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capt bruce

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Everything posted by capt bruce

  1. Im with Fang 100% , been running charters on lake O since the early 80's , Fenwick twist rods , Daiwa reels , and line counters are tho not a must if you want to later get into dipsys and flat lines , and if you fish O you WILL ,you will be ready , I run four riggers off the back and two off the sides 12 round ball on the two middle rods , 12 pound fish shaped on the outside rods as I can bend the tails to get them to track a little to the sides .. I have temp and well its nice but ??? speed at balls is nice but ?? get a good graph and go from there , cheaters ( A 10-15 foot length of line with swilvels on each end ,one end for spoon and one to go around line , clip the snap around line after you have the rod set and throw , beware have hooked myself many times throwing a cheater over board .Two middle riggers are run the deapest 5 - 10 feet apart two outside back riggers runn alittle higher and the two side riggers the shallowest , a inverted V sort of thing .. Pm for questions , ROY has said my pm probs are over (i hope) ...
  2. Lean BEAR ,great ROASTS , best "roast beef" we ever ate at home came from a spring bear ,my older brother and dad brought home 2 every year for as long as i can remember , cant do that now , my bro goes to N.B. now to get one and shares with me ,Dad passed away , if my DAD knew you couldnt shoot spring bears , better hes gone , he might just have spent the ammo on some P3TA guys and gals !!!!!, cant do that in ONTARIO , POOR POOR BEARS , ya untill they eat some poor P3TA hiker or break into your summer home . HEY YOGY SMARTER THAN THE AVERAGE BEAR , lay out on the ice those humans and RANGER SMITH will feed me , than I eat their ass when they not looking . THE way I see it , meats allready chilled just needs to be killed ....lmao
  3. The vast majority of carbon monoxide deaths and injuries have been caused by propane radiant heaters sold by the coleman company . Unlike some heaters of other manufacturers , Coleman heaters do not have safty devices to shut down the heaters when carbon monoxide levels rise . Most coleman heaters do not have a carbon monoxide warning on the heaters or in the instructions and warning documents . The coleman heater that almost killed me and some friends in a winter camping outing was called a POWERMATE .These heaters should NEVER be taken inside any enclosed area . Inside a enclosed tent , camper , or fish hut without a LOT OF VENTILATION a person may be dead from carbon monoxide within a a few hours . After that first year we bought heaters with carbon monoxide shut off ,now we allways leave a window open , a good sleeping bag rated for winter use and a heater with carbon monoxide shut off and just in case a carbon monoxide detector , better safe than DEAD .. Great Post dude like I said first year we thought COLEMAN has to be safe , theres no WARNING .. Lucky all we got was a really bad head ache and thru up a little ..
  4. Thats what she said last night ... lol
  5. If you told me winter camping 15 years ago , ARE YOU NUTS , but a few years ago me and a few brave friends went out with tents and propane heaters snow machines and took on some great laker and splake lakes around Elliot Lake for some ice fishing . First year we froze our buts off but we learned and next two years we did well. In the winter you have access to places you could never think of going with the swampy land and bugs of summer , Get out there if my wife liked it ,all will , as my wife hates bugs and wet feet ,I thought she hated cold too , but if you plan well and with the winter stuff you can buy these days .. NO BUGS < NO PEOPLE < NO SWAMPS < how can it not be fun ..
