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Everything posted by FinS

  1. wtg looks like you had a great day congrats
  2. i have a 6'6 berkley lightning rod that i really like and the wrap around the second eye is starting to peel what can i do to fix this besides buying a new pole thanks
  3. wtg nice slabs
  4. u can fly fish the maitland river in goderich not far from grand bend and same for bayfield river never fished the ausable
  5. ill have a better weekend when division 19 opens next week have fun out there and paly safe looking forward to some bigguns be caught and photographed
  6. american eel is that considered a ling
  7. i know a guy in michigan who has em but they cannot be brought into ontario i suggest if you really need em they can be found anywhere throughout ontario make yourself a leech trap add some raw meat and you should be in buisness leeches are nocturnal so its best to set your traps early in the evening and check em before sunrise find a whats his name or small pond that is knee deep in your area that dont hold fish and you might be in luck Good luck finding 50lbs
  8. everyone just needs to stop buying gas for 1 day once a month they want to play games with us well u have to play back but the hardest thing is u need gas to commute take a day off work just for this
  9. well here it is picked it up at a yard sale for $50 gave it a paint job and a bigger motor and voila still gotta fix the throttle cable and its done its a lil indian fox with a 5hp briggs and stratton clocked it doing 41 mph on gps i dont let the kids drive it yet so all the fun is for me lol
  10. sounds like alot of fun if im up that way i will try to stop in for a days fishing with the boys
  11. good luck
  12. FinS

    New Here

    welcome aboard
  13. try some gulp in pumpkinseed and natural works good here somedays also try adding an extra trailer hook for live worms this can fix your problem with them always falling off good luck
  14. welcome aboard
  15. good luck with the shoot looking forward to the report
  16. dont know much on the lake but good luck my parents live up that way and the mosquitoes are starting up bring a bug coat or hat it helps alot
  17. no such thing as private land on a body of water
  18. gummy worms are the best hookem with a stinger and flutter them slowly get hungry and you can eatem
  19. lol no one owns water dont let that fool ya especially on lakefront property( no one owns the water not one single person ) not even the goverment maybe around it but not the water example this guy owns a marina with 20 docks you stand on it he kicks you out , you go the next day in a canoe he says get out you tell him you own,,,, the docks but you dont own the water he can do nothing absolutly nothing unless you pull a gun on him or put litter all over
  20. congrats enjoy \
  21. hopefully u get rain soon that sucks i know what its like i know lightning and dry bush dont mix well i always keep an eye on the sky
  22. well one thing is that i always have my pfd in the boat by my side but never wear it worse comes to worse it is there if i need it there is no law on wearing one so that will be it
  23. so did you manage things up?
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