It was not dragged into this thread by anyone other then the merchant in question. I am glad that Justin had a great experience based upon my recommendation! As well as TBayBoy... hopefully others follow...
But to point a finger at anyone other the the merchant here is wrong...
Justin pointed out he had great service from Company X, Company Y came along stating they could have done better... When I know they are more $$ .. Not to mention Company Y is not even in the same geographic location as Justin... Did I get a bit carried away bringing up past experiances? Yes I did.
But Company Y I feel felt the need to promote themselves on a thread that offered NO mention of them unsolicited.... while we extolled the virtues of Company X
Plain and simple.
Glad you got a bit of follow up Art! They are a great company to do business with, and I will use them in the future based upon my previous experiances with their service.