of support we have all received... that is what unites us.. The care for one another when the chips are down and a hand to help you get back up... I owe this board and some of its members WAY more then I could ever describe in this post. Twilight your in good hands trust me... Your an OFC'r G
  19. Twilight want in? It'll cost yah though.... 7 years of your free time sounds appropriate LOL Just kidding... There really is not some inner sanctum here, there is no conspiracy either..... some people just know each other better.... only reason for that is the time committed by the individual... Some of us have met on many occasions be it on fishing trips, swills or just to help one another out... is there a greater community here at work then just chatting on the board? For sure their is.. and anyone can be a part of it if they choose... All they have to do is be selfless of them selves, Show up at events and network and put yourself out there!.. Trust me not everyone is going to like you, and that is ok! we are all very different individuals.. but you will find the people you feel comfortable with and you too will have more then just the board alone can offer.... I cant say it any plainer.. Put yourself out there... and think of someone other then you're self... and you would be surprised at some of the amazing friendships that can be formed... G
  20. True I should have listened! LOL..... Ohhh I should not have talked politics with Canadave as well .... I think my stance on the seal hunt and who in fact owns the arctic might have had something to do with it... Ohhh well live and learn.. My only comeback to him was... I saw you in Bass pyjamas.. lol G
  21. I have been around aloooong time as well.... I am not part of the old boys club either... infact I am barely tolerated.. G
  22. Dropies and Hopjes. Mmmmmmm... maybe a few rusks with some well aged Gouda and Shaved Horse meat. Nothing Better Gerritt
  23. Posted April 2, 2008 Mercury cuts 50 salaried positions By Brett Rowland for The Northwestern Mercury Marine laid off 50 salaried employees Wednesday as the boating industry continues to founder. That’s about a 3 percent reduction in the company’s local work force, said Mercury spokesperson Steve Fleming. “These are difficult decisions, but necessary decisions,” said Dennis Rooney, vice president of human resources at Mercury. Rooney said the cuts were made in response to sinking demand for boats and engines. The job cuts are permanent and came from a wide range of positions, including office workers, managers and directors, he said. Mercury officials have said from the beginning of the year that 2008 would be a tough year for the company and the industry. More jobs could be cut if the economy continues to slump. “Now, as always, Mercury Marine constantly monitors the state of the marine industry and the demand for product, and reacts accordingly,” Fleming said in an interview Wednesday. “Therefore, additional reductions in work force are a possibility should the market continue to weaken or if we see a more effective way to address market opportunities. Staffing adjustments are a reality for all businesses, and Mercury is no exception.” The cuts did not affect Mercury’s 1,600-member union, the organization’s president Mark Zillges said. Union members have suspended contract negotiations with Mercury Marine and plan to meet April 12 to vote on strike authorization, a precursor to a walkout. The union’s three-year contract is set to expire June 21. A number of employees also volunteered to retire early, and other vacant positions will not be filled. The majority of the cuts came from Fond du Lac, but workers in Florida and Oklahoma also lost jobs, Fleming said. Fleming said “generous” severance pay would be given to employees who lost jobs. Rooney said other assistance, including a program that helps workers find other jobs, would be available. Fleming also dumped more cold water on rumors of more drastic cutbacks. “There are no plans to sell, shut down or move Mercury Marine,” he said. The last time Mercury laid off salaried employees was in 2006. There are other signs that the tide is running the wrong way for Mercury Marine’s parent company, Brunswick. Brunswick announced plans last week to shut down production of Baja boats in Bucyrus, Ohio, by the end of May. Some 285 people will lose jobs when the plant closes, according to the company’s Web site. The shutdown came in advance of plans to sell the Baja to Fountain Powerboat Industries, Inc., of Washington, N.C. Brunswick’s boat sales fell about 10 percent last year, according to a company press release. Other Brunswick mandates have hit closer to home. The company decided not to replace Mercury Marine President Pat Mackey, who retired in February. And more recently, the Mercury jet and hangar at the Fond du Lac County Airport were put up for sale. Fleming said the decision was made after Brunswick evaluated its aircraft fleet and determined the “jet was not longer a cost-effective method of transportation.” Worldwide, Mercury employs about 7,000 people. Breyy Rowland writes for the Fond du Lac Reporter
  24. <object width="500" height="465"><param name="movie" value="http://eplayer.clipsyndicate.com/cs_api/get_swf"></param><param'>http://eplayer.clipsyndicate.com/cs_api/get_swf"></param><param name="flashvars" value="swfHome=eplayer.clipsyndicate.com&va_id=558676&wpid=0&csEnv=p"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://eplayer.clipsyndicate.com/cs_api/get_swf" flashvars="swfHome=eplayer.clipsyndicate.com&va_id=558676&wpid=0&csEnv=p" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="300" height="265"></embed></object> What do you think it is? G
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