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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2008/04...5199181-cp.html G
  2. Ohhhh but they can be used for Muskie Fishermen..... Chuck one at the next PWC that zips through your troll! G
  3. Wow.... Did realize people were interested.... I suppose I should give you a bit of Background.. I started toying with the battery card(DTV), Then came the F, H and HU and now the yet to be publicly available P4 and p5.... and in between all this... there was a whole lotta crap that went on... Bootstraps, to make fried cards work again etc, Emulators, ECM's, Black Sunday...These are just some of the terms from back in the day.. I made a decent living in the old days.. had a thriving web business and was doing well... Why? we were in a "Grey Market" The logic was If you could not buy a loaf of bread in the corner store... well then how could you steal it? well we as Canadians could not legally purchase/subscribe to DTV... so therefor how could we steal something in which we could NOT buy....... People were winning in court... Some were losing.. Anton Pillar orders were being served... it was not pretty.. I know of one person in particular that was sued for 19 million.... and lost... why? He was dieing of cancer and could not be in the US to defend himself.. this is when I decided enough was enough.. and got out of the game... But at that time it was still technically legal in Canada.. as we were waiting on the Supreme Court Trial... I did not care.. I wanted out.. There are alot of details I have to leave out for obvious reasons.. you can blame the CRTC for the current garbage we have... And that is what I did.... enough was enough... this is how I got interested in satellite TV... it was more then just a hobby for me... I am with BEV now as a paying sub.... why? LACK OF OPTIONS!.... Starchoice sucks! I do have two FTA receivers as well... Both are Pansats.. I think I have had every pansat model there is up to my present ones.... I run two 3500 SD's I also have brand new STB I was given to test (I am a mod on another forum dedicated to FTA) it is called the ICon it is brand spanking new and supported by blacklist.. Dan if you have any questions regarding any further details required please feel free to pm me But Do NOT rely on FTA.... as updates need to happen etc.. G PS. Right now I am running a BEV 6100HD receiver.. Going to the 9000 series PVR shortly.
  4. Do you have the "HD" box from Rogers? Cable is Way worse the Sat for quality of HD.... also what setting do you have your TV @ while watching a HD channel? 480i/p 760i/p 1080i/p?? G
  5. HUH?? (I used to manage a FutureShop) back in the day.... G
  6. forrest... I have to disagree... Satellite uses an encryption scheme hence the reason you are supposed to pay for them.. OTA broadcasts do not.. they are free for anyone to pickup with the right equipment. "Bunny ears" LOL... we should continue this in PM so as to not further highjack this thread.... G
  7. Yah sorry Brian.... We got kinda carried away there... it was not intentional lol these things happen... we were just talking tech nonsense etc.. Get a big one! just make sure it is flat and thin LOL! Just kidding brother.. PM me or Forrest if you have any questions about anything we were discussing on your thread, G
  8. I know they dont use bunny ears now (In Literal terms)... I used that as a frame of reference so others could follow along lol.... but they essentially do the same job as Bunny ears from 30 years ago though! lol
  9. I do not believe it will. Then again I have to apply my logic to your stance... It will be coming eventually I am sure. The first channel to have OTA will probably be the VR too... I think Bell is launching the new sats for two reasons.... one is to save face... two I am sure is to add some more HD content... however that said, right now there are only so many channel broadcast in HD... I think once the SD format is gone.. that leaves bell with 4 sats capable of broadcasting in HD but for now 3 will be able to handle all their bandwidth needs just fine... Things will work out for the best... Besides.. they have to... there is a new beast on the horizon..... and that is Fibre I am not seeing anything for Barrie that is OTA... but I only did a quick 10 minute search... but everything for the Golden Horse is good.. G
  10. So spend 300.00.... on and antenna so I can watch Corner Gas and Red Green.. Or Take that same 300.00 and purchase a HD system from Bell... knowing they are launching 2 more satellite's to deal with the compression issues... I am not trying to be sarcastic here... Bunny ears did not cut it ten years ago... I dont see how 300.00 bunny ears are going to cut it now to be honest.. Sure they get you some programming.. But 300.00 on a set of bunny ears..... G
  11. Sorry added to my post while you were responding it seems.. G
  12. forrest how many station are currently broadcasting in HD over the air? Given his location in Barrie... I am by no means a HD newbie.... BEV is still better then ANYTHING any cable company will offer. period. I have been in the satellite game ALONG time... Big things are coming.. Sure BEV has to compress the signal due to bandwidth per transponder issues..... Just wait... Did you know BEV is launching new birds? they are being built by Boeing. Dishnet is already launching theirs However the first bird experianced issues during the launch and is not in the correct Geo-Stationary location... a clip of the news release... The AMC-14 spacecraft, owned by SES Americom, was supposed to have been put 36,000km above the Earth but only got to 28,000km, launch officials say. It is understood the Proton's Breeze-M upper-stage failed to operate properly. The failure will be a source of concern to the satellite industry which has now seen a Proton fail three times in three years - the last in September 2007. BEV Licenses their technology from DishNet.... and security is maintained my NDS.. Just thought you would like to know. G
  13. Just remember this!!! Cuba Libre Por Favor & Cerveza por favor G
  14. Woot!.... Dang I knew I should have been nicer to Cliff and dropped more hints when my Birthday was nearing!! Dangit! G
  15. <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiV_ue-PbL4&hl=en"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiV_ue-PbL4&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiV_ue-PbL4&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
  16. Brian, Plasma is what you are wanting to look for especially for fast moving sports such as racing, hockey etc... but REMEMBER in order to achieve the TV's best performance you will also need a HD Source... such as a HD Bell Expressvu Sat Reciever.. If you need a hand @ models and brands... please give me an idea on what size you would like to have... Also drop me a pm... G
  17. Thats cool wanted to make sure I was not losing my mind... G
  18. I think Steve should start posting Musky reports!... the difference being grow men are attacking you... not hormonal teens... G
  19. Am i experiancing dejavu? I know I was ill but did Steve not post a report on this trip complete with a slide show? Might have been my medication... sounds like a good time though. congrats and a nice report. G
  20. That is just their personality...Steve they cannot help it... it is everyone else that is wrong... never them.. G
  21. heck I will give them all firearms and sit and watch G
  22. how convenient...... Stealheader here you are again spreading more negativity... I dont see this thread lasting very long because of you and those like you. You should feel proud. G
  23. Dawg, Why don't you tell us how you really feel? LOL You feeling a bit of cabin fever too? being relegated to shore... I feel you're pain, I feel you're pain. G
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