  6. Bet in didnt taste as good as dodo or Giant Ground Sloth more like a Yellowfin cutthroat trout ,
  7. The ger (the original Mongolian term), or the yurt (in Russian), is the traditional dwelling of the Mongols and, in general, that of nomadic people in Central Asia. So Terry guy ,they both the same .. But what you stayed in N.A.W.was nither , but for us poor Cunucks it is a close Fact-Simile and you had a good time whats in a name , weird shaped tent , etc. etc. no sheep skin involved tho , and a wood stove ??? ... My wife and another couple dog sleded (is sleded a word?) into Algonquin Park from a place in Maynooth , stayed 10 days dogsleding , hourse rideing , skidoo rideing ,yurt sleeping , NO drop down beds tho , I know my wife wishes, was a great vacation went new years eve and stayed . Wish my health allowed it this year as we wanted but my body (and sorry my wifes too ) did not allow ..I will recommend winter camping to all,if its cold ,make the best, get out there ,NO BUGS , NO PEOPLE just the great outdoors , and the chances of seeing wild life is so much better than in the summer when the bush is so unforgiveing , allmost every night we sat around a roaring camp fire with the wolves howling at the moon talking about the deer and moose we saw that day , best time I have spent south of Superior , and dog sleding is a BLAST , MUSH YOU DOGGIES >>>
  8. As I said have not seen him since 2010 , who do you think gave him the idea , was working for the city than and had a few guys in the machine shop make up some ... lol hope the boss is not reading ... have 10 or so .. before my illness had 8 huts on the bog I would rent out .. when its dark and many wobbly pops the buzzers sure helped ... wake up dude you got a hit ... lmao
  9. Knuguy ,Gord I think is still around last I saw him and Paul Quarrington was in 2010 .. I allso was a member, guess I still am tho have not been to any outing since 2010 .. Me and my son have built many bamboo rods .. The reason for the shape is you take the 6 bamboo strips and cut them at angles that gives you hex shape when glued together, I know there are guys who buy blanks and than attach guides and a reel seat and call them selves ROD BUILDERS , And Im not trying to take away their skills but a well made BAMBOO rod is just that "IT WAS MADE by the builder" . Gord DEval is what I call a rod builder and I own two rods he built for me and each is a work of art , and anyone who enjoys reading , Gords books about fishing are great reads ... And anyone in the know, the Canadian casting team is one of the best in the world .
  10. And they TASTE GOOD TOO , best of both worlds , why eat only the ugly ..
  11. Was staying far far away from this , 6 hours in my boat 200+ in gas , lets go to the island/ontario place ... 300 there and back , lost tackle , broken rods , etc. stc. priceless ... BUT when I go out with CUSTOMERS i price the trip to MAKE A PROFIT , friends ride for free and if they want to chip in a little I dont like but will take ... YOU HAVE got to separate FRIENDS from CUSTOMERS >>> AND you brag my Guideing pays all my expensives , but YOU ALLSO say I NEED THIS money , one or the other ... Friends are friends CUSTOMERS are people WHO PAY >>> sorry should have stayed away
  12. Heres another guy will give you the shirt off his back , and half his back too .So so many great people here , Irish ,hope all is well ,Members this guy is the real thing , no better ...
  13. Cliff I know Merc will just say ya ya , all in a days work ..But you know ,I know and anyone here that has been in the need of what he can help with know, "WHAT A GREAT GUY " modess as you are Merc , you desearve to be reconized as a great member to our community. A great big shout out to MERC , YOU DA MAN AGAIN >>> B
  14. NOW now , Pigeon , you are on OFC , we do not say , A CERTAIN NATIONALITY , but YES some people do like the taste of some things OTHERS do not , people are people tastes are to the Individual , we all have rights some we want some others want .. if you dont break any laws ?????? You could just have said PEOPLE THAT AGREE WITH THIS ARE WORONG , not some nationality, unless you speak for them , hard to speak for a whole NATIONALITY ..
  15. "uga baby dance" TOO TOO much info , please DO NOT POST A VID .... lmao ... if it works go for it but just and a big "JUST maybe" she is saying if I give him some he WILL STOP DANCEING lol ...sorry dude could not resist
  16. Funny but I had the same thing happen to me but I was given I think it was a 24 hour thing . I went home changed the light drove right to police station ,maybe a half hour latter .. Told the guy at desk what had happened,showed him the ticket , he asked "you changed light " , I told him car is outside .. He said case closed , I was so mad he did not even go outside (was a cold raining night) to even check ...
  17. You got it Bro , HOPE and more HOPE .. and where has all this hopeing got us .. Soon to be 8 years NO PLAY OFFS , back of the line "NO PLAY OFFS FOR YOU" , WE NEED A COACH , someone to teach the penalty kill , make some plays to clear our end , give the young guys some direction , all the things a GOOD COACH can do, WHY DO YOU HAVE (PAY) a coach ???? we would be so much better if they just let Dion send out the lines , save money anyway , why pay for DICK ALL ... and who knows what crazy move BURKIE will make to help us ... two more ORRS , duhhhhhh ,Marlies all ready have TOO MANY players of that type ,we have as I said 6 lines between marlies and lafs of 3 and forth liners , Kes can score, but the other guys ,when hes on the ice can and WILL score too , maybe (sic allways)more than him ... HE (KES ) scores one goal we lose by three .. no brainer hes at best second line material , WE HAVE even if you count LUPAL (returned from the dead) NO FIRST LINE NHL PLAYERS >>> enough said Im out , GO Boston , or to keep my CANADIAN Citizenship Van but no play offs for us we is done again ...
  18. X 2 you got it bro , we need some good front office guys, GUYS WITH A PLAN,not just GO GET THEM BOYS , WE THE MAN ???????????
  19. We play OK (at times) but just OK , our special teams etc., (AHHHH nothing special there), suck , thats where you need a COACH ... we are so out coached by the better teams ,Wilson , Burk , what you think is a good guy "Orr ", maybe a good guy, gives you what hes got ( not much) but he has NO place in todays league ,waste of a sweater , love the guy ,hate that hes on our team , old school ,the league has passed you by , maybe in 1980 NOT NOW ...Again a nother year where I eat my words and let my friends beat me up when I say LEAFS will be there this year ... THere is 11'th "NO PLAY OFFS FOR YOU" place. From a die hard super leafs fan , ware blue underware , got a blue leafs tat on my belly ( I know too much info).. Please before I pass on , just once !!!!!
  20. Dont ya know it , lmao
  21. Head you got it right ,could not say it any better ,and Im a few years older ... We need a coach , and some first and second line guys , we have the best third and forth liners in the league (five lines of them ??? ), a decent goalie and a few first liners and god please a COACH.. as it is , we done , done like a chrismas goose ..see us against New york ( a real team )never mind the GO NO WHERE SENS , so sad ,no can do we are just out played out checked out scored out golied out coached , out what ever ..Been a fan for so long , sad sad to see what we have become , WE HAVE Best third and forth lines in the league X 2, too bad about our D and first liners .... NO PLAY OFFS FOR YOU . GET TO THE BACK OF THE LINE ...as if we didnt know , Burk you are so old school the game has left you behind ...
  22. Ive given up on pm's cant open them , guys get mad ????? I cant read what I cant see !!!I will now try other broswers ,as people have advised , explorer (expolder lol Roy) sucks , i know , but its what old guys like me know , or dont know ??? Im so glad its not just me , happeness in numbers , does not help that me and others cant get their pms .. Will take Roys advise and try other ways ,to those who send pms and I do not answer , I Cant say anything but "ME DUMB" ...but so are others lol ...
  23. So So sorry , wish I had some thing profound to say , Hang in there guy , she has gone on to a better place . I'm sure she will be waiting for you and you will be again joined in heaven ... My prayers go out to you and your family ..
  24. Thanks Jasper , Would like to help with wife and your trip , BUT first , "DOES YOUR WIFE OWN A GUN" lol
  25. Never know what crack heads will do Bill ,ya never know ???? Thank you Bill if your invite of peace is true, allways respected you ,sorry we got into this pissing match , river fishing bites it, get on my boat and I will take you out to 400 feet 13 foot rods mouching reels 50 fish days, ask missfish ,now thats something to debate ,small rivers verses the great blue , lets just leave this as a difference of opinion, no harm done, lets just live and let live , what good becomes of the people who want the world to be a better place, no matter how different we see that result ,when we choose to fight amonst ourselves ??? Please I know you are comeing from a good place just dont see that place as real ,hope you see we want the same results??? , wish I had as much faith in people as you have , maybe you can teach me not to be so jaded . Invite is allways open , really dont like fighting with people I like, so many asses out there , why pick on good guys , hope you feel the same ...GO LEAFS GO (now you know IM crazy) Bruce
